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I've spoken or alluded to this in the past about how there are a lot of enhancements I would like to make once Lustfall is complete so I thought I would take some time to share my thoughts on what I plan to do in the future. While there are a lot of other things I would also like to upgrade/chance/enhance (like combat balance and leveling), these are some flashier feature ideas that I have in mind (and have been thinking of for a while).

Please keep in mind that these are Photoshop mock-ups and none of these have been implemented. There are a lot of things under the hood to take care of, but with enough support I'm sure that I can make these happen one day. Hopefully these dream enhancements will become a reality.

1. Battle Portraits

While sprite based stuff is fun, I really like games that include battle portraits of the characters you are controlling so you can get a feel from their current situation (and don't have to look at tiny status effect icons). In the first image, you see that Gwen is drawn on the screen when it is her turn to select an action. In the second image, you see that it is Cherri's turn. She is afflicted by the "Blinded" side effect and thus has a blindfold on her character portrait.

Getting specific combinations of portraits would take a lot of planning, but thanks to the experience of Victoria's Body, I think there is a way to get it to work. I would even change the type of side effects based on what kind of enemy they were facing. (Spiders = webbing, humans = rope, etc...)

I suppose the challenge is both cost and complexity with this one. I would need good art for the four heroines AND art specific to each individual side effect that is done in a way that can be mixed and matched. The coding side of things would be a bit tedious and when it is first implemented I anticipate a large amount of buggy combinations but I would love to see this one day.

2. Side Effects REVAMP

The Side Effects are something that I have wanted to redo from the start... or close enough to it. Right now the flat % is fine but not very flexible when it comes to affecting the battle. What I want to do is more in line with the Monster Hunter games, where each attack would apply a % of that side effect to the character. Once a side effect reaches 100%, it is applied to that character and the meter goes back down to 0%. The meter would also decrease a little bit each turn that would be altered by items and equipment.

This gives a lot more variety in combat design and makes some of the other battles more consistent and less tedious. Instead of a 10% chance of gag happening from a card, you know that you are 10% closer to being gagged so you can plan your next turns accordingly.

Aside from some new icons (which would be part of a huge graphical overhaul), this is a task that would require a ton of programming and testing. I have ideas of how to implement it on the back end, but displaying it in a way that makes sense and doesn't just look like progress bar vomit would be another task entirely. I would naturally want to go an tweak a lot of cards, equipment, items and accessories to properly utilize this new logic so, as awesome as this upgrade would me, it's too time consuming right now.

3. Trinket Skill LEARNING

With trinkets providing a unique skill that any party member can use, the strategy opens the game up a little bit. I loved that with the classic Final Fantasy games and as you might expect, my development of Lustfall takes a lot of inspiration and mechanics from those. The thing that sets the two apart is the ability to permanently learn skills from trinkets and swapping them out once a skill is learned. How hand would it be if everyone had access to a healing ability at all times?

While the above mock-up would be an AP system (get AP by winning battles), I am also thinking about how to implement an achievement system so in order to learn a skill offered by a trinket, you'd have to do something specific to that trinket. Maybe you'd have to hit 20 enemies while under the blinded status effect to master a specific skill? It would be a way to encourage use of detrimental Fetish accessories for long term benefit.

This would also take a lot of coding and editing. I think there are some AP scripts out there that I could play with and mold to what I want but again that takes time and possibly a financial investment depending on whether or not those scripts are behind paywalls now. Plus, a flat AP gain system would be fine but I would really want to have some fun with unique ways for the players to gain AP so this idea would be better left to cook in the old idea over for a bit because there is something REALLY interesting there, I just need to discover what the secret sauce looks like, so to speak.

With that somewhat confusing food metaphor, I think it's my dinner time so I will wrap up things here for now. Things with Lustfall (and Victoria's Body 2) will progress as it always has been. I just wanted to share some cool ideas and plans to eventually ramp up the production and gameplay value on Lustfall that I want to do sometime in the future.

Stay safe and stay kinky~



All of these sound awesome. The battle portraits are something I've been hoping for since the beginning, so I'm glad you share that sentiment. The skill learning system sounds great too, I love me some FF9. The 'building up' of status effects is a bit more unusual for turn-based RPGs (mostly reminds me of Souls games tbh), but I like the idea, as you'll be able to plan for them more. As a suggestion, instead of using progress bars, you could have the status icon start off semi-transparent and have it fill up as it progresses. Maybe change the color or add a border at 100% so there's a clear visual difference between 'applied' and 'almost there'. That way you won't need any extra screen real estate.


I also love me some FF9 and that is the main inspiration for the AP system idea. Also, that is a great idea for the status effect UI!! I can do something with the icon itself to show progress/build up! That way, I can keep the same UI space and still get the info across. I'm not exactly sure how I would code it but that's an approach worth looking into!