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It's been a while but it's once again time for a preview of what's to come in the upcoming Lustfall Update 7 because one of the new pieces of art was finished today! Hurrah! Now, it'll be on discord like some of the other ones because bdsm is not something that this site handles very well and I'd rather not take on the additional stress.

Poll - What Milestone #3 bonus do you prefer?

So this is about the extra bonus at the milestone achievements for this patreon. The Lustfall Game Over CGs will always be there, so never fear!

Basically, we have two options now. I was going to just cut things off and switch them at the end of the month but I think it's more important to see if that's what you actually want in mass so now we have a poll. The options:

1. Damsels of Vice Add-on Content: Basically what it is now and what I did for Veronica's Body with the Cheerleader update. This would be a free update to the game that adds a new area with a new Peril, enemies, a boss and a CG to the game. On one hand, it would give me an opportunity to spam the adverts again and get some more visibility but on the other hand, it would cut into the Hanaja's Body development time a little bit.

2. Hanaja's Body (VB3) More Content: Similar to the above, but for the "technically unannounced" next game going back to the Victoria's Body style that focuses on TF. This would be a new transformation, CG, enemies and boss fight for the game which would be available as soon as the game goes on sale. The advantage here is that I will likely (depending on how soon we reach the milestone) be able to integrate the new content with the base game so it feels more like a natural part of the game and less like an extra dungeon. The downside is that I don't get to flex on the marketing.

Either way, I'm curious to see what thoughts anyone on what they prefer, if any.


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