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The bunnies have been unleashed from the oppressive chocolate casing and tyrannical candy coating! As such, April is quickly coming to an end and I have yet to find an apartment to live in. T.T This is currently a huge stressor for me as moving usually is for everyone. Hopefully, the place I applied to will accept my application and I can at least finish getting things organized for the big move.

That aside, Update 7 is still chugging along. It's going to be HUGE with all the new battle cards, the redesign and the first of TWO bonus side dungeons. What's that? Two? Did you read that right? You sure did!

Thanks to the generosity and support of you, we now have a second side quest designer reward to be redeemed. While this will likely be an Update 8 implementation, I will see what sorts of hints about it I can squeeze into Update 7. Without going into too much detail, our heroines will be taking a relaxing day at a spa/resort... only to find that the spirits that haunt it don't take too kindly to tense guests.

The art is for Update 7 is even further along than it appears. I have a lot of commissions ready to dish out so as soon as I am done with the stress of changing apartments I will be able to get most of them worked on right away.

You might notice that the +3 (from last month) is now a +5 (final number) for the bonus commissions for the Drone Facility side dungeon. Not to worry, many of these are battle cards that would have debuted in Update 8, so we are essentially getting them done a bit earlier than scheduled which in turn means that Update 8 will be able to come out faster too!

Speaking of, the Drone Facility is progressing well. A chunk of the story has been completed for it (including a scene with the fan favorite PATRON MAN) and the special traps have been set. If you don't watch your step, you might lose a party member to the latex and fight off their drone form to get them back... Practice for the boss fight!

Along side all of this, I am planning to squeeze in at least a few Game Over CGs that we unlocked be reaching Milestone #3! At this point, I'm starting with the ones suggested by the fans on the newly added "lustfall-lewd-end-cgs" channel on the discord. The ones that have been asked for so far are:

  • RED City Inn Ambush
  • Jealousy Woods Boss Fight
  • Hypnobandit Hideout Scenes

I have a lot to keep working on thanks to everyone's support and I want to thank you all for your continued patience and understanding with my apartment moving stuff. Update 7 is still coming soon and I am so hyped to share this next chapter of the Lustfall story with everyone!

Stay safe and stay kinky~



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