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YEAHHHHHH we made it! August is finally here and the heat is breaking which means I'm itchin to work!

Comms are moving smoothly and I'm gonna be working on Patreon rewards like normal. I'll probably kick into a new round of comms next month but here in August it's all about hunkering down and getting work done. 

The big thing I'm sure that got noticed is that posts are going up on Saturdays rather than Fridays. It's just an easier day for me to get some stuff out and it's the weekend that way. 

No huge stories coming out this month but there's lots of cute diapered flash fic, and a good longer one featuring some idols, oooh. It's gonna be a good month. 

Story Patreons, you know the drill. Please send me your requests by the 10th so I can get crack-a-lackin on them.

It's also my BIRTHMONTH but only at like the tail end does anything happen. I'll be looking to finish up everything I can just a little early so I can enjoy my birthday work free.


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