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Things have been pretty busy for me this past month which is a good thing! Between the Steam release of Hanaja's Body, the fan bonus content poll and work order written up, getting the rest of the art required for Lustfall Update 7, and even moving AGAIN (twice in one year, talk about expensive!) I have had a lot on my plate. Not to mention, I am still cooking up exactly what I want from Damsels 2.

That being said, I am very happy with how things have turned out so far! Update 7 looks incredible and I haven't had any reports of game breaking glitches despite all of the big changes made between the previous version and the next one. The Hanaja's Body update is exciting too! Not only is there going to be a whole new area to explore, it gives me a chance to sneak in a few extra changes that I have been thinking about recently...

Lustfall - Update 8

Space, latex, tentacles, and aliens! What more could one ask for when entering a holodeck gone wrong?! The "Advanced Reality" project from the company Cryscorp has gone haywire and some strange sci-fi program is bleeding into reality at an alarming rate! 

This, as teased by the end of Update 7, is more of a Cherri focused chapter and there may be a point in the game where you want her at her best fighting condition, so make sure she has good equipment and Trinkets.

Oh, but if you needed a break from all of this technology and cyber mumbo jumbo, why not check out the new Side Dungeon made possible by our current Master/Mistress tier supported and their wonderful idea? This is the entrance to the Derriere Day Spa, a lost resort once famous for rest and relaxation...

While it's pleasant and charming on the outside, it's haunted! Expect a lot of strange supernatural enemies and tricks while our heroines' stress reaches its limit! While trying to figure out how to escape, you must manage the party's stress levels or else the spirits of the spa that feed on that aggressive energy will grow too powerful and possess the four of them... permanently!

Hanaja's Body

Not a ton to mention here. Zinvoia_star has the list of things we need the art for and we plan to have things done around the end of the month, early September at the latest! I have also taken the liberty to address a few soft-locks that happen in the Cyber Hive and add in some equipment descriptions for the transformations:

Damsels of Vice 2

I have a general idea of how I want the plot to go with this one and the type of content I would like to see. I also worked on a few prototypes to improve the Action Sequence system and there is a lot of improvement made on that front too.

The biggest thing that I am stuck on right now is the bimbo-ness (bimbosity?) of the gameplay. I want the bimbofication in this game to be a semi-permanent status that has gameplay associated with it, the the transformations in VB, but I am still trying to decide on how I want it to work.

Right now my current thought is this: In the heroine's default state, they can be affected by all Perils except the "Fucking" state. One their HP hits 0 the first time, the revive in a "Bimbo" state where they can be affected by the "Fucking" state but are immune to the other perils. 

The Bimbo state will also carry a maximum HP penalty (-50%) and change their attacks to debuff themselves and benefit their enemies to reduce the peril meter. If they can escape the state before their HP reaches 0 again, they will return to their normal state. Ending the battle will see the Bimbo state carry over and affect some things in the overworld to some degree.

If their HP reaches 0 in the Bimbo state, then they will turncoat and join the enemy side until the end of the battle. This might be a bit too ambitious, but it's just an idea I had. It just might make it a KO state. Depends on where the journey takes me.

All and all, I leaned a lot on the bimbo part of DoV and I think some people were disappointed that not a lot was done with it, so I want to challenge myself to bring that element to light a bit more.

I'd love to hear any thoughts about this as I try to balance budget, time, and ambition for this second try at Damsels.

Other Things

Not a whole lot else to talk about right now. I may be getting my wisdom teeth out in the next few months. It's well past time for me to have them removed and while I hope the process is quick, it won't be without its annoyances. Either way, I have to talk to my dentist and see what he recommends.

I will also be switching the $750/mo milestone goal from Hanaja's Body to Damsels of Vice 2 in the next few weeks, so if you want bonus content for the up and coming game, this will be your chance! Since it is an in-between milestone, I want to keep it relevant to the projects that I am currently working on.

That's it for me today! I have a lot of stuff to work on so it's time to get to work! I'm excited for the upcoming public release of Lustfall so everyone can see the improvements and new content that you're able to experience first and I am also hyped about jumping back into Hanaja's Body to get the update out for that as well!!!



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