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Huntsman and Huntresses. These are what warriors who fight off Creatures of Grimm in an effort to protect humanity are known as. You’d expect these individuals to be mature and aloof, maintaining an aura of power and authority to keep the public’s respect. To imagine them as anything else might shatter the general populace’s perception of these almost mythical warrior’s images.

The reality is that they’re people too, and they have their own flaws, wants and desires to deal with.


Eyes fluttering open to the gentle trilling sound of her scroll’s alarm beeping, Pyrrha rolled over in bed, feeling the squish of her padding between her thighs as she dismissed the alarm.

Her diaper was thoroughly soaked by this point, the result of several nighttime accidents putting the limit of her thick padding’s absorbent interior core to the test. It’d become less fluffy and soft and more of a squishy absorbent mush trapped inside a very crinkly plastic shell. Yet despite the strain her wettings had placed on the padding, none of that interior moisture graced the sheets.

Her solution was working even if she didn’t want to admit it.

Pyrrha was a full-fledged Huntress, accepting missions on a regular basis through her employer. Her experiences at Beacon and Ironwood were long behind her now and she spent the majority of her days training or eliminating Grimm. Adult life didn’t get much more complicated than that. She was an experienced combatant and worked dutifully to be good at her job.

The only thing out of the ordinary was the bed wetting…

She’d had a hard time accepting it at first, but a few days after her 20th birthday it was obvious that the problem wasn’t going to go away. Many sets of ruined panties and sheets were all the proof she could accept. Over a year had passed and Pyrrha had avoided letting the issue become public.

She’d been too embarrassed about it initially to seek medical help. She figured that because the problem didn’t seem to extend beyond nighttime incidents, it wasn't necessary. Instead, she sought to deal with the issue herself. A small amount of internet searching clued her in to a company that made pull-ups in adult sizes. In an effort to curb her time spent washing piss-soaked bedding she reluctantly ordered some.

The elastic waistband fit snugly and Pyrrha felt secure as she went to bed. The issue was that this was a rather short-lived comfort. She woke up to find the crotch of her pull-up swollen beyond belief and leaking down onto the bedding once again.

She cursed and bemoaned the situation, going through the process several more times before finally giving up and placing a rush order on the same site, this time for actual diapers.

When her new padding arrived she was astonished to see it wasn’t just slightly thicker than the pull-ups she’d bought, being almost triple their size in terms of padding. Six strong tapes gripped to a huge landing strip that came halfway up Pyrrha’s midsection. If properly worn the diaper still hung halfway down her thighs and spread them apart with a pillow's worth of padding tucked between them.

She woke up after her first night in a diaper with dry sheets for the first time in ages though her usage had certainly tested the padding around her waist. With each passing day, Pyrrha grew more used to the padding, so much so that being awake without it had started to feel wrong.

Her panties were so flimsy compared to the comfort of her diaper and the nagging worry that whatever was happening at night might occur during the day never left the back of her mind. This is where the pull-ups came in handy. Combat was decidedly too difficult in her diaper so instead she decided that, for even just the barest minimum of protection, she’d wear them during the day.

The redhead rose from her dry bed with a big yawn, pushing herself from the edge and allowing the weight of her soaked padding to slump heavily as gravity took hold. “I wonder if one isn’t going to be enough soon,” she said, “I swear there’s more every day.”


Jaune didn’t wake up with an alarm but rather a pounding on his door. He jolted awake, sitting upright in bed and alert. “Shit,” he cursed, “I overslept again didn’t I?”

Through his living space he could hear the knocking continue with a persistent tempo that let him know his partner was getting impatient. Pyrrha was never one to be late and she was hardly going to let Jaune’s slight penchant for laziness impede her. The problem was he wouldn’t be ready fast. He not only had to get dressed, but there was also the matter of a much needed change to take care of.

Ever since he’d started having wetting accidents in bed a year ago he’d been fairly diligent about keeping it under wraps. Diapers meant he didn’t have to take pissy sheets to the laundry room every morning, and if he remembered to set his alarm he could clean up before any missions or training.

