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Time marches (heh) on and as we are almost done with ANOTHER month, it's time for another preview full art! I know Update 5 is just around the corner but I said I would give a preview once a month and gosh darn it I mean it!

So, instead I have another indirect poll question to vote on this week to help me get a better idea of what the fans and lurkers desire from Lustfall, Victoria's Body and more.

Would you pay for future updates of Lustfall?

Now, let me clear up some things. This is just a hypothetical for now. Lustfall will continue to be free for the foreseeable future. 

If I were to start charging for future updates, anything that is already free will continue to be free. Anyone who has been subscribed for at least the amount of what the price would be would get grandfathered in to get the paid version for free (Ex: If it was $5 and you've been a $1 sub for at least 5 months, you would get the update for free).

The idea would be the standard model of the latest version being paid/subscriber only while the previous version would be free... so both the free and paid versions would be updated periodically.

Again, I don't plan to do this unless I see overwhelming support for the idea and then even so, it won't be right away. I am curious about this because of the sheer cost of development of Lustfall (a few thousand dollars in commissions at this point and it's only about half way into the story) compared to smaller projects like Victoria's Body. If there was a widely adopted pay model, it would go a long way in helping me focus on the upgrades, QoL features, and polish that I've talked about in the past.

At the risk of repeating myself, this is just a hypothetical, so thank you for indulging my curiosity. Feel free to speak your mind either in discord or in the comments below. No judgements, curious to hear what you think about it.



I think the game on its own would b fully worth $10 when its finished tho i would pay double to support u and show my appreciation and giving my thanks :) <3