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Hello everyone!

I don't have much specific to bring you all up to speed on this month, other then to give you a few looks at what's happening at the moment. *

All screenshots should be considered WIP

I've been in prep the last week or so getting things ready for AIMEE Vs Ahri, I'm currently waiting for a last bit of voice work which I should expect this coming Monday, which will allow me to start animating in earnest. I've been spending the other time tweaking assets, adding things that will make my animation life easier.

I did stream a little bit of this  (just threw out an announcement on the discord server, so a reminder to join if you're not already, most granular updates go out on there)

It was only asset creation and that can be pretty boring, hell the whole process can be pretty boring lets be honest but that's just 3D.

Nevertheless I will likely start up a few streams of the animation process as I get into it.

Inspection time

I would say expect a similar type of experience here as the AIMEE VS Mercy, but a bit more... forceful on AIMEE's side **

You can see the changes in colouring I did during taking these previews (the white/black mask is the one I'll likely use)

I've more or less permanently switched to cycles as my preferred render engine, enabling the liberal use of transparency and emissive light, it's been really good to work with as it enables so many more fun features for me to play with, the obvious drawback being render times, even with the optimisations I work to put in place, it takes nearly triple the time to render frames VS my old method, so we will see if this enables me to stay on schedule for my intended release time of this piece which should be towards the end of this month (October)

That was a strong motivator behind me wanting to go for more frequent, reduced length episodes, and I'll be honest, I've given a lot of thought to this over the last couple of months since switching to this full time.

I've ultimately decided that the success of the episode has to have been as a result of me letting the animations have the time they need to develop, I think the writing can be tightened up in places for sure, that's a learning process that will never stop, and I'm always expanding my support network and writing team to bring new fun ideas to you all.

My priority simply must remain to just tell these stories, in as best a way as I can, in the highest quality I can, I can only trust and hope that that earnest desire will be rewarded, with money

Ahri just gets rewarded with orgasms.

Going full time with all this was exciting but also -very scary- when what you rely on to keep the roof over you head is dependant on a good or bad release, it adds a level of pressure that wasn't there before, it installs doubt in oneself, you swing in-between giddy realisation, maniacal laughter and imposter syndrome all in one day.

That said, I would like some insight from you guys as to what drove your sub, particularly in reference to the most recent release, was it the futa? the bondage? the breadth and variety of the characters? the length? I invite you all to please take a moment to answer the poll below.  

As ever, a massive thank you to the continued support from all of you across both platforms, I will make sure you get some hot, hot content out of it.  

*I always say that and end up writing like, 5 pages 

**all participants give written consent before each procedure and are fully aware of any or all procedures that will be undertaken to ensure the quality and quantity of their donation is suitable.



I can't lie, I'm here for episode 5. I LOVED every second of the videos up to this point and I just had to, one, support you as a creator, and two, help in a small way to release more of this great work!


For me it was the whole thing, story, sounds, animation, futa and toys... it was just so good and exciting I had to become a supporter so I could see more great work! Thanks for sharing your talent and hard work with us!


the dominant ai character


Specifically what's happening in the scene 4 me. A scientific setting with the bondage and automated machinery 10/10