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Sam: "Well, it's good though. I wouldn't have to make you get it later."

Andrew's mind raced as he heard Sam's words. He didn't understand what he meant by "I wouldn't have to make you get it later." He stood there, feeling a mix of confusion and fear.

Before he could respond, Andrew suddenly felt himself losing consciousness. His eyes fluttered closed and he collapsed to the ground.

When Andrew regained consciousness, he found himself in a dimly lit room, his head throbbing with pain. As he tried to sit up, he realized his hands were bound behind his back, and his ankles were tied together. Panic surged through him as he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"Sam?" Andrew called out weakly, his voice echoing in the empty room.

There was no response. Andrew struggled against his restraints, but they held firm. Fear gnawed at him as he wondered what Sam had planned.

Minutes passed, feeling like hours, until the door creaked open, and Sam entered the room. His expression was unreadable as he approached Andrew.

Sam, what's going on? Why am I tied up?" Andrew demanded, his voice trembling.

Sam sighed and sat down opposite Andrew. "Good morning ana how was your sleep''
Andrew's heart sank. He knew Sam had discovered his impersonation of Ana, but he never expected it to escalate like this.

"Andrew, it seems you thought it was all fun and games pretending to be a girl and messaging me," Sam continued, his tone turning serious. "Well, if that's what you've always wanted, then that's what you'll get."

Andrew's mind raced, trying to comprehend Sam's words. "Sam, please, I'm sorry. I never meant to deceive you. It was just a silly mistake."

Sam leaned in closer, his gaze intense. "Oh, it's more than a mistake now, Andrew. You've crossed a line. But I'm not upset. I think it's kind of intresting."

Andrew felt a chill run down his spine at Sam's words. He couldn't predict what Sam might do next.

Just so you know," Sam continued, his voice dropping to a whisper, "this house belonged to my grandpa. It's quite isolated, so no one will hear your cries."

Andrew's eyes widened in fear as he realized the gravity of the situation. He was alone with Sam, who seemed to have a plan.

"And yes," Sam added casually, "I think I will put you on vibrator if you don't wear chastity cage."

Andrew's breath caught in his throat. His mind reeled with disbelief and horror at what Sam was suggesting. He had never imagined such a scenario unfolding.

"Now," Sam said, leaning back with a slight smirk, "I don't want to be harsh to my girlfriend, Ana. So what about I give you an option?"

Andrew's heart pounded in his chest as he listened, feeling trapped and powerless.

"I could either let you live tied up here forever," Sam said casually, "or you could start acting as Ana in real life and be my wife. It's your choice."

Andrew's mind raced with fear and confusion. He couldn't believe what Sam was proposing. The thought of living tied up in isolation or being forced into a life as someone else terrified him.

"I would suggest you be Ana," Sam said with a hint of menace. "I've already called a vet. You want to know why I called a vet? They are good at making any animal docile. How about it?"

Andrew's thoughts raced as he weighed his options. Fear gripped him as he considered what might happen if he refused. Could he endure a life of captivity, or would pretending to be Ana be his only chance at survival?

"Um... I..." Andrew stammered, his voice trembling. "I'll be Ana. Please, just let me go."

Sam's expression softened slightly, and he leaned back, crossing his arms. "Hmm so you would like to be my wife? Guess you would have to be a traditional wife because I can't let you go out, but don't worry, I will take care of you."

Andrew's mind raced with fear and confusion. He knew he had to choose quickly before Sam grew impatient or changed his mind.

"I'll be Ana," Andrew said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't hurt me."

Sam's eyes narrowed, studying Andrew for a long moment. Finally, he nodded slowly.

"Good choice," Sam said, his voice low and measured. "From now on, you're Ana. And you'll do exactly as I say."

"From now on, you're Ana. And you'll do exactly as I say."

These ominous words sent chills down Andrew's spine as he realized the depths of his situation. He had never expected it to turn out like this, with Sam discovering his deception and taking control over him through threats and manipulation.

