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I've been busy these past several months on a whole new type of kinky game and since I'm making good progress, I want to share with everyone some hot info on what exactly the game is. I can't give everything away and these images are still very much a work-in-progress, so expect the UI to be dressed up a bit when the big day comes.

Oh, and don't forget to subscribe at the Sadomasochist tier (or higher) to see some more info like extra characters and some of the stuff that's too spicy to shade in public posts.

Welcome to The Capture Games!

The Capture Games is a brand new 3D, first person, action packed experience and one that you've likely never experienced before in the RPG Maker engine! It's a roguelike game where you're invited to escape from a beautiful island filled with traps and guards. If you win, you walk away with a huge cash prize! If you lose... you get to be the island's new toy.

What do you mean "roguelike"?

There are a few main aspects of roguelikes that are part of the core gameplay experience of "The Capture Games."

  • Game Over Gameloop - Once you get caught, it's game over! It's back to the hub world (in our case, Lauren Ann's mansion) so you can psyche up to try again from the beginning. Like in most roguelike games, the core gameplay loop is relatively short, so you'll lose a lot as you learn the game and the maps... and a little bit of luck will go a long way too!
  • Randomly Generated Maps - You might be starting over a lot, but each run will be a little bit different. I've hand-crafted each map that you may encounter in each run and filled them with traps and treasures. The order in which you encounter them is also randomized for each run. The number of guards, traps, and treasures will be influenced by both RNG and your own Luck (LUK) stat to ensure that you have a randomized, guided, and not TOO chaotic of an experience.
  • Stat Ups - While you're searching for a way to escape the island and claim your prize (before the others claim YOU), you'll come across many items that boost your stats little by little to help you out. Right now, those stats reset upon win/lose, but I'm considering a perma-growth mode as well where you keep your stats after each run.
  • Prizes - Aside from a special CG you get for beating the game with all three characters, you can use your hard won lewda to unlock Relics that change up the game, giving you the power-up you need for your next run.

Relics, you say?

Throughout the game you'll discover various Relics that each have a special effect that may affect how you play the game. You'll have to use Lewda that you've won to unlock them, but once you do you can take them on as many runs as you want. That being said, you can only use one Relic per run, so choose wisely.

Traps and Transformations

Opening chests and finding items on the ground could trigger a trap or a transformation. While traps put you at a disadvantage, transformations change your stats in wild ways! Transformations last for a fixed amount of time and offer a few perks outside of the stat change: 1. Immunity to traps and 2. Unable to be captured (Game Over). If you're caught while transformed, you'll lose the transformation and your clothing but you'll never Game Over (think of it like foul balls in baseball).

No time to mosey!

You shouldn't dilly dally! There are aerial drones that are always on the hunt for you! If you're caught outside when one finds you, it counts as a hit! You'll get an alert when the drone is getting close to you. When you do, that's your queue to take shelter inside one of the buildings for a bit until it passes by. How much time you have to find shelter depends on how high your Alertness (ART) stat is. It pays to pay attention!

It's been quite the odyssey in terms of both design and coding this and I've been having a blast. The core systems are nearly in place, so I hope to move on to the polish soon. I know I usually have a new game to offer everyone around this time of year, so I wanted to give everyone an update as to what exactly has me doing so much math (and the Sadomasochist tier+ patrons get spicier updates)

More to come when I have a more confident release time frame, so if you like what you see, please consider subscribing! There's no more goal section here on Patreon (still waiting for that "even better replacement") but if I see a surge in support, I'll definitely have to do some sort of character contest to add another playable character (bringing the total from 3 to 4).

I hope you've enjoyed this public Early Look! Stay safe and stay kinky~
