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I know I haven't posted much this month, sorry for that!

I've been currently working on upgrading my computer and will probably start assembling it either tomorrow or the day after, so I can't do much drawing at that time.

But afterwards, if everything goes smoothly then I should hopefully be back into action with some festive TFs and poll winners!

So again, sorry for the lack of content but I hope you understand.
Thank you for your patience!


Qubit Influx

Do what you need to do, I'll wait. As one who assembles computers myself; it takes time and doesn't always go the way you want.


You’re good UTF, you improved drastically and did so many pieces last month, it’s completely fine! Life is messy y’know 💙


Hopefully everything goes right, it's my first time assembling basically from scratch. So hopefully I've researched enough :Þ

Qubit Influx

I think you have this, it's not too bad now. Not like when I was doing it back in the late 90's.... Pins to jump, 2-3 different kinds of hard drives with their own expansion cards and settings. Everything had to be manually set up.... It's much easier to do now.