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Hey everyone!

First of all, an appreciation to everyone! Thank you so so much for still being with me on Patreon! Without your awesome support I won't get this far! 114 total comic pages! I've never thought I could draw that many - a dream come true!

Now on to the announcement - I'm getting married! XD I'll be marrying an amazing nurse that has been incredibly patient with me and my antics for 7years, and I want her to still do that until I'm dead XD. A small and simple ceremony will take place on the 1st Dec. So please know that I'll be offline from 22nd Nov till 12th Dec.

Preparations of the wedding and the beginning days of the life after would probably affect the content in my Patreon - there might be lesser uploads, so I hope everyone can bear with me while I'm adapting to the new life. But, if you do want to temporarily unsubscribe, I'd understand completely, no hard feelings.

I'm not good in writing essays in English, so this is it. Thank you again. Wishing you guys well and safe always.