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Friday is approaching and so is the PUBLIC release of Lustfall Update 7!!! HYPE!

That being said, while the release would usually be around 4-5pm CDT, I have a dentist appointment that afternoon so it might be released a little bit later in the evening than expected. The reason is that I want to be around and at the ready to fix or address any issues that come up quickly, as opposed to coming home and seeing 100s of people saying that something is broken because I was away for several hours.

Either way, Lustfall will be here soon and I can't wait to share the next chapter of the Lustfall story AND show off the bonus dungeon (and perhaps entice more people to get their own dream dungeons put into the game *wink*). There might be a CG added but that's only if I get the finished art by the end of this week... and I have no idea if that will happen. Speaking of CGs, it's time for this week's poll!

Lewd End CGs, which should be prioritized?

Obviously I'll get whatever I can get done when I can do it but when it comes time to start lining things up, I am curious to see if there is a general preference. (Oh, and if you have a SPECIFIC CG in mind, you can always post it in the #lustfall-lewd-end-cgs channel in the discord.)

The options are pretty self explanatory this time so just go with your personal preference.


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