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I forgot. I needed to pick up something at the grocery store but I got distracted by people panhandling via printer paper while I was digging in the discount meat section. Yea, there's a phrase for you. I guess I have some several month old cookies still in the bottom of the fridge. They will have to hold out until I can make a return trip.

The Kickstarter didn't quiiiiiiite make it, which is a bummer but not unexpected, to be honest. I'll be writing a little postmortem about it on an Itchio blog and encouraging the supported to follow me elsewhere.

In the meantime, I think it's time for a proper PREVIEW WEEK! What's cooking? You'll just have to wait an see! In the meantime, here's a question for you to stick your rock hard votes into...

The Main Draw

It's honesty time! What part of eroge games are you most drawn to? Could be mine, could be others, but the important thing is you can only choose one answer... SO CHOOSE WISELY!


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