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Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing with you an extra reward for this month. It's a small, 8-page comic I did about Byron, the gym leader from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which was originally part of an anthology which was sold earlier this year for a limited period of time.

I made a quick cover art for it which is new though haha

%.- Anyways here's the link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2wqixr1b270oue49kdjyy/h?rlkey=0omtue0qn0k5a808e706yud83&dl=0

Thanks again for the support!




Oh wow! Can't wait to see this 😍👌🔥


damn! where did that come from? XD I didn't know you were working on that, so this is a nice surprise 💖


Oh it was a zine organized by Kimakkun and released on jan or something haha I did promote it back in the day


I hope this gets a part 2 🤤 I love those massage stories 🤤

christian valdez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 04:43:21 That was really nice. I’m a new subscriber and was sad I didn’t have access to old works so this is the first project I’ve seen from you. Very impressive. I wished I found you earlier
2024-02-27 13:15:16 That was really nice. I’m a new subscriber and was sad I didn’t have access to old works so this is the first project I’ve seen from you. Very impressive. I wished I found you earlier

That was really nice. I’m a new subscriber and was sad I didn’t have access to old works so this is the first project I’ve seen from you. Very impressive. I wished I found you earlier