He’d been so on top of it all this time, or at least able to bluff his way out of getting caught. Apparently today was going to be a bluffing day due to his laziness. With drowsiness still creeping at the corners of his eyes Jaune stepped out of bed, the swinging gait of his padding keeping his legs well apart. He did this not only because of the massive size of the nappy between his legs but also because the clammy feeling first thing in the morning wasn’t.

He began the waddling journey out of his bedroom, moving somewhat slowly to tell Pyrrha to give him a little bit to get ready through the door. If he could get thirty minutes he’d be in the clear. However, by the time he made it to the living room the knocking had stopped. Jaune started to call out, going to ask for some time to get ready.

Before he could though the doorknob started to turn, a slow creaking that filled his head. Of course, he hadn’t locked the door. Before he could say anything it was already open.

The door to the blonde hunter's apartment opened gradually, giving him ample opportunity to dive behind something and cover himself.

An opportunity that he utterly failed to use.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to; he was frozen, stuck to the floor from a petrifying fear that left him exposed.

He could stare down a charging Grimm with zero hesitation, would face off against any enemy, but seeing that growing crack in the door while knowing what he was wearing was far too much for him to handle especially when he caught that hint of red hair just beyond it. He knew that color so well.

“Oh crap…” Jaune thought, looking down at his own body to see that he was in fact nude except for the sloshing wet diaper taped to his hips. His first instinct was to reach for one of the tapes. Maybe with a little luck and high-speed movement he could remove it before she came in, maybe he could convince her it was a joke.

None of his ideas came to fruition in the brief seconds before the door opened all the way and Pyrrha was fully visible, her eyes scanning Jaune.

He tried to say something, to distract her from the obvious elephant in the room, but all that escaped his lips was a somewhat incoherent babble. He couldn’t find a way to justify this, simply floundering beneath Pyrrha’s inscrutable gaze.

He wanted to run and put distance between the person he not only considers his teammate but also the woman he holds a romantic interest in. Before he could though she actually moved forward, closing the distance between them by crossing the threshold into his apartment and shutting the door.

She didn’t say anything at first, keeping the increasingly intense eye contact with him for several minutes. Jaune himself didn’t break the silence either, too petrified to even try anything more than searching Pyrrha’s eyes with his, trying to dig her thoughts out from beneath them.

Finally, she spoke up, breaking the stalemate.

“So how long have you needed diapers?” she asked, putting that special emphasis on the word ‘you.’


The initial reaction Pyrrha had upon seeing a very exposed Jaune in the middle of his living room was shock. The little bloomed yellow spot of wetness on his diaper looked all too familiar to her since she’d seen a similar one this morning across the crotch of her diaper.

Her next thought was just how cute he looked with that pre-soaked padding around his waist. It was hard to deny the sense of dreamy enjoyment she felt watching his confuddled face shift through a variety of emotions before landing on acceptance, she’d seen him and there was nothing the blonde cutie could do about it.

There was a variety of questions that went through Pyrrha’s head as she closed the apartment door behind her but she started with what she saw as the most obvious one. “So how long have you needed diapers?” she asked.

Jaune, obviously a little taken aback by the question, shrugged. “It’s been about a year.” Apparently he wasn’t willing to offer any additional information unless she pressed for more.

“I…” She wasn’t sure how to proceed without hurting his feelings but saw no way forward besides barreling through. “Do you… need them?”

She saw Jaune’s face contort through assorted expressions as considered his options in answering, resignation crossed his face and he finally said, “Yeah, I’ve been wetting the bed.”

Pyrrha could see how hard admitting to his nighttime accidents was for the proud blustery hunter, she herself was struggling with it herself. She turned her head away, trying to preserve some of her pride while lifting her skirt.


