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“The worn cobblestone of the castle barely reflected the flickering light of each wall sconce, requiring several of them to be placed along the long hallway for adequate visibility. The heat from the controlled flames catches you off guard, its unsteady light glinting off of the sweat the party has built up while fighting their way through the dungeon.”

The “party” all looked at each other, Mattix the Barbarian leaning heavily on her greataxe while her wizard friend flipped through his spellbook, counting out the slots he had remaining.

The rogue Cire tallied up the loot while he waited.

The wizard, Percious, piped up after a moment. “I’m burning through spells way faster than I thought I. Would it behoove us to turn back while we’re in a good situation?”

Mattix cocked her head, wondering the same. As the tank of the party she was responsible for receiving the brunt of the hits while her companions stood off to the side. By her guess they were only about halfway through the dark castle dungeon their quest had led them to and she didn’t really have enough HP to make it to the end without the use of potions or at least a rest.

“We can’t leave yet,” Cire argued, “We’re raking in the riches!”

It was true: the enemies here had been dropping spectacular amounts of gold. Still, they knew they’d have to fight to get every copper that was their fair share out of Cire’s hands anyway.

“But the enemies are getting stronger as we progress,” Mattix announced, projecting her voice to show her command, “if we hope to go further we will need to take time and rest.”

“In the dank castle, you cannot be sure of yourself. You get the feeling that resting here would be uncomfortable and dangerous. Because of that, you feel that a short rest would yield no benefits.”

A collective groan from the party broke the atmosphere of the moment, breaking the immersion and bringing Matti (Mattix), Erik (Cire), and Percy (Percious) back to the table covered in papers, chip crumbs, and a plethora of dice. Matti dropped the commanding barbarian voice that she used for Mattix for a more disappointed tone. “Come on Wallace, you don’t have to be like this. Just let us have a short break. It’s not like we’re asking for a full night’s sleep on the hallway floor.”

Behind his DM screen, Wallace considered the proposition, tapping the tips of his fingers together like a scheming cartoon businessman. He laughed, throwing a hand into the air to dismiss their concerns. “This dungeon really isn’t that hard guys. If you feel like you need it I’ll allow a short rest though. It’s no big deal to let you get some hit points back I suppose.”

The table sighed with relief, quickly retreating back to the adventure in their minds and the castle hallway where their characters posted up.

Food and health potions were distributed. Mattix lashed out at the thieving rogue for his loot hogging and the wizard reviewed his spells, trying to form a suitable battle plan.

Once all three felt confident and healthy enough they repacked their items and continued on, hoping the deeper reaches of the dungeon didn’t hold terrors too much greater than what they’d already fought.

The continuous combat went on with the party encountering roving packs of guard skeletons in the halls. The encounters weren’t tough necessarily, but the small detriments still added up. On their fourth or fifth encounter, Mattix found herself locked in combat with a boney footsoldier.

“The undead wildly swings at you with its blade, lashing out with a reckless abandon.” Wallace described the attack with a bite to his voice, one the clatter of his d20 backed up as it rolled behind his screen. “Ooh,” he groaned with faux pain, “That’s a crit. It’ll be doing 36 damage to you Mattix.”

In the real world, Matti eyed her character sheet, marking the lost health. It wasn’t overly detrimental but her character definitely would have felt that hit.

“It’d be a miracle if my leather armor doesn’t suffer from that too.”

That thought sparked something else within her, a long-ingrained image brought back to life from an 80s magazine. “Wallace,” Matti started, interrupting him before he could start the next round of combat, “A hit like that sounds like it would do damage to my armor too wouldn’t it?”

Wallace thought on this, then nodded. “It would, but I’d probably have to count that as a permanent AC loss. Is that ok—”

Matti was nodding enthusiastically before he’d even finished speaking, piping up excitedly. “So in a flurry of slashing blows the skeleton’s sword cuts away strips of Mattix’s leather armor, nicking her with each strike!”

All eyes at the table focused on Matti as she described the attack for Wallace, taking over the scene.

