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While this is a busy first part of the year for me IRL, it's also a busy time for Lustfall too! Update 7 is shaping up to be the real deal and as the Valentines specials cool down and more artists are opening back up their commissions, it's time to get out there and get that art done!

We are also suddenly a lot closer to that juicy Milestone #3 and thanks to one very generous supporter, it looks like we'll have more than just this upcoming dungeon you see above. I don't know the details yet but I am excited to implement the first fan side quest! You may be seeing more of that side quest as time goes on, but it's early enough that I expect it to be playable and complete in Update 7 as well!!!

But that's not all! THERE'S STILL MORE!!!

After many, MANY hours, the updated battle cards are complete! I'll show off some more of them so you can see one of each template. These cares look SO GOOD and definitely adds a layer of professionalism to the project so be sure to find BaconPanties (@Baconpanties0) on twitter and tell them what an amazing job they did on the design of them (and the icons).

I'm all caught up... at least on the old cards. I still need to go through all of the equipment and some of the events (the Book of Side Effects, for example) and change all the icons + reword some of the item descriptions so on that end, there is a still a lot to do but the game will look and feel 100 times better because of it!

As for the adventure? Well, what you see in the progress picture above is the caverns underneath the revisited RED Town. Something about it doesn't seem... cave like. Regardless, you'll have to trudge through it and fight off enemies while doing so. Spending too much time in the shallow "water" will leave your heroines with side effects. There is also an element of draining "water" from one floor to the next to keep you on your toes.

With all of that, Update 7 is going to be a big update we are steadily chipping away at so I hope you are all super hyped (I know I am) for what is coming up for you all in this next chapter of the Lustfall adventure!!!



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