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In a mad dash to cram as much medical attention into one month, I'm going to do another fun poll! Nothing serious, I just have to re-apply for healthcare which means I MIGHT lose it at the end of the month. Naturally, it's time to do everything else I need to do while it's still as convenient it will ever be (which is still 'not very'). Not only that, but I have a dentist appointment at the end of the week and the weather is going to be super rainy and gross. Woo...

If you want some more Lustfall action, however, you can back it on the official Kickstarter that is still going on! Wow!


Speaking of Lustfall...

Which Lustfall Story Dungeon is #1?

Asking about the OG, main dungeons of the game. Do you have one that sticks out more than the rest? Now is your time to let the world know! You can choose as many as you'd like for this one, so go nuts!


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