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One. Year.

One year ago today was just the humble Tuesday that I posted the first public release of Lustfall and created all of this. I had no idea really what would come of it, if anything at all. It was buggy and full of grammatical errors and mistakes (so many spelling errors) and I had no idea if the whole battle card mechanic was something people would even care about in the slightest.

Much to my surprise, people really loved it! More so, people loved the characters and the writing too! Like, I understood that people would like lewds. Who doesn't like lewds? To see so many people excited about the plot, joking about the characters and just wanting more despite the bugs and the less-than-optimal design decisions was hugely validating and I am so happy and excited to share what is to come!

Lustfall was the start of a journey for all of us and I've learned so much from all of you! I listen to ALL of the feedback I get and am humbled by those who are willing and able to support me through Patreon or other means. Between this and Victoria's Body, I finally see a great future full of fun, lewd content!

Lustfall will continue to grow strong and with the support of you I really hope to get to a level of enhancing combat and doing Game Over CGs and more "nice to have" improvements as the game gets closer to becoming a finished product. It would be wonderful to be able to incorporate more OC cameos from the community as well because those are a ton of fun to do!

Beyond that, I am planning on making a Victoria's Body sequel, probably called "[Character Name]'s Body" that uses similar concepts but with a little bit more in terms of TF and some refinements on the combat system itself so it plays the same but different. Obviously, those who support me on here at the Sadomasochist tier or higher will get updates and spoiler/teaser images during the development process.

This year has a lot of potential! Ideally I would want to finish the story of Lustfall, have most update for it out by the end of the year AND complete 2 side games (Victoria's Body sequel and something else). I'm excited for what's to come and I hope you are all looking forward to it as much as I am!

Stay safe and stay kinky~


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