Burning with embarrassment didn’t tamp down the curiosity and arousal growing within Jaune as Pyrrha lifted her skirt, exposing more and more of the tights she’d been wearing underneath. He cursed the noisy exterior of his diaper, crinkling slightly as a burst of arousal hit.

It only got worse as from beneath the hem of her skirt puffy bulk pushed against the fabric of her dark tights, stretching it thin and showing off poofy pink padding packed inside a plastic shell.

He’d been so self-conscious about his own diaper that he’d failed to notice her wide stance and the way her own tights swished across the pull-up.

“You too?” he asked, disbelief permeating every bit of the question. He found it impossible to look away, his eyes honed in on Pyrrha’s padding and stayed there.

A little chuckle rose from Pyrrha’s throat, indicating that she’d noticed his indiscretion though she likely didn’t care based on the laugh.

“Yes, me too. Apparently you and I started having issues at a similar time because just after my 20th birthday it started. I… I went through a lot of sheets. I’ve been having to wear it in the daytime for a bit too, just after one accident. I don’t want to be embarrassed by a wet skirt in the middle of a battle or anything.”

“Practicality above all else, that’s just like her.” Jaune thought.

“So you’ve been wearing during the day, I hadn’t even thought about that.” he said, his tone having relaxed slightly along with his body. The secret between them wasn’t as one-sided as he’d thought when Pyrrha had entered his home. Instead, it was something they shared.

“Do you think it’s something that happened to the both of us?” he asked, “It seems weird that we both started wetting the bed almost at the same time.”

At this Pyrrha gave a noncommittal shrug, a gesture that was somewhat shocking to Jaune. He figured the revelation that this was might be a connected phenomenon and not a minor personal bodily change would jump his teammate to action, but she didn’t seem especially bothered.

Instead, she approached Jaune, half-lidded eyes betraying an intent he wasn’t ready for at that moment. “I don’t think it matters,” she said.

Without even thinking Jaune started trying to back away, putting distance between himself and her. “What are you doing?” he asked.

The space in Jaune’s apartment quickly disappeared behind him, leaving him only a wall to bump into. Pyrrha closed that distance quickly, coming up to him with a speed that seemed frighteningly swift.

She was upon him, locking her eyes with his and peering into them intensely like she was trying to discern something through them that he couldn’t explain. They searched his, looking beyond to something deeper. Then in a flash she moved closer, moving in to bring her lips to his.


He felt the gentle moisture of her mouth press into his, with the delicate puckering that indicated a kiss.

Then it was gone.

Jaune leaned forward, craving more beyond the peck on the lips that Pyrrha had given him. His eyes had closed, his skin had flushed and something lit up inside him that he couldn’t explain. When he opened his eyes back up again there was space between him and Pyrrha again with her doing a little hop-skip step across the room.

“Get ready please,” she said, almost like the last several minutes hadn’t happened, “We’re already late as it is. I’ll be outside.”

And then she was back through the front door, leaving Jaune behind. His jaw practically hung open and, feeling generally overwhelmed, he remained locked in place until he heard his front door click closed.

“What the hell…” he said, still shaken by the interaction. It all happened so fast and his ability to parse through it all felt severely impacted by the heat flooding his face. “is my brain boiling?” he asked the empty room, “It’s fine, just a little peck. Pyrrha and I have had a thing for a while, nothing new.”

That was only true up to the point that while, yes they’d been flirting for years, she hadn’t done so knowing about his need for padding. It was the same for him. He'd had no idea the woman he’d been so enamored with needed a diaper at night but it didn’t change his opinion of her in the slightest. Maybe it even enhanced it.


Once out the door Pyrrha rushed away from Jaune’s apartment. She didn't want to be so close on the off chance that he followed her out as her bold nature was dwindling. The peck she’d given him was such a warm and lovely moment of intimacy, but she wanted to do so much more. She stopped herself from going too far though, recognizing not only that it was a little too fast but there was a possibility of Jaune just not feeling the same attraction she felt at that moment

Then a thought struck her. “Was it attraction?” She wondered, thinking back to him in the living room. His body was bare, fully exposed and still slightly glistening in the slight sheen of dewy sweat from being underneath his blanket. All he had on was that diaper, so… so soggy and swollen and tantalizing that she had to go toward him, to put her lips on his and maybe brush the front of his padding with her fingers.

