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The reason why I never draw Axie is because I've never really been fond of her many designs. Maybe the issue was that I was designing her to accommodate her mutations rather than her style.

Her original look was meant to be punk-ish, but it didn't really work out at the time so I gave her more of a sporty and peppy look. But I was never really that happy with it so now I've given her back her punk-ish-ness!

She also now wears a collar that suppresses most of her mutations so she can look human, but once she takes it off or the charge runs out she'll return back to her normal mutant look.
Also without the collar she is susceptible to random temporary mutations here and there ;Þ

What do you think about the redesign?



Qubit Influx

Looks good to me, then again, I'm not really picky :P


I dig it! Like the new haircut! Seems like she's more assertive / comfortable / confident with her changes than some other characters. Kind of a cool personality dynamic for some new ideas maybe? Like, she knows what's going on - she owns it and dgaf 😂 That said, the collar is a cool idea. There's the "normal life" side of her and the "real her" 🤔


I don't know the history here. What is Axie's story? Why does she have mutations at all? What are you trying to achieve with the character?


It looks great! Hope to see her in some future pieces.


Like, is she a collection of all your favourite mutations, a "beautiful freak" who acts as wish fulfilment for you because she's your favourite kind of beauty and she'll kick the ass of anyone who thinks otherwise?

Sam and Kara

OOOOO big changed indeed :D. Honestly both are fantastic and I do like the update regarding the collar and such. But, I am happy you are more settled and happy with the new design :3


Crop top + multibreast is absolutely based


Thank you! She's come to terms with her mutated body, though the random mutations can still cause troubles and/or awkwardness haha ;Þ


There's no big backstory as of now, basically she either fell or was thrown in toxic waste and it mutated her body. Now her body also mutates randomly and temporarily from time to time as her cells are now very unstable. She was originally just created to give me an excuse to draw more multi and weird stuff lmao


Unstable mutations, but being happy in herself sounds like a good time for me. Thanks! :D

Sam and Kara

Really happy to hear :D If I may, have you any plans for the old design? Like making it her sister or something, or are you fully scrapping? If so, might I recommend an adopt?

Tim van der Horst

I like her base mutations so much! 😄 Hmm, I bet it must be hard trying to find / make clothes that fit for her body, both with pants that fit her tail, and shirts / bras that fit a multibreast!


Hmm I'll probably just scrap it, I don't really see a point of making the old design an adopt, but people can take inspo from her old design if they want ;Þ


Haha might be tough. At home I imagine she probably just cuts holes in her pants and wears large shirts or crop-tops, but when wearing her collar she can use regular clothing ;Þ

Sam and Kara

Ah hmm hmm understandable :3 Well I for one would 100% buy if she was an adopt XD he he But thanks :D, she is fantastic inspiration :P