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TLDR: The Kiri episode is rendering as I type, by the numbers it will be doing so for the next 4 days, allowing me a couple days to do my post processing and final touches, this should drop sometime next week (I'm aiming for Thursday)

With that said, I wanted to talk today about where all your money ends up!

Believe it or not, I'm not actually buying a yacht with it!

This project represents the first true 'all hands on deck' situation for me, It's the first time that an entire production has started with, and been worked through by multiple members.

So along with paying the growing team of passionate individuals (all of which are equally as excited to see this vision rendered) a lot of it gets spent on hardware.

New computers, graphics cards, hard drives, that kind of thing, I'm going to explain why this is so helpful, by talking about cum!

Simulation for the nation

I spent about 2 weeks of this month running fluid simulations for this scene, When I said before that you should all expect a scene like Mercy X Aimee but messier, I meant it!

That sounds like a lot of time, and it is! But when you consider I was using a whole new system which I had to learn the ins and outs of... well.. it's still a lot of time!

But honestly, that's just simulation in general, it is a tedious, yet necessary part of productions.

And when I say tedious, I mean tedious, below is an example of a FLIP simulation baking in real time:

Just so you can understand the numbers here:

  • The simulation is running on a 13900K, the fastest possible processor for this job

  • That gif represents the time it takes to see the result of a single frame of calculation

  • The simulation -will- slow down the longer it goes on, due to the amount of particles in the simulation increasing.

  • This is for 234 frames of simulation with an extremely small amount of fluid.

This is a system I've been using for many years now, a lot of the fluid dynamics in a lot of my productions were made using it, so I'm pretty good at it at this point, I've had a lot of practice.

But even with that level of experience, a simulation will almost never turn out well on the first try, you almost always have something to tweak to get it to look right.

So suffice to say, considering some of the simulations in this scene go on for thousands of frames, this was not going to work.

I like to think I have an extremely patient supporter base, but I think even you guys would get upset if I told you all I'd be waiting another 2 months on this project! (I did not pull that number out of the air, it's literally how long it would have taken)

So, things had to change. Enter fluid particles. By comparison this is a much larger scale simulation running, with 10 times the particles, on 20x the scale:

Awesome right!? But this is simulation, Simulations still go wrong.

They go wrong a lot

So, you're always going to have to iterate, and at the length of time this sim goes on for, it was taking about an hour to an hour and a half to see the results of each sim.

The solution? run 3 iterations of the simulation with different values at the same time, across a networked set of computers:

You'll notice those move a lot slower, it got a bit more complex as time went on!

In the end, in a single week, I was able to complete something in the region of 150-200 iterations of the simulation until I found the settings that produced the result I wanted

Well, actually the result I wanted was Version 47, but I ran about another 20 after that just to see if it could be made any better.

Overall, the fluid particle system was a wonderful addition to my arsenal, and the time I've managed to turn this project around in is a reflection of the level of investment that's brought us this far

Without the support of you all, I would never have been able to afford all the devices that make this kind of stuff possible!

It is my hope that, if this continues, we can only continue to make better and greater things. As competent as this system is, I have made contacts that are going to enable me to start using Houdini for my simulation needs, and then we're going to see stuff on another level entirely!

With that said though, this production really is on another level from my previous works, we are finally starting to see the return of the investment that I've been building on for the past few years!

Light her up!

Another decision which, may not have been as popular is, This production could have actually been done and released by now, the timing was such that it did have an, albeit slim, possibility of coming in just under the wire.

What ended up costing us was the addition of volumetric lighting, It is a very good looking, but also very costly addition to the rendering process.

Just to put it in perspective, these are frames from different stages of the animation, all of them are to be considered WIP (even the one at the top of this post)

This was the first lighting setup I was going to go with for this production, at this stage this would render in about a minute per frame (17,175 frames, 3 computers = about 4 days)

I got some feedback that the light direction was a little boring, so I twisted it a little, messed with the range and added some cut-out sections of it, at this stage it's still taking about a minute per frame.

Then volumetrics came about, speak to any 3d artist and they will know that volume is an extremely costly, but also extremely beneficial addition to how real a scene feels. Just this level added 30 seconds of render time -minimum- to each frame (that makes the render take 6 days instead)

Nice right? But we can do better here at MJP.

This final adjustment, along with some additional tweaks pushed the final average frame render time to 2 minutes per frame (8 days rendering total)


Soooo yeah, that's why I missed my deadline at the end of last month, I think the results speak for themselves though.

But I said 4 days at the top? how come it's going to be done that soon if it was going to be rendering twice as long?

