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As September comes to an end, Update 6 is chugging along. Waiting for the art to finish up is the biggest obstacle for the new content but I really do expect things to be finished up in the next week or two, then I just need a few days to branch off the build then BAM! Update 6. 

Trust me, I want to push this update out as much as you all want it because I want to focus 100% on the upcoming Game #3 because it's going to be so effin' hot!!! Like seriously, if you want to learn more about it early, then "smash that subscribe button" or whatever the YouTubers say now and get in on the $15/month train. Not only will we boost ahead with the milestones but you'll also get Game #3 when it comes out for free!

So until then have this poll!

WAIFU WARS - Turbo Edition - Vote for your favorite character from any of the games!

I honestly can't remember if I did one of these yet with the release of Veronica's Body, but here we go again! I have some ideas of bonuses to give to supporters in the future and the most popular ladies of this poll will influence that.

For example, in Game #3 I might give the main characters alternate costumes to look like the favorite characters from this poll. (More details either this Friday or early next week). I also consider popularity when it comes to extra art and promotional stuff, especially when it comes to Lustfall.

It's a no-holds-bar Best Girl battle royale! FIGHT!


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