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What even is outside anymore? Now we're back to cold again. Can nothing overcome this crazy weather. I mean, I like the cold, but let's face it: It's time for warmth. Not hot. Just warm. We want spring! SPRING!

With that unhinged weather rant aside, it's time for another Preview Week, wouldn't you agree? There's not a whole lot of these left for Update 8, as the time soon approaches for the actually release. I don't have a date yet, but I should have one soon. I'm just waiting on a few more things to fall in place.

So how about a fun poll!

Which of these subscriber bonuses appeal to you?

It's time to take a look at the standard offering and see if anything needs a shake-up. Whether you subscribed, unsubscribed, or never subscribed, I want to make your support for Lustfall (and extra support for the other games) worth it for you. Feel free to let me know what you think if you want to share any thoughts about all of it, either here in the comments or on discord.

You can vote on the ones that you like, and skip the ones that you don't. Even if you never subscribed for a benefit, if it's appealing to you, go ahead and vote for it.


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