Andrew wanted to protest, to fight back, but the fear of being tied up in isolation or worse prevented him from speaking up. He nodded reluctantly, submitting to Sam's demands.

After Andrew's reluctant submission, Sam smirked and began listing out the rules that he expected his so-called girlfriend 'Ana' to follow. Each rule seemed more humiliating and demeaning than the last, designed with the purpose to break Andrew's spirit and transform him into a fully compliant and feminine version of himself.

Sam: "Here are the rules you must follow from now on..."

Rule no 1 Adress me as husband or darling

Andrew swallowed hard, his face turning red with mortification at the first rule that Sam was imposing upon him. Reluctantly, he spoke in a soft and submissive voice.

"Y-yes, dear husband..."

What are you ? Ask sam

Andrew looked up at Sam, his face flushed with embarrassment. He knew what Sam wanted to hear, even though he was still not fully okay with it.

"What am I, dear husband?"

Sam smirked, clearly enjoying the situation he had put Andrew in. He leaned in closer, a hint of mockery in his tone.
Sam: "Say it loudly. You're my what?"

Andrew couldn't avoid the humiliation he felt as he repeated the words that Sam wanted to hear. His face turned completely red as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm... your wife, dear husband."

Sam chuckled, pleased with Andrew's compliance. He continued listing out the rules that he expected 'Ana' to follow, each one more demeaning and humiliating than the last.

Sam: "Here's the second rule..."

Sam smirked again, watching Andrew's face closely as he continued to lay out the rules. He seemed to enjoy the power dynamics, taking pleasure in controlling Andrew's every move.

"You will wear skirts and dresses only. No jeans or pants from now on. Understand?"

Sam chuckled, his tone dripping with condescension. He looked at Andrew expectantly, waiting for an answer.

Sam: "And why do you think I've made this rule, wife?"

Andrew felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger as he answered the question. He knew that Sam was enjoying this power trip.

"I... I suppose you want me to look more feminine, dear husband."

Sam chuckled again, a satisfied look on his face.

Sam: "That's right, wife. I want you to look and act more feminine. And rule number three is..."

Sam's tone turned more firm, making it clear that there was no room for negotiation.

Sam: "You will wear makeup at all times. I don't care if it's just a little bit of concealer or a full face of makeup. You will wear it, and you will look pretty for me. Understand?"

Andrew's heart sank even further as he heard the third rule. He had never been one to wear makeup before and the idea of having to wear it all the time now was humiliating.

"I... I understand, dear husband. I'll wear makeup whenever you want me to."

Sam nodded, pleased with Andrew's response. He continued listing the rules, enjoying the power he had over his wife.

Sam: "Good. Now, rule number four. You're not allowed to use your own name anymore. From now on, you're 'Ana', my devoted and obedient wife. Do you know why that is, wife?"

Andrew felt his stomach churn at the thought of not being able to use his own name anymore. But he knew better than to disobey Sam.

"Because you want me to fully embrace my role as your wife, dear husband."

Sam smirked, clearly enjoying the control he had over Andrew. He leaned in closer, his words dripping with condescending confidence.

Sam: "That's right, my dear wife. You are no longer Andrew, you are Ana. My devoted and obedient wife. And rule number five is: you are not allowed to sit like a man anymore."

Sam chuckled, clearly pleased with himself for coming up with yet another humiliating rule.

Sam: "It means that you are not allowed to sit with your legs spread wide open. Instead, you are to sit with your legs together, like a lady. Understand, wife?"

Andrew felt his face turning even redder. This rule seemed so petty and humiliating, but he knew he had no choice but to comply.

"I... I understand, dear husband. I will sit with my legs together from now on."

Sam nodded, satisfied with Andrew's response. He continued to list out the rules, his tone authoritative and demanding.

