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Just sharing some Patreon stories! Sorry I've been quiet for a little bit; sinus problems flared up, which took me out for a few days. Finally off the antibiotic treatments though, thank God. They didn't work and caused many problems.

These two are different than my usual fare. But I found them quite fun! Thank you for these novel ideas. For those that want micro/macro usualness—don't worry, PokeBox has an update planned for the weekend.

First up: a requested Tooth and Craw-themed mini story! No vore, surprisingly! Mior gets deleted. Straight-up. The bird is in a game world and got sent to the data dump. I'll include it as a bonus ending in TaC. It fits in nicely with a feature I cut a while ago, but had some passion recently to revive.

Image related.

Get de-rezzed here! — https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s6ZDrtZJryumYxinSLk0qHrxYWPGkhg6bzswtrrDBJ8/edit?usp=sharing


Another sweet story that uses characters from Lowen/caliburman! It's very rare that I write willing vore, much less non micro-macro vore, but I quite enjoy the characters of the Lowenverse. And I've found it to be a pleasure each and every time.

On a quiet day in what appears, on the surface, to be a sleepy town—a dragon and kobold couple run a ramen shop. And after Gunnar pulls more than a few all-nighters, Meifen decides to help the kobold sleep in an unusual way.

Non micro/macro, digestion, oral vore, reluctant-to-willing

Check it out here! — https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yanllzt9DEiKPZ5I6ISdtG-DQhyow1A5HwsSEuKFZqg/edit?usp=sharing


Any random updates from the life of Cuttle?

Yes. I punched an annoying fly so hard, he bounced off my monitor. I felt like a god. My cat has decided she is now afraid of mops.


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