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How's that for a radio edit? Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing end of 2023. As we come into the new year, a lot of exciting things are already underway! I've been working hard on both Lustfall's Update 9 AND Hanaja's Body 2 in One

I also picked up a sweet deal on fancy coffee today, which was good for the soul. TWO flavored coffees for less than the price of one, wow! (It was DD French Vanilla and DD Hazelnut, for those wondering). But enough about that, I have non-coffee related things to share with you!

Lustfall Update 9

A lot of you might already be enjoying the latest update to the Lustfall epic! I still don't have a date on when I will release it publicly, but I am starting to commission the things I want done before it goes live. I'll break down the things you can expect to see in the public release

  • Around 5 CGs - I want to get the four special CGs for the Derriere Day Spa scenes that have a chance to trigger at high stress done and in the game, alongside one of the Soul Cage CGs.
  • Character art for Joseph Cambell - The Soul Warden art took longer than I had hoped, so I wasn't able to get him commissioned before release.
  • Updating the Endings Gallery - I need to look over and make sure it's up-to-date. This included adding the special CGs and any new ones added.
  • OC Character Cameo, Catgirl Danielle - This is the perfect time to add in a new character cameo with some interesting results, depending on how complex the implementation will end up being.
  • Cleaning up bugs/tweaking things - Any bugs that are found and reported, I will clean up before the release. I've already fixed the "Ice06.ogg" bug and updated the files, so if you haven't downloaded the game since this past Monday (Jan 01), you would be advised to do so before entering the Dry Spell Desert.

With all that being said, most of my attention will turn to Hanaja's Body 2 in One so I can get it out in a reasonable amount of time. Speaking of...

Hanaja's Body 2 in One

The core of Cinderella's Castle (the Dragon Princess) is completed, so I've been working on designing the Milky Caverns (the Hucow Unicorn) area. So far, I've been mapping out the cave network and plotting down some little factories. 

The objective in this "Story" (level) is to go to the three sub-factories and stop the production of the Hunicorn's magic milk. Doing so will grant you access to this main factory, where the devious Rancher is waiting to confront you and make millions off magic milk!

These are just a few of the skills that you can learn in the game. As you can see, there are still a lot of placeholder text, and I would like to mess around with the UI when I have the spare time. The passives, like the one highlighted, still need to be implemented, so there's still a bit of mechanical parts I need to add to the battle system.

I also had the idea to use a stat (normally the LUK stat) as a sort of Reaction amplifier stat, definitely not copying how Elemental Mastery increases reaction damage in another popular game, but I didn't leave any placeholders for it in the damage formulas (and I would need to math it out). Aside from that, leveling and stat-growth has been mathed out at least.

For those wondering, a certain someone from the first Hanaja's Body game will be making their appearance to help out (for extreme monetary gains). If you don't know who this "Shopkeeper" is, don't worry about it. I don't intend to spoil anyone from the previous games in the series.

They'll preside in the Realm of Pages that you can go to once you defeat the Crusader in the first Story and do exactly what their name implies; selling you stuff for Lewda! Since Lewda is not used for leveling skills (unlike previous games), you are free to buy whatever you desire! Yay items!

Other Stuff

Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Naughty Nights Winter Sale! Fortunately, the boost in sales makes up for the 20% loss on each one. That being said, I think sales are important. To me, sales are about accessibility (well, more so with higher priced games, but that's beside the point), so I'm glad that I can put my games on sale, even if it's a small discount.

Going to do some heavy research on how to beef up these Patreon rewards for everyone (without burning myself out or scope creeping everything) and have some more info on that hopefully soon! I feel like locking all of my devlogs behind paywalls is a big dumb, so I want to think about how to change that without giving everything away up front.

That's all of my thoughts for the moment. By this time next month, I expect to have a gameplan for Update 9's public release and maybe even one for HB2. Might do another Q&A soon too!

Thanks you all for the new and continued support! One day, these games will be the stuff of legends thanks to all of you.

Stay kinky out there~



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