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The month really sneaks up on you! I've been deep in getting Lustfall sorted and getting the ball rolling on the Escape Island game (that I still don't have a good name for yet). All that said, the weather might be getting nicer which means I can get out and stretch my legs a bit more often. The fresh air and a nice walk is always good for the ol' brain.

Lustfall - Update 8

There's only four more lewds to go, and two of them are promised by next Friday while the other two are being worked on by artists that are reliable and quick! I think I am going to put out an announcement on Monday with the Early Access being available 19th (could be earlier, but since there is a lot to test, I want to give myself a li'l buffer to be safe). I've been wanting to get this out there for a while now, so I'm excited to finally do so!

Escape Island

Steady progress being made here! It's a bit wild working on a non-combat style of game in RPG Maker, especially with the 3D plug-in. Also making it a roguelike experience is going to be scary but fun. The prototype area stitching worked well enough, so if I could create enough areas, it should have a lot of juice in it.

The art for the first of three playable characters is nearly complete, but in the meantime these preview screenshots are still going to have placeholder Bondgetta. By this time next month, I'll be sure to show off the new main gal!

I also took the time to set up a small set of training rooms to get the player acquainted with some basic mechanics (and having some fun with the 3D plug in). It won't cover all of the mysteries and surprises, but it should be enough to get you started. I'm thinking about having a pop-up that explains mechanics the first time you encounter them. At the very least, back in the Mansion (the Hub) will have bookcases where you can read up on the mechanics and what they do.

Speaking of mechanics, we can't have a roguelike without some sort of relic/gear system, can we? This one is pretty straightforward: before each run, you can take up to one relic with you that has a passive effect. The Sprinkle Cookie is unlocked by playing the tutorial and will auto-consume itself to refill your Stamina when it gets critically low the first time.

For those of you hoping for transformation content, have no fear. I'll be sure to show off some of it when I have the art done for it. Zin's cooked up some good stuff! Essentially, there are three types of transformations that act as temporary power-ups:

Power TF - Involves some sort of TF that gives you extra power. In the case of the first character, Lauren Ann Jodie, it transforms her into a hucow that gains power from drinking her own milk.

Stealth TF - All sneaking, but absolutely no power. This transforms you into something that doesn't make a lot of noise, but has next to no power.

Bimbo TF - Who knows? Not even me! Worst case scenario, if gives you an extra chance when you're caught.

Other Stuff

Since Escape Island (working title) doesn't have a strong narritive focus like the other games, I've been having a surge of creative writing energy and working on an erotic that I started last summer. I still don't know where I am going to sell it (maybe just itchio?) but it's nearly done! It features a cursed belt that when worn, getting wet will turn you into a sex doll. I might commission someone to do a cover and release it when I get around to finishing it. Need to determine a good price for the length (probably be about 6k words when it's finished). Might even give it out as a Patreon sub bonus!

Thinking about getting another Lustfall art pack up on Gumroad. It sucks that the store itself is really bad about promoting your stuff (zero discoverability), but it's the only way to do the revenue split with the artists so it is what it is.

That's all I have for now. I'd love to get Escape Island out in July but there's no way to know how likely that is to happen yet.

Stay safe and stay kinky~



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