Pyrrha gulped, realizing she had done exactly that. “Yep,” she said to herself leaning against the wall, “definitely attraction.”


With an uncertain gait—his diaper didn’t usually feel quite so noticeable—Jaune waddled back to his room, stripping himself of the soaked padding to start the long process of getting ready for the day.

Wiping himself down somehow felt lonelier than usual, a process that he normally would have done in several quick swipes and forgotten about now took substantially longer because Jaune found himself lingering during the activity. His mind wandered as the cold wipes slipped over his skin, drifting toward the idea of someone helping him with the task, somebody he’d just seen.

Jaune absentmindedly imagined Pyrrha’s strong hands holding the wipe, tracing it across his skin with a gentle touch and an even gentler tone to her voice. Assuring him that it’d all be okay once he received a fresh diaper…

He snapped out of it when his scroll beeped, alerting him of a message. It was from the same person he’d daydreamed of like a distracted schoolboy—Pyrrha.

“Don’t take all day up there, we’re still late.”

“Shit,” Jaune cursed, dropping his sopping diaper and the used wipes into the diaper genie he’d had to purchase just to keep the smell of urine from permeating his apartment. From the floor, he snatched up the clothes from what he’d dubbed a ‘clean’ pile—giving them a test sniff just to be sure—before turning his attention toward the underwear drawer, then back the stash of nighttime diapers he kept next to it. “What if Pyrrha had a point, if there was a real need to actually wear the diapers not just at night but also during the day? The embarrassment he’d feel from wet pants was somewhat terrifying.

“…Maybe I'll just try it today,'' he told himself, snatching up one of the blue camouflage diapers he’d purchased. Using the wall as a pressure point he pinned the padding between it and him, holding the back while he brought the front up and around. It worked like a charm to get the tapes exactly in place, especially since he had to do it alone.

Another thought of how much easier it might be if Pyrrha was here to help passed through his head, but he shook this one away faster.

From his bed, Jaune snatched up the clothes for the day slipping on his jacket and upper armor fairly easily. His pants however proved to be a problem, the band refusing to slip comfortably over the bulky nighttime diaper and the crotch not having enough space for it.

When he finally got everything the bulge cradling the entirety of his waist was extremely noticeable and he could feel the padding compressed so tightly around him, practically choking his nethers in compacted fluff.

Whether he liked it or not this would have to do, his scroll already chiming again, indicating that Pyrrha’s patience was running thin. “No backing out now. I’ve gotta go.”

The beeping from his scroll jolted Jaune back into motion as he immediately recognized how bothersome trying to move with any kind of haste was with the new bulk between his legs. The crotch of the diaper brushed between his thighs with every step, rustling aggressively with each movement he made toward his pants.

“I didn’t know just how bad this would be. You don’t realize how thick they are when you’re laying down, plus I’m always so tired anyway… maybe I just didn’t notice it before.” Jaune rubbed the back of his head while considering it. He in fact often didn’t notice the diaper’s bulk at night, his own exhaustion kept him from focusing on it.

Now, with a relatively clear head thanks to the shock of discovering Pyrrha having the same affliction, he could ruminate on every issue he had with the nappy. The extra unnatural sound and excessive bulk were issues, no doubt, but the way the leak guards squeezed his thighs was what really got on his nerves. They were a hair too tight, digging into the musculature of his thigh meat.

With urgency on his mind Jaune snatched up his shirt and pants, pulling the top on first. The bottoms he chose were jeans made of tight denim, which quickly proved to be a hindrance to his dressing and he was sure Pyrrha would have made fun of him for it because of course he hadn’t thought of the extra space needed to fit the diaper. He'd yet again charged in without thinking things through.