“What’s left is little more than a loincloth and a strip of leather across my heaving breasts, barely containing them as a tight binder.”

Slight chuckles came from the other members of the table.

“My boots come up to about thigh height, but the thin leather strips holding the two long flapping bits of the loincloth at the front and the back hang off my hips, giving anybody who looks at my side profile a view of my shapely rump.”

The scattered laughter among the group had quickly died off, leaving a slightly uncomfortable silence over the table. Matti hadn’t even realized that she’d been speaking so passionately that she’d become breathless until she finished her lewd character description.

Wallace just nodded. Whether or not he decided to ignore Matti to move on or because he didn’t care was unclear, but he didn’t outright ban her recounting of the attack. “Cool, take 5 off your AC. Cire, it’s your turn next.”

Cire proceeded to pull a sneak attack from a hidden wall nook while Percious smashed a skeleton to bone dust with a barrage of magic missiles. Each blast of force smacked into the animated bones harder than the last, leaving only the undead that’d attacked Mattix left.


“It hits.” Wallace said.

“Mattix brings her greataxe down on the skeleton, no longer unhindered by the tight leather of her armor. Her muscles bulge with effort as she lands a hit for…”


“16 damage!”

“The skeleton falls before you,” Wallace said, “leaving you free to continue on your journey.”

And continue on they did, with the rest of the hallways being skeleton free as they traveled. There was a puzzle where they had to follow a specific path through an antechamber. A misstep caused Percious to depress a floor plate accidentally and a mouth from the wall fired a pitch-black orb of annihilation at him, nearly destroying him.

Mattix made a quick save, scooping the wizard into her arms and pulling him away from the consuming void’s flight path.

The other end of the Antechamber fed into a larger arena-like room, one where a pack of goblins waited for the party.

“Two goblin shamans stand on either side of the arena, each raising their staffs while uttering ceremonial chants. In the middle of them, several warriors and archers stand around a bonfire. Up above, standing on a balcony a woman wearing a long, thin dress with flowing hair watches you curiously.”

“This must be the castle's sorceress! The foul demon plaguing the land.” Percious declared in his best old man voice.

Immediately a specific person popped into Matti’s head, somebody who exemplified the “powerful demoness” image better than anybody else. “What color is the sorceress’s hair?” she asked.

Wallace hesitated, giving Matti the opening she needed to impose her own will on the situation.

“She’s blonde right, I remember you saying she was blonde with long hair.”

“I. No I never sai—”

Matti had already stopped listening.

She was already picturing her Valerie. Valerie, the cheerleader who’d forced her way into Matti’s apartment and declared herself the big dork’s new roommate.

Matti blushed a little thinking about it, driving her hands down to her lap in a move that she tried to pass off as a stretch. Her fingers pressed into the puffy bit, into the crotch of her pull-ups that were imposed on her by her real-life dominating sorcerer.

Valerie did have a spell on her after all, a way of mesmerizing her into doing what she wanted. That included being corrupted into somebody who wore pull-ups, something that might later deteriorate into something thicker if Valerie’s threats were to be believed.


She’d gotten so lost in her own thoughts that she’d completely ignored the first calls for her character’s action. The game board showed that Cire had disappeared into hiding while Percious had backed off, leaving her the obvious target for the encroaching goblins.

“Mattix raises her axe, charging into the mass of goblins to swing at the pitiful creatures who dare oppose her.”

It seemed the dice gods were on Matti's side at the table as she made short work of the first group of close-range enemies. Rage and cleave rules meant she dealt with one of the three groups in a flurry of attacks. Afterward the other two looked at her in fear.

The Shamans in the corners each shouted something in Ghukliak at their weaker minions. Reinvigorated, the groups of scraggly creatures approached Mattix again, making unsuccessful swings against her.

Cire struck next, occupying a group of archers while Percious launched a fireball at the others, wasting them in an explosive inferno. The party was decimating the goblins' numbers. However, even with their powerful offensive, the goblins' time to counterattack had come. The chanting of the shamans filled the coliseum chamber.

