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It's the first week of a new month which means, a new CLIMAX report on the overall development of the project and the new progress I have made since a month ago. Let's start with the IRL stuff... there isn't any. I got royally fucked on this one. Like, I've told the story so many times that I really don't want to type it all up again but long story short, I never actually had the job they said I had. I was just back-up but people kept filling out the wrong paperwork over and over so I am royally jumbled in the system and keep getting phone calls that wake me up and piss me off just to rub it in.

Needless to say, I have been in super hardcore promotion mode for Update 3 lately. It's probably my least favorite part of the process, especially because it is so crucial to the success of this thing. It's also exhausting for a super introvert like me to stay engaged. Normally, I would be happy that this is all done for now and I can go back to focusing on Lustfall but I recently hit a huge roadblock that could get really nasty if I can't reach a resolution. Oh joy, more stress!

Sales wise, things are not great. Got a lot of interest and downloads, not to mention interaction and conversation, but as far as the financials are concerned, things hurt pretty badly. It's a good thing I charge upfront, otherwise I would have lost out as I noticed a pattern of "join at the $5 tier to get game then immediately un-join". I can't be too upset, but it does go against the spirit of the thing, ya know.

Progress in the main Lustfall line has been steady, all things considered. I am working on the interior of the next dungeon, Cryscorp HQ, and working on the dungeon mechanics of it which have changed a bit since I initially planned it. So far, my feelings about this dungeon is lukewarm. I like the idea of it but it's only slowly starting to come together. It gives me time to solidify the plot elements of this and how I want to eventually do the big reveal for one of the characters in the party, so that's something. 

If I can keep from spiraling into a stress-induced depression, then I should have some significant progress made by the end of the month, perhaps even this dungeon completed. The previous area, Ruined RED City and C*m-filled Caverns, took a long time, but I essentially designed two different dungeons at once so I'm not that shocked over the extra length of time that required.

The enemies are going to be a lot of fun, it's essentially a virtual reality that the heroines step into that is sci-fi themed. Soldiers, spies/agents and aliens are all contenders that Gwen and the rest will have to deal with and that means a plethora of strange attacks from the Occult, Latex and even Mechanical elements so there is a lot to look forward too. I am also accumulating new ideas for the next (and final crystal) dungeon so I have motivation to finish things up!

That being said, as soon as I can allow myself to do so, I think I am going to take 2 or 3 days off to try and unwind a bit. I have also been thinking about ideas for a very small, much cheaper game to make that I would sell on itch.io to generate more cash. Much smaller scope, much less complex, maybe a few hours of gameplay at the most. Since I have a lot of time to wait for commissions with Update 4 anyways, there's no worry about time on my end. If I keep the art required small enough, I think I can do a lot with a small, simple system of things. I need to prototype before anything else, so I think that's all I will say about this for now.

All and all, despite the hardship, things are still looking bright and positive for Lustfall's future, even if I run out of money to actually publish the entire game. I just need some hope for my future as a person with rent and bills and a need to eat. :\ Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!

This is THE Sub Supreme signing off.

Stay safe, stay kinky~



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