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As we near the end of another month, I feel it's time for another preview. Something spicy, but safe enough to post here in all of its full art glory.

Card art update will begin soon and Update 6 art is trickling in. There are a few people I need to follow up with... which is rare because they are generally pretty quick but it seems to be happening with a lot of regulars so I guess August is a busy month for everyone. With as hot as it has been, I imagine the heat is slowing people down as well.

I also have the new art for VB2's FREE update coming soon, so if you haven't checked  it out yet, now is your chance! I will be posting some spoilers for the new Cheerleader TF in the next week or two for Sadomasochist tier ($15) and higher patrons so if you want to see the goods, now is your chance!

Also, pro game dev tip: If you know you're going to do a content update, DON'T delete your debug zone. T.T

Would you be interested in the option for a yearly subscription to this Patreon?

I noticed that I have the option to enable this now and I am curious to see just how many people would take advantage of this feature if it was offered to them. I have a few years of consistent content and updates now and as long as I can keep making rent, I'll keep making new games too so this patreon is not going anywhere as long as I can help it. (We survived the purge, after all!)

  • Yearly Advantage: One time pay, benefits for 12 months. Cheaper than 12 months of individual subscriptions (discount). Maybe some benefit for yearly subs regardless of tier?
  • Regular Advantage: Pay as you go, back out anytime.

Curious to see people's thoughts about it, especially at different tiers. I image a yearly subscription is a lot easier to get behind at $1/mo as opposed to $15/mo.

I'm pretty sure that you can choose between the two options if I enable yearly subs but I want to confirm that before I do anything. If I can only have one, things will stay exactly the same as they are now.



From what I've seen, it absolutely gives people the option of monthly or annually, with the annual one having a 8% discount or so, compared to 12 monthly payments. On your end, you probably still get a bit more money off annual subscriptions since the fixed part of processing fees eats less of a larger amount, proportionally. Though obviously it commits people to a longer time - if you pause contribution for a month all active annual subs get a bonus month, so that washes out. One subtlety to be aware of is that you'll probably get notifications of "someone subscribed at $56" and it'll take some careful reading to spot that it's annually rather than monthly.


Good to know, thanks for the insight! It seems like it's a pretty popular option so far between this poll and some chatter on discord, so I will likely be implementing it in the future.