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While I am in overdrive mode working hard on Damsels of Vice to get it out in about a month, that's no excuse to neglect the lovely Lustfall! This update is actually bit of a bigger one than normal because even though it is technically one dungeon in my mind, it consists of several parts.

In order to get to the dungeon featured in Update 7, the Caverns of Come (misspelled on purpose because that's a naughty word that gets auto-flagged *eye roll*), you'll have to return to a familiar place that you once explored a long time ago. The RED village ironically named "Utopia." But something about it is a bit... different...

Yea, it turns out that while you were out doing other things, this village got completely wrecked by demons and monsters. The culprit? Another crystal hidden deep beneath a large lake. The corruption of the crystal's lust magic has gotten worse and twisted the entire path into one coated by white, sticky stuff that carries a musky scent.

There are a few extra places to explore in the town proper, including the house of that douche Sigmund and the all-to-familiar Rehabilitation Center which acts as a mini side dungeon with some good loot (but I'll cover that more later). You can expect a lot of heavy, thematically appropriate "slime" based lust magic along side a lot of milking stuff mixed in with the occult.

As for the Milestone #2 bonus for better battle card designs, I have some basic things to show off. Progress has been a bit slower than I had hoped, but progress is progress and either way this will be implemented into Update 7. Keep in mind these designs may change a bit:

The first one is the basic design that the templates are molded from, and the second one is an example of what the Mundane card type may look like. Some of the other types may have little extra bits to the design, but I am waiting to see what those may look like. The most important thing is that the information is displayed clearly while still showing off as much of the lewds as possible.

That will be it for now. I'll show off the card templates in an extra post if they are completed before I do another one of these blog posts. With the holidays coming up and me pushing to finish Damsels of Vice, it's going to be a busy couple of months for sure but I'll be sure to sneak in some Lustfall comms to tease everyone with in the meantime.

Stay safe and stay kinky my friends~




Just make sure you don't burn out. Deadlines are deadlines, but still.


Ty! Pretty confidant about avoiding burnout. That's why I like to mix up the type of project I work on from time to time. Fortunately, I do have some flexibility on deadlines... to the extent that I have enough money to pay the next month's rent. o.o'