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Collection of copyrighted characters.
Spider-Gwen, Sakura Hiruno, She-Hulk, Pink Ranger, SailorMars, Leona Heidern
Commissioned by Michael Cheung, IdioticMuffin

Some of the works can be seen in my DA




Nice work. Though the Leona and Pink Ranger ones don't look as detailed as the others. Are these older? Love the She-Hulk, but I might be biased. Think you will try shading them a bit?


Thanks! Yes, Leona, SailorMars and Pink Ranger were older work. They were more than 2 years ago.


Ah, I knew it! :D As for the shading, well, it would take your art to the next level. You should consider it for some really special cases that you wanna see stand out. But I totally understand you, TBH. It was a pain for me too. If I was to re-do a character now, though, I think there's a somewhat easy way to do basic shading. Like, on Photoshop, you copy the color layer of your character. Change it to black, reduce the opacity to like 20%, add a fusion mask, and actually paint-out the non-shady spaces, with the ability to easily go back with the fusion mask. Anyway, sorry, I don't wanna sound like a know-it-all or to bother you. ^^'


Thanks for the pointers! :D I do know how to do some basic shading though and I definitely want my art to be in the next level - only for now, I'm focusing on making faster arts. So just in flat color. One pin-up usually took me a bit more than 3hours, and that already tire me out. Heheh. Once I'm able to reduce my timing, I'll definitely consider shading.


Got it. Yeah, practice makes the entire difference, at one point, you need less and less sketching, then you basically don't need any. I see people doing crazy masterfull stuff in less than 6 hours, and I'm like "WTF?!? T_T "


Oh how I wish I don't have to do any sketching. Usually that is the most time consuming to do.


Real nice pinups