“The chanting builds in volume with both priests alternating their cadence. Suddenly the chanting climaxes into a powerful shout and each fires a blast of magic toward Mattix, hoping to pacify her. The ray of enfeeblement smacks directly into you. The magic spreads through Mattix’s body, exhausting her muscles. You may roll a con save to try and shake it off.”

At the table Matti rolled her D20, knowing with her high constitution she’d likely be fine against the debuff. The resin dodecahedron hit the table. Just as she saw the very promising 18 the phrase “exhausting her muscles” registered in her brain. She snatched the D20 from the table, rubbing her neck in embarrassment. “I-uh botched.” she said, “It’s a critical fail…”

Wallace nodded solemnly, taking in the information. "Alright, your attacks will be weakened but at the end of each turn, you can make a con save to get rid of it.

Matti took a deep breath, preparing the explanation in her mind before she pitched it to Wallace. “I-I have a weakness to magic as a barbarian. A ray of enfeeblement would probably permanently weaken a muscle group for me. I… what if the magic made my bladder weak because of it? Like a curse.”

The table eyed her in various states of disbelief but Wallace was the least perturbed. To Matti’s surprise, he looked to be considering it. “It's a strange request but you’re not wrong. With your weakness to magic I’d say it could be a random event.” Behind his screen, Wallace rolled a die. "Alright: 1 through 5 was what you had to hit to get cursed and you got 1. We’ll go with the curse you suggested where if Mattix drinks too much or gets tagged in the stomach she may have an accident. Is that okay?”

Matti beamed, making note of the “curse” on her character sheet. The other goblin fired a group of magic missiles toward the barbarian, missing the mark.

Even weakened as she was, Mattix was able to clear another horde of approaching goblins while her companions pounced on the shamans firing magic. They remained occupied through the next round making Mattix’s job easier. She slashed through the final group of goblins and even passed her constitution check to shake off the ray of enfeeblement’s debuff, though Wallace assured her that the curse would require the intervention of somebody more powerful.

“With the goblins gone you’re free to explore the room and tend to your wounds before following the sorceress.”

“I’ll be looking through the bodies for loot!” Cire proclaimed, immediately rustling through the pockets of the goblin mages and archers to find anything of value and restock his crossbow bolts.

“Uh,” Matti started, shifting nervously in her chair, “I’ll need some help. I can feel the weakening power of the goblins' blast. I-I worry that I may make a mess. I need some ‘protection’ before we go forward.”

“Percious looks at you,” Percy started, his voice careful and deliberate, “Maybe as the wizard, I can block the curse for a limited time.”

Wallace reminded Percy of the power of the curse coursing through Matti’s character, letting him know it wouldn’t be so simple. With no other option, they turned to Erik, who was still parsing through the list of loot Wallace had passed to him.

“What?” he asked, looking up to see every pair of eyes on him. Matti was the first to break the silence, making her request clear.

“Cire, with your dexterous hands and various crafting skills I ask that you help me to craft a garment of protection, something stuffed with padding so that I may keep from embarrassing messes that would humiliate me in the heat of battle. Something discrete.”

“You’re asking me to make you… a diaper?” he said, his jaw nearly dropping in disbelief. Matti nodded and he shook his head a little. “Okay. Wallace, what roll do I need to do that?”

1 craft roll and several scrap pieces of Mattix’s leather armor later, and Mattix had a new piece of equipment under her shredded outfit.

“The padded center of the makeshift cloth diaper is nestled nicely between your character's thighs and squeezed by your muscular barbarian legs. The stuffed cotton core is tightly compressed against your body and feels like it could hold one or two wet accidents easily.”

Wallace's explanation of her character’s diaper left Matti speechless and flustered, so much so that she’d started breathing somewhat heavily. She once again pushed her hands down to the pull-up under her jeans, relishing that she could feel the same thing as her character. The thin diaper wasn’t quite the barbarian leather padding she was experiencing, but the thickness and tight padding mirrored each other.

“I-I’m ready to move on.” Matti said, still struggling to gather herself from the DM’s steamy description.