Sam: "Good. Rule number six: you are not allowed to talk back or argue with me. If we have a disagreement, you will keep your mouth shut and accept my decision as final. Understand, wife?"

Andrew felt a pang of anger and helplessness at the rule. He had always been a vocal and opinionated person, but he realized that Sam had intentionally stripped him of those qualities.

"Yes, dear husband," he muttered sullenly. "I understand."

Sam smiled, clearly satisfied with Andrew's compliance. He paused for a moment before continuing with the next rule.

Sam: "And rule number seven: you are not to show any signs of dominance towards me. No eye rolling, no sighing, no back talk, nothing. You will always speak to me with respect and submission. Understand, wife?"

Andrew's heart sank even further. He felt like he was slowly being stripped away of his identity and independence. But he had no choice but to comply.

"I... I understand, dear husband," he said through gritted teeth.

Sam chuckled, clearly enjoying the sense of control he had over Andrew. He leaned in closer, his tone almost mocking.

Sam: "I'm glad to hear it, my dear wife. Now let's move on to rule number eight. This one's a big one, so pay close attention."

Andrew looked at Sam nervously, bracing himself for the next rule. He had a feeling it was going to be even more humiliating than the others.

Sam paused for a moment, a devious glint in his eye. He leaned in closer, his tone a low whisper.

Sam: "Rule number eight: you are not allowed to make any decisions without my permission. Whether it's what you wear, what you eat, or even what you say, you must ask me for permission first. Understand, wife?"

Andrew's heart sank even further. This rule seemed to strip him of all autonomy and independence. It felt like he was being reduced to nothing more than a puppet for Sam to control.
"I... I understand, dear husband," he mumbled sullenly.

Sam smirked, the sadistic gleam in his eyes growing stronger. He clearly loved having this power over Andrew.

Sam: "That's right, my dear wife. And finally, rule number nine. Are you ready for the last one?"

Andrew felt a sense of dread building in his chest. He knew that the last rule was likely to be the most humiliating of all.

"Yes, dear husband," he mumbled, his voice filled with resignation.

Sam chuckled, clearly enjoying the power imbalance.

Sam: "Rule number nine is simple... but it's one that I expect you to follow without fail. Can you guess what it is?"

Andrew shuddered inwardly, his mind racing as he tried to guess what the final rule could be. He knew it had to be something humiliating, given the trend of the other rules. He swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I... I don't know, dear husband," he responded honestly.

Sam smiled, clearly pleased with Andrew's cluelessness.

Sam: "Well, I suppose I should tell you then... rule number nine is: you are not to ever refer to yourself as anything other than my wife. You are no longer Andrew, you are merely 'Ana', my devoted and submissive wife. Can you repeat that for me, wife?"

Andrew felt a fresh wave of humiliation wash over him as he realized the significance of the final rule. He knew that Sam had intentionally chosen this rule to completely erode his identity and any sliver of control he had left.

"I... I am no longer Andrew," he said slowly, his voice nearly inaudible. "I am... only Ana, your devoted and submissive wife."

Sam smirked, a satisfied look on his face as he watched Andrew fully accept his new identity.

Sam: "Good. Very good. You're learning your place, my dear wife. I expect you to follow all of these rules without question or hesitation. Do you understand?"

Andrew nodded, feeling a deep sense of humiliation and resignation. He knew he had no choice but to submit to Sam's demands. He forced himself to speak in a soft, submissive voice.

"Yes, dear husband. I understand and will follow all of your rules from now on."
Sam reached into his pocket with a smug expression and pulled out two small velvet boxes.

Sam: "Oh, I have something else for you, wife."

He dangled the boxes in front of Andrew, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Andrew's heart raced as he looked at the velvet boxes. He had a feeling he knew what they were, and the thought filled him with a mixture of dread and confusion.

"What... what are those, dear husband?" he asked timidly.

Sam smiled, clearly enjoying the suspense he was building.

Sam: "Why don't you open them and find out, wife."

