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Hey everyone, 

Here's a little something I've made over the last few days for you all.

I promised Liara in or on something, so this is a little stop gap for you all so you get something for your sub this month :)

The full length Liara movie I'd planned to originally be around 4-5 minutes is looking more like 9, so I don't have the time to get it out in time for it's planned release for the 23rd.

It's going to be something I'm just going to chip away at, but my aim is to get -something- out for you guys monthly, so I'm shifting priorities around a little so the next project I'm going to work on is going to be the AIMEE X Ahri  animation (Ahri won the aggregated vote across both platforms by majority vote so she will be the one getting milked)

The planned release date for that one is October 21st, I'm hoping to get a poster together as part of the monthly update so I'll see you all then.

Hope you enjoy!



Manuel Hausmann

Hi Maximus, is it still possible for you to Finish Liara? You said that there is a 9 Minute Version. I am very curious about that. How much would it cost to bring that to an end?


So the liara one is on hiatus for the time being. No plans to return to it in the immediate future, the promotional medium didn't gain all that much traction and it was extremely slow going, due to the model I had available to me lip synching alone was taking hours, the ideas I had for toys were not panning out at all, and the animation load was enormous. In addition the initial script draft had some issues I wasn't pleased with, so for now it's in cold storage. Nothing is ever gone completely in this industry, but its not receiving active development either. It's probably a solid 3 months work to bring that up to a level I'd be happy with.

Manuel Hausmann

I have two pictures with mass effect fields activly used on liara in different scenarios. Can i send you the Screenshots please?