“With your problems temporarily dealt with, you pass through the door at the other end of the arena, smelling the deep burning smoke from the bonfire in the middle. It’s been a long trek, but you stand in the demonic sorceress’s lair complete with a regal throne. She sees you three enter and cackles, flicking her crimson hair—”

“Blonde.” Matti thought, twisting the image of this woman once again to match Valerie.

“— back as her body convulses. ‘You fools!’ she shouts, pointing a finger toward the group. "You made a mistake entering my lair. The goblins would have given you a more pleasant end!’ A wave of force blasts out toward you. Everybody roll a constitution save.”

Dice hit the table again but Mattie had already decided her outcome before she saw the number, partially hiding her roll from the rest of the table.

“Oh no, I only got a 2. A 6 doesn’t pass does it?” she asked.

Wallace shook his head, looking at the other two. Cire had passed as well but Percious hadn’t. "Okay, Mattix and Percious, the wave of force slams into each of your stomachs, sending you flying back 10 feet and dealing—” *Clatter* “—17 damage to each of you.”

Percy sucked air through his teeth upon hearing the damage but Matti marked it on her character sheet, thinking about what a strong hit to the gut would mean. “Does that aggravate my bladder enough, ya know, for the curse?”

Wallace thought on this for a moment before nodding. “Yes,” he said decisively.

Matti did her best to hold back from smiling wildly and instead focused on something else. With a deep breath, she squeezed the muscles in her body, sending pressure down through her chest to the top of her bladder with the compressed air. Her head became light, and a little squeak escaped through her nose as she released, forcing her body to do what felt unnatural.

The internal pressure pushed her bladder to its limit, the organ already sloshing with fullness from the multiple sodas she’d consumed earlier while playing. A burst of heated liquid shot from her body, soaking the thin padding of the pull-up in a wild spray.

Matti let out a slight gasp, reveling in the expanding underwear and the steamy heat of her own urine flooding it. She even worried that the powerful flow may be too much for the padding, causing it to leak, but she dared not stop herself. She was peeing herself like a big baby, soaking her pull-up because she couldn’t make it to the bathroom.

Valerie would be on her about it when she returned home, teasing her for being a piss pants and assuring her that this meant another day in pull-ups and, hopefully, her first night in a diaper.

The rest of the table was obviously occupied with initiative rolls to pay attention to Matti’s accident. Only when they asked for her number did she snap back to reality and roll her die, all while still filling her pull-up.

“It looks like the sorceress gets to go first. Mattix, she points a finger at you charging it with magic. ‘What a pathetic display of a warrior, your armor in tatters and sporting a childish nappy. You don’t deserve to face me! Stay still while the adults battle.’ she says and fires a spell at you.”

Matti was once again flustered and left wondering while Wallace rolled his attack. “D-Does he know that this is a kinky thing for me?” she wondered. Looking at him she honestly wasn’t so sure, he wasn’t visibly flustered or playing up these actions. He was just going with the flow.

“She’s casting hold person on you: roll a wisdom save.”

This was one that Matti didn’t really have to fudge. Mattix the Barbarian had a garbage wisdom score. She only rolled a 4 meaning her character had no chance of staving off the spell's paralyzing effects.

“Oh no,” Matti started, "I'm trapped with a rapidly cooling diaper soaked in shame and wrapped around my waist while this powerful blonde sorceress stands above me. Whatever will I do? The magician has seen my shameful padding, and can probably see that I’ve wet it. Having ready declared me a baby, I can’t imagine she has any plan but to kidnap me and re-raise me as her own, using forced babying and bondage to break me to her will and corrupt me!”

She’d said all of that in character with the passion and worry she imagined her own barbarian would approach the situation given the dire straits she’d been placed in all while interjecting her own fantasies into it.

The atmosphere around the table had completely flown past her till she was done talking, slightly breathless as she realized the words that’d spilled from her mouth. Everyone else’s jaw was practically on the floor from the outburst and the whole room had gone quiet.

“What?” Matti asked, crimson embarrassment painted on her face, “too much?”


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