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Welcome back Lustfallen! I am taking a slight break from the madness that is getting games on the Steam service to talk a little bit more about the progress of Update 5. Since this is just a single dungeon and some story bits, expect these to be a bit shorter. I am considering maybe only doing one of these a month just to free up some of my time to continue working on Lustfall and other projects. I enjoy these little blogs, but it does eat up a noticeable portion of my work day.

Art! Art is being worked on. Have some hot sketches done/approved and I hope that one of them will be done by next week to coincide with the Patreon goal we reached this month! Honestly, I was planning for the number of art I am working on to be a little higher than 4 at the moment but between a lot of people being booked and my own work with getting Victoria's Body wrapped up, this is pretty good progress all things considered.

So, if you've finished Update 4, you know that it's time to go back through the Southern Heartbreak Pass from far earlier in the game. Crossing the mountains through a cave seems simple enough, but there is something odd going on as you can see in the teaser above.

Those silk and spider web lovers should be thrilled to learn that there is a significant amount of new spider-bondage lust magics coming in this update! The mystery of the Lustfall only gets deeper as our heroines encounter some unexpected faces through this cave!

As always, thank you for your support and stay tuned for more info coming in a few weeks!

Stay safe and stay kinky~

P.S. Remember this for update 5: check all the cocooned women in this area for a special and very helpful upgrade. 



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