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Leaving her house made Jackie feel uncomfortable. The waistband of her diaper remained poking out of her jeans and she was self-conscious about the bulk accentuating her hips and butt through the denim.

She didn’t have a choice however, what with the insanity of every pair of underwear she owned becoming diapers. Jackie felt that she needed answers. A quick search online produced information about a small occult shop downtown.

“Maybe I can find some solutions there.” Jackie said, sliding into the front seat of her car, “At least I got out without mom seeing me, I don’t know that I could have explained this.”

Behind her the invisible demoness slipped into Jackie’s backseat, watching her with a toothy grin. “All will be explained eventually,” she cackled quietly.

The brunette began to back up out of the spot, looking between the rearview mirror to the side to make sure she avoided the other car in the driveway. “Okay looks clear on the side…” she said, looking back up to the rearview only to see something that caused her to slam on the breaks and shut her eyes.

A dull roar echoed out from behind her briefly, filling her ears with its inhuman sound before ceasing suddenly. Fear stampeded through her body as she processed the sight behind her tightly shut eyelids. The red skin, the piercing yellow eyes with reptilian slits for pupils, the impossibly sharp teeth opened to reveal a long, barbed tongue licking smiling chops.

She recognized the features better now that they weren’t obscured by the shadows cast beyond the moonlight. That was the figure she’d seen in the Arkham nursery, the one that’d chased her.

It took a second for her to gather her senses, building the bravery to open her eyes and turn around. Jackie whipped her head around, forcing her eyelids open to the terrifying sight before her. “Get out of my car!” she shouted, only to see nothing there.

The demoness had returned to an invisible state, laughing at the mean trick she’d just played. “Poor baby isn’t sure if I’m real or not.” she chuckled.

Jackie however wasn’t that stupid and that sighting had confirmed for her that she was haunted instead of confusing her. The first step to dealing with it was to head to the shop, regardless of whether or not a demon was in her back seat.

Upon arriving downtown, Jackie found it to be frustratingly busy. Crowds bustled in the late morning sunshine, shopping and enjoying an early lunch. It was so busy that she’d been forced to park almost ten blocks away from her destination, meaning she had a long walk ahead of her.

The thick padding around Jackie’s waist forced her to swing her hips comically as she stepped away from the car. She became paranoid that every person she passed knew her diapered state. It was a fear brought on by the crinkly nappy's noisy nature and the fact that no matter how many times she fixed it, Jackie’s shirt felt like it kept riding up.

In reality this was the demoness’s doing. She was taking great pleasure in tucking the back of her victim’s shirt into the protruding waistband of her diaper or creating a “wind” to blow up the top.

However, this game was quickly proving boring to her. When she and Jackie approached a packed square she saw an opportunity for a different brand of fun. It was time to flex her powers a little more.

Jackie stopped in the square, preparing to cross to the other side where her destination waited. Upon taking the first step she was stopped short by something. The feeling was indescribable but could be likened to a rubber band going through her and wrapped around something inside her, pulling at her on a metaphysical level. Then she found herself yanked, pulled about two paces back. She looked up when she felt the momentum stop only to see her body still locked in place.

Jackie was looking at herself, her body frozen and unmoving. Something in the meantime grasped her ethereal hips–not her real hips but the hips of whatever she was now–causing her to look down. Whatever form she had taken, her body was now slightly translucent and she could see the brickwork of the square through her own feet.

Around her waist were what she suspected had pulled her back: two red hands with long black nails. “Watch.” said a voice from behind her, hissing directly into her ear and causing Jackie to shiver. Her tormentor was right at her ear, a quick glance was all it would take but she dare not look.

The hands holding her astral form in place moved up, the demoness bringing them to her abdomen before squeezing. Jackie gasped in both planes of reality, since she could feel both forms' experiences at once, driving her to a strange state of overstimulation.

In a second her bladder magically filled, swelling with liquid from an unknown source. The pressure from the demoness pressed on the rapidly filled organ, forcing it to expel suddenly. Urine rushed from her body as the molten stream pooled in the diaper around her thighs and crotch before the padding lapped it up thirstily.

Jackie didn’t feel any relief from wetting her diaper as even after a few seconds passed the pressure in her bladder hadn’t lessened. It was refilled as quickly as she could empty it, forcing her to pee continuously with no end in sight.

Between her legs the padding of her diaper swelled, soaking up her accident with only a slight delay. She watched in shock as the diaper on her own body expanded in her jeans. FIve uninterrupted minutes of peeing caused it to expand so much in fact that she noticed the fabric of her pants start to split, then rip.

A loud tearing noise filled her ears twice as the diaper exploded out of the confines of her pants, leaving sagging pant legs and shreds of her jeans falling to the ground. The diaper drooped to Jackie’s knees, impossibly huge and sloshing with the absorbed urine.

She tried to say something but no words could escape her lips until she was suddenly shoved back into her body and left with the feeling of the still hot, piss-soaked nappy swinging between her legs.

She couldn’t feel the hands on her abdomen anymore but was still stuck on the edge of the square with her impossibly huge diaper. She looked around and considered going back to her car, but it was further away than the occult shop at this point.

“No turning back now.” she said.

“No there isn’t.” the demoness chuckled behind her.


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