Well, I bought another GPU, another thing I was able to do, because I have so many of you supporting us.

If I'm being honest though, I made a lot of similar decisions during the production of this piece.

The whole, get content out fast VS realising your own vision of the scene debate is one that will run through the minds of any independent artist living upon the whim of thousands of generous strangers.

It is taking a measured approach, and spending the extra time that resulted in the production looking the way it does now, and I sincerely believe that, that's why you're all here, to see the finest quality pornography that exists.

Until I release my next piece of course!

I leave you with an image of some frames in motion from the animation.

Please bear in mind this is a screen recording/crop of a small section of the frame before any final post processing, it is also a GIF which are low frame rates, the final production moves as smoothly as any of my others do:

Bye for now!



I, for one, appreciate your attention to quality over quantity. Your work is absolutely worth the wait. In my opinion, your content is an order of magnitude better than anything else on the internet -- both live and animated. And that's even considering the fact that I don't really like futa. Waiting a few months for a new release is a tiny price to pay for content quality that literally does not exist elsewhere.

Ethan Fish

I am quite excited to see the final result! It's looking like it will be a masterpiece


Not sure what to add here. JT basically said it all. Keep up the amazing work! Ps: think there might be some Tifa stuff in the future?


Thank you for showing us this. We the Patreons are all paying a small price for top quality animation. By showing and elaborating on the effort, time and tedious amount of details that are put into this by you and your staff, allows us to truly appreciate the sheer magnitude of this project and how it's neatly wrapped with a pretty bow just for us.🎁 --Thank you.


I like tifa! So maybe… nothing planned currently. But I’ve always wanted to do a tifa cloud aerith scene.


You put out, by far, the best quality work of any artist I've come across. Your attention to detail, and your desire to push yourself to get better and better, is extremely exciting as a supporter. You are exactly the kind of artist I am here to support and I'm so excited to see what you come up with.

Nick Lewis

I’ve always wondered if there was a way to have your community contribute their own hardware time to rendering in a sort of voluntary render farm. Looking around I haven’t seen many options and I’m not too familiar with this space. Glad to hear about the hardware aquisitions!


Thank you for the update! Each of your pieces have been well worth the wait and considering the work that’s gone into this one, I expect big things 😜😊


More complex than it sounds unfortunately. But that’s ok! Building this kind of infrastructure is just part of doing business, we will get there!

Frank Kuschmann

You are a perfectionist, MJ. And a perfectionist can't help but to aim for perfectionism in all his doing. And that means that you are almost never satisfied with the results. But when you finally achieve the wanted result it is perfect. It has the disadvantages that it takes more time and an increased work effort. At the end it's worth it though because you will have created a masterpiece then. Thanks for showing us such a deep insight of your work!


I have a vested interest in your journey with fluids haha. Excited because like you said all these improvements and learning will make subsequent futa works that much better as well :)


This scene would absolutely not work with a futa. Sorry. I know that it may not be your preference. But it’s really not that simple


I like to think I know when to call it a day though. Perfectionism is the enemy of success after all!


Which is to say: my work is built around the situation. You can’t just add a penis to her and expect it to work the same way, you’ll see! And I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Frank Kuschmann

Do you really think so? I think the success is only delayed a bit by perfectionism but at the end the quality result and the success is more overpowering - in my opinion. You can’t jump over your shadow, after all (*wink*).


I think the saying is more about advising that perfectionism has its limits, at a certain point you just have to call it done/good enough!


So this is where all the yield from the previous videos is going. ^^


I'd like to think the difference between pornagraphy and eroticism is measured in effort. By that margin you're work falls squarely in the latter category, and that feels right. Thanks for the update - it's quite interesting to see "behind the curtain" a bit technically speaking. Quality can't be rushed! Cheers!


I love that you’re prioritising quality over speed. If I want output the internet is a big place with a lot of people putting out more but lower quality content (not a riff on them, just a statement of fact). But when it comes to you and your content I’m more than happy to both pay and wait because you and your team is truly amazing. I’m so thankful I get to be here and see you grow from one passionate guy doing what he loves to still that same passionate guy but who also runs a company of equally passionate and talented people. Few notifications excite me as much as when I see a new post from you.


would you consider besides the futa milking other stuff ? maybe keep it but add some other stuff like feet/armpit/belly tickling ? maybe even butthole :)


Nah. Sorry. Not really something I’m interested in exploring. Unless it’s the odd little tickle. There’s other artists who specialise in that. More power to them! But that’s not the fetish I’m here for.