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I can't believe we are already in December!! Where does the time go? I have plenty commissions to commish for Lustfall and am still waiting on some final CGs for DoV2 but both games are shaping up quite nicely. I am looking forward to showing off some more Damsels of Vice 2!!!


The design of the bonus dungeon is nearly complete but with the holidays and disruptions to my schedule, I've been focusing most of my time on DoV2 instead of finishing things. There are still a lot of commissions to lock down, so I am patiently waiting for some artists to open their queues again.

I still plan on releasing a version of Update 7 that tests the Lewd End CGs that are in the game. The initial plan is to use the Achievement System from the other games as a way to track which CGs have been seen. IF I can modify the plug-in/plug-ins easily enough, I might be able to use that menu system to replay CGs as well... but that's not something I can promise. Just something I will look into.

Either way, that depends on a few more CG commissions that need to be requested and finished up. Maybe something for the New Year? Shouldn't take too long once I get the art for it.

EDIT: Oh, I nearly forgot about our Character Cameo! Meet Venomica! She's an OC that the party will have the pleasure of meeting in either Monamor or Blisopolis. The Lustfall gals will have the pleasure of meeting her and receiving a special Fetish accessory that affects Oral lust magic.

Damsels of Vice 2

My approach to development with DoV2 is a bit different than before, so it's hard to put a release date on things. For VB2, HB, and DoV I essentially designed all of the levels and did the writing first (after getting the core systems in place), THEN did all of the balancing and combat at the end of the cycle.

This time I am trying out more of a vertical slice approach, making each area nearly 100% before starting on the next. This has allowed me to finalize some polish-level decisions first and test it out as I go. Since a lot of extra work is done up front, it makes it harder to tell how much time each area will take me to develop.

The first area is complete and I've played through it! It's super fun and might be a bit easy... on Normal Difficulty. The Steamy Peaks Hot Springs is a wonderful, mountain resort that will have you traversing the mountains while battling the crime organization known as OKRA!

I've heard the fans, so DoV2 will have a greater focus on the heroine's Bimbo transformations. It's no longer just a KO state, it's a way of life! Not only do you get a second chance during a fight when you become a bimbo, the state persists in the world much like the transformations from Hanaja's Body!

What does this mean for you? There are events that trigger only if one or both of the heroines are bimbos, events if a specific heroine is a bimbo, and changes to special encounters like boss fights! For example, the boss fight in the first level is none other than the OKRA boss, Donna.

Normally, our virtuous heroines fight the OKRA goons standing guard and then proceed to introduce their selves to the crime boss of the hours, who comes with back-up drones during the fight. If you were to approach the fight with both heroines in their bimbo form, however...

You convince the guards that you need to see their boss, which they allow you to do. Donna is a bit wiser than our empty-headed heroines, and uses this meeting to her advantage, starting the fight with some good old fashioned convincing. She also has the goons join her instead of her security drones. Whoops!

That being said, being a bimbo has a lot of advantages in some events. Earlier in the spa when our heroines get ambushed, if one or both of them are bimbos, the enemies get confused and don't end up getting to tie up our lovely gals.

On a slightly different note that most people won't notice, I was able to figure out some simple AI tricks so that the enemies won't waste their turns trying to tie up someone who is already bound or who is a bimbo (that are immune to the bondage perils). In higher difficulties, enemies might take advantage of the situation to make things harder to escape from or use much more powerful attacks!

Overall, there's still a lot to do. With all of the extra features, I've got a lot of work cut out for me but despite the scope increase compared to DoV, it's SO worth it. I do have to get the game out before tax season so it will be soon. Ideally it will still release in mid/late January but I am not going to rush it. I'll see how long it takes to get the next couple of levels done before I give a hard estimate.

I have a few things to finish up with Steamy Peaks and then it's off to design the second area (and one crawling with latex drones), the Castle Museum! What tricks and traps await our heroines in an old castle that has been repurposed as a history museum? Well, you'll find out soon enough! >:D

Stay safe and stay kinky!



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