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This is, in my opinion, the best and most impactful update RDP has seen.

New - Stock Tilted Ford frames

Adjusted - frames and bumpers to be more rigid

Replaced shocker leaf packs with 3 adjustable height variations

WEIGHT - Most parts have had their weight increased by ~40%. 

I have always thought that while small hits do an appropriate amount of damage, big hits never resulted in enough bending. That is changed with this update. Your limited weld cars will weigh about 2,000 more lbs. Hits now have much momentum behind them, do more damage, and thanks to heavier objects being more rigid in beam, frames have less flex to them. Cars bounce off eachother much less on its. Head to head hits that previously resulted in both cars bouncing away from eachother now have solid impact. I finally feel like driving aggressively nose out can produce results and even a win for the first time in RDP. 

note; Lots of things will be different with this update. Suspension may need to be stiffened and your old cars probably will have to be adjusted or raised.

Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tPYRU2SFdagdK5WdKEnFoU_5qyb-uVT8/view?usp=sharing




Been testing this for a bit you guys will love it


good work

Shawn waugh

Hoping I can now get the back of my fords to bend right for me.

Shawn waugh

I'm an old iron guy but since this update I'm starting to like the tilted fords


Anyone else have 03 frames tilted