He considered digging through his laundry pile for another, looser pair of pants. However, what stopped him was the little notification on his screen, reminding him that Pyrrha was waiting. Frustrated, Jaune began working the jeans up his legs.

He was doing good up until the inseam of his pants met the crotch of his diaper. He still had a couple of inches to pull up the garment before it sat right. Tugging at the sides of his jeans, Jaune started scrunching the material beneath the denim and compressing it even closer to his body than before.

“Jeez. And here I thought it was tight before…” he grumbled.

The padding squeezed ever harder against Jaune’s privates, practically swallowing them in the mounds of fluff packed into its plastic shell. It was a struggle just to button the jeans up, the puffy butt of the nappy straining the relatively strong denim.

When all was said and done Jaune wasn’t sure if it was worth the effort. Getting his jeans closed had taken a while and they looked practically close to bursting open if he moved wrong. Not only was the material stretched across his diaper, but the zipper’s interlocking teeth looked as if they were barely holding together.

He sighed, snatching up his armor and deciding this was as good as it was going to get with his emphasis on hurrying. Awkwardly he waddled out of the apartment, feeling more constrained than ever before.


Down in the Lobby of Jaune’s apartment building Pyrrha waited, humming to herself happily. She’d sent the usual message asking him to hurry up but it wasn’t really indicative of her mood. She was somewhat thrilled to discover Jaune’s nighttime issues.

It made her feel slightly less alone.

With little to do but tap her feet while she waited, Pyrrha reminisced about the moment she’d walked in on him earlier and taken in the spectacle of his mostly naked body, tousled hair, and diaper. The dipping crotch soaked with a night’s worth of accidents, and the way it hung off his hips because his tape job was slightly sloppy—just like him. It all sent a series of shivers down Pyrrha’s back.

“And just when I thought he couldn’t get any cuter.” she mused, sitting with the feelings of attraction and arousal that rose out of it. She would be the first to admit that she felt a certain infatuation with Jaune and that his physical appearance played a part in it. However, Pyrrha wasn’t sure how she felt about her personal thoughts becoming so sexual about his diaper. That continuous image of him standing there was making her feel flush and she was a little conflicted about it.

Without realizing Pyrrha somewhat lost sight of where she was, her hand hovering over her skirt. She stopped, pushed away from the wall she was leaning on, and took a deep breath, centering herself.

That episode may have left a little wetness in her pull-up, and it was no accident.

Pyrrha’s strange and sudden journey of self-discovery was interrupted by something clattering down the stairs, filling the empty and quiet lobby with a pervasive amount of noise. Jaune appeared suddenly at the base of the stairs, practically skidding to a stop at the bottom.

The clattering noise had been a piece of his armor which he’d obviously been trying to get on despite his hurried rush down the stairs. The blonde was breathing heavily, flustered from his rush, and cradling several other pieces of armor in his arms.

Pyrrha laughed at his antics at first, but upon looking him over stopped when she reached his waist, noticing the bunched and puffed material bulging from inside his jeans. She covered her mouth, more stifling a giggle rather than an outright laugh as a burning blush overtook her face.

“Oh my,” she thought. “I can’t believe he’d attempt to fit a nighttime diaper in those tight jeans.”

Pyrrha had thought before that Jaune couldn’t get any cuter than when she’d seen him in just a diaper, so it was funny how quickly he’d managed to prove her wrong.

As soon as she could stop her giggling she rushed forward, grabbing the precariously perched armor out of his hands and holding it while he re-adjusted what he had improperly put on.

“I could have waited while you got ready.” she said.

“Yeahhh, but I knew we were already late. I know how much of a stickler you are for punctuality.”

“It’s not worth you breaking your neck going down the stairs. It’s just a private training day anyway, so it’s okay to be a little late.”

“Thanks,” Jaune said, pulling his bracers tighter, “I think I’ll need it. I’m having some… mobility issues.”


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