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No, I'm not making a reference to the new Genshin Impact update. I'm taking about my Wisdom Teeth! I wanted to get this post out a bit earlier than I normally would because this time next week I will be having by face bones sawed... Err... Wisdom teeth extraction! All of them! I don't expect to be in a very productive mood for the end of next week, so it's best to take care of things early.

Lustfall - Update 8

Working on planning out the bonus dungeon for this next update so I can see what sort of additional art I need to commission. Even without it, there's still a lot of new battle cards to get art for including a lot of alien themed stuff! In addition to that, I have a handful of Lewd End CGs from Milestone #3 that are in progress, so there's a lot of art being worked on for Lustfall right now. (aaaand even though we dropped below the milestone #3 threshold again, as long as we don't drop too far down, I will continue to commission more of the CGs).

Speaking of, I don't want to hold onto these CGs for a long time without getting to show them off in game. The current plan is to implement a chunk of them at a time in between updates whenever I see fit and make the Lustfall 7.X updates exclusive to the Kinkster tier (and higher) supporters. Essentially, you will get access to the CGs early, and non-Patrons will be able to see them in Update 8.

This method takes a lot of pressure off of me (less damage control that needs to be done if the build breaks) and gives more benefits and value to the Kinkster tier supporters now that the updates have become bigger but and thus further apart than they used to be. Happy to hear feedback about the plan.

Hanaja's Body - Update

Working hard to get the update of Hanaja's Body out for you soon! The plan was to have it done by the end of next week, but with my wisdom tooth surgery happening at the same time, I can't promise anything. I have no idea how much or little I will be able to function so it's not fair to anyone to put a date on it yet. That being said, I want to get this out asap because I am dying to get started on DoV2 so I am still aiming for the middle of this month.

As you can see, this update takes place in a spooky manor with all sorts of strange oddities! In combat, there is a new stackable state called "Static." When the combined amount of Static across all battlers reaches a threshold, it will discharge and cause a massive electrical explosion that damages everyone. That being said, when Hanaja is in her new Rubber Doll Moth transformation, that damage to her is reduced significantly.

Naturally, we have some wonderful, Victorian Era inspired enemies designed by Zin to enjoy as they walk all over you in battle! There's even a bonus boss (NG+) that is one of Zin's own OCs that she so graciously allowed me to use for this update.

Damsels of Vice 2

Not a lot of movement on this project yet. Getting the art document ready to send to Zin soon, I just want to get this Hanaja's Body update over and done with so I can switch gears.

I am figuring out how I want to go about implementing some new core features and I have tested some improvements to features from the first game, so it's all coming together conceptually. I am also thinking about how to implement alternate costumes for IF we reach that milestone (final one listed for now).

That's about it! I am excited for the new Hanaja's Body content and I am NOT excited for the wisdom teeth extraction next week. I'm sure once I recover and am able to eat solid foods again, it will be back at full power! I also hope you are all looking forward to the first Lustfall Lewd End CG that I will be showing off tomorrow!

Stay safe and stay kinky!



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