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If you are a supporter and have your discord account linked already to your Patreon account you'd have likely been pulled in there automatically.

If you haven't linked your account this is how you unlock a special benefactor role on the server.

The role will allow you to vote in polls and such in the future as the discord server will likely be the hub for those kinds of things moving forward.

Hope to see you over there!



You need to link your account with discord in the patreon account settings. It takes a minute to update your role.

Akihito Watanabe

最近、サポートし始めました。Discord Serverが開けません。Discordが、Mac12.4で実行不可になってしまいます。また、subscribestarと違いを教えて、ください。subscribestarで、アクセス可能ならsubscribestarのサポートに切り替えます。