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This week we did it! We hit that big, beefy Milestone #3!!

What does that mean for everyone? Well, let me break it down.


In the discord channel called "lustfall-lewd-end-cgs" on the official discord. There you are free to discuss the lewd ending of Lustfall that play out when you lose a battle that you would like to see as an illustrated CG! It's both time consuming and expensive, especially for the ones later in the game (more characters makes things trickier) so they obviously all won't be included in Update 7 but by the time Lustfall is complete, the plan is to have them all illustrated.

All that to say, use that channel to talk about your favorite lewd ends and the ones you want to see first! I will push to get a few into Update 7.

Hanaja's Body

Once we get a little closer to a more public reveal of all of the Hanaja's Body transformations, I will be opening up suggestions here and on the discord for what new TFs you would like to see and then I will put the more popular suggestions up for a vote! I will also be tossing a few ideas of my own into the mix, so there will be plenty of options for the sweet bonus content.

This might be a post-launch update like with Veronica's Body depending on how the rest of this month and the beginning of next month goes. This moving process is extremely stressful and I need to get Hanaja's Body out asap. If time wasn't a factor, I would gladly put the new TF into the initial release of the game. Again, I'll keep everyone posted on how this is going to pan out.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your continued enthusiasm and support! I can't wait to get more Lustfall content and Hanaja's Body out for everyone to enjoy!!!


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