He held out the two boxes, waiting for Andrew to take them.

Andrew reached out with trembling hands and took the boxes from Sam. He could feel the weight of each box in his hands, and his heart pounded in his chest. He took a deep breath, summoning up the courage to open them.

He slowly opened the first box and looked inside. When he saw what was inside, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

As Andrew opened the first box, he was met with the sight of a glinting diamond ring nestled inside. The ring was small and delicate, but the diamond was large and eye-catching. He stared at the ring, a mixture of shock and realization washing over him.
Sam watched Andrew's reaction closely, a smirk on his face.
Sam: "What do you think, my dear wife? Do you like it?"

Andrew felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside him. He knew what this ring symbolized, and the thought filled him with a sense of dread and resignation. He forced himself to speak in a soft, submissive voice.

"I... I do, dear husband. It's... beautiful."

Sam's smirk widened into a satisfied smile.

Sam: "I'm glad you like it, wife. There's one more thing I want to give you. Take a look inside the second box."

He held out the second velvet box, waiting for Andrew to open it.

Andrew's heart skipped a beat as he took the second box from Sam. He could only imagine what was inside. With trembling fingers, he slowly opened the box to reveal what was inside.

As Andrew opened the second box, his eyes widened in surprise and shock. Inside the box was a small, sparkling diamond choker. It was a delicate and beautiful piece of jewelry, but the meaning behind it was clear. Sam wanted him to wear it as a symbol of his submission to him.
As Andrew stared at the sparkling choker, a shiver ran down his spine. He had never worn jewelry before, let alone something as extravagant as a diamond choker. But he knew that Sam's intentions were clear. He was supposed to wear this necklace as a reminder of his submission to his husband.

Sam chuckled at Andrew's expression, clearly enjoying his discomfort.
Sam: "Don't just stare at it, wife. Put it on. I want to see how it looks on you."

Andrew felt a sense of humiliation and resignation wash over him. He glanced up at Sam, who was looking at him expectantly. With trembling hands, Andrew picked up the choker from the box and slowly draped it around his neck. The cool touch of the diamonds against his skin made him shiver.

Sam's smirk grew wider as he watched Andrew put on the choker. He reached out and gently touched the diamonds, his fingers tracing the delicate jewelry around Andrew's neck.

Sam: "You look beautiful, my dear wife. The choker suits you perfectly."

Sam's tone was firm and commanding as he continued speaking.

Sam: "And don't even think about removing it, wife. I want you to wear it at all times. It is a symbol of your complete submission to me. Do you understand?"

Sam retrieved a male ring from his pocket and handed it to andrew he then took the diamond female ring he brought in his hand

Now put that male ring in my finger

With trembling hands, Andrew took the male ring from Sam and looked at it closely. It was a simple gold band, nothing fancy or extravagant.

He then looked up at Sam, his heart racing. He knew what this ring represented, and the thought filled him with a mixture of emotions. But he knew he had no choice but to comply with Sam's demand.

Andrew took Sam's hand in his own and slowly slid the ring onto his finger, feeling a wave of humiliation and submission washing over him.

Sam looked down at the female ring in the velvet box, a satisfied expression on his face. He then looked back up at Andrew.

Sam: "Now it's time for me to put the ring on you, wife."

He took the ring out of the box and held it up, admiring the sparkling diamonds in the light.

Andrew watched as Sam held up the glittering ring, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew what was about to happen, and his mind was swirling with a mix of emotions.

Sam: "Place your left hand out, wife. And keep still."

Andrew took a deep breath and extended his left hand, his fingers trembling slightly. He held his hand out obediently, waiting for Sam to slip the ring onto his finger.

Sam took Andrew's hand in his own, holding it steady. He then slid the ring onto Andrew's finger, a satisfied expression on his face.

Sam: "There. Now you are truly mine, my dear wife. This ring symbolizes that you belong to me. You are my property."



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