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Oh man, is it really this late in October?! I can't believe that this month is going by so quickly. One could say that it's going by frighteningly fast. Spooky!

Look at that art progress! We are almost there. I have a few more pieces to put out commissions for but everything is going smoothly. 

It's extra hard with a mega update like this one because I try not to use the same one person too much per update which means I need to push harder to commission more artists instead of leaning on the reliable ones I've grown to like. That's a good thing overall because it helps me build a larger network and expose fans to new styles of all types. It just takes a lot more effort on my part to be constantly reaching out. That's networking for ya.

I've mentioned this before, but there are a few small but significant quality of life changes coming with this update. The first big one is in the preview image above. You will now have the option to set the Battle Card animation to "wait" until you press a button. This will allow you the time to enjoy the cards you love and quickly skip past the more common ones that you've already seen a lot up to this point. It's not my ideal solution and there are still ways I would like to improve the system on, but this is a good compromise until I get the time or resources. I think a lot of fans will enjoy this new "wait" mode and will ultimately make the gameplay a lot quicker.

Another thing that I am including in Update 4 in terms of quality of life enhancements is an item to allow you to escape from the random encounters you don't wish to face off against. Because of Syn's low speed, escaping from battle is more frustrating than it's worth and until I can find the area in the RPG Maker MV JavaScript to make escaping an instant success, you can use this item to do so. The aim is to cut down on the tedium that some players experience while not upsetting the balance of the game overall. I'm also playing with the idea of adding in "Encounter x0.5" and "No Encounter" accessories but that might just be something of a special item of sorts (like from a cameo character. ;))

I'm crazy hyped for Update 4 and I hope you are all just as excited. I will have a date to announce soon enough (with fresh title screen art) along with a special secret to reveal. I have some big things to think about, but until that time comes that I need to make a decision, I will just keep on truckin' along.

Stay safe and stay kinky my faithful Lustfallen~

Oh, and the extra images, pay attention to them and remember them. They are a big hint about how to beat the extra dungeon. ;)



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