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What is this? A Lustfall Update? Not quite. This is the same Update 7 you all know and love, with a little extra for those of the Kinkster tier (and higher). This is a version that is created to show off the current Lewd End CGs that have been completed as of today, and will be available to all fans of the game come Update 8! There's not any new gameplay content like dungeons or story stuff, so you don't have to worry if you don't support at a high enough tier.

You should have (or will shortly) receive a message with the download link to the bonus build.

For those that want to know how to find the lewd end CGs and gallery, once you've reached a certain point in the story, go to the 3F Library in Cleo's Mansion. There you will find a new bookcase that's moved back into the wall a bit:

Essentially, it will unlock once you clear the mansion, so if it's not sparkling when you first see it, finish the level and come back. This bookcase will take you to an area that looks like this:

There's a lot of lewd ends that need to be illustrated, as you can see. The unlocked ones are on their corresponding squares and can be interacted with to go through the entire ending scene or just view the CG. The blackened monster NPCs show the CGs that can be unlocked by progressing through the story. Finally, the doors show the lewd ends that don't have CGs yet.

This is all a work in progress, and things might change between this and Update 8 in regards to how the lewd end system works. I've looked at some other add-ons/plug-ins to make things accessible via the menu instead of having a secret location, but nothing I found seemed to do the trick at the time.

 For those curious, the following Lewd End CGs (10) in the game are as follows:

  • Tutorial
  • RED Coast Cutscene
  • RED Guard Room
  • Southern Heartbreak Crossing Boss
  • Jealousy Woods Bandit Ambush
  • Mansion Mid-Boss
  • H*pno Traps
  • Factory Locker Room Event
  • Petrified Forest Flower Traps
  • Studium Amare Minigame

Thanks again for all of the amazing support! I hope you are all looking forward to an Update 8 that is rumored to be out of this world! ;)



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