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I am terribly sorry, but I would like to inform you that I have been sick for the last few days (though luckily not with any strain of COVID-19, as determined by testing), leaving me unable to work on the daily articles. The notes for the next episode of the Supper Mario Broth Supper Show podcast have been finalized and it will be released as soon as I am able to record it, which should hopefully be tomorrow or in the next few days. The daily articles should also resume at the same time.

I apologize for not having been able to prepare enough of a queue of pre-made content to be able to keep posting even when I am personally unable to work on it, as I am usually able to do with my public blogs. Please understand that I only started to work on the Patreon again a few weeks ago and it may take some time for me to be fully prepared for all eventualities in this manner; however, I hope to be able to do so starting with next month, as I understand that being unable to write an article on any specific day should not mean that no article is posted, as my promise to all supporters is articles being posted daily.

I also am posting this update as the most common feedback I have received regarding my hiatus from Patreon is that more supporters would have been understanding of my issues if I had posted regular updates here on Patreon instead of expecting them to read the entirety of my public blogs to see them. This was a terrible way of handling the situation on my part in the past and I cannot apologize enough. From now on, if the Patreon is not receiving regular updates for a few days, I will make a short post like this one explaining the situation.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that if you are not satisfied with this, I am still, as I have always, offering no-questions-asked complete refunds. Simply contact me over Patreon or any of my public blogs requesting a refund and I will return to you the entire amount that you have ever spent to support the Supper Mario Broth Patreon, immediately. Please keep that in mind; it is important to me that you are satisfied with the content - and if the content is not to your satisfaction, I would not want you to leave with the feeling that you have wasted your money.

Thank you very much for reading.



Take care of yourself! Honestly I have been blown away by the volume of content you've been sharing recently; this is by far the most active Patreon I back. But I support it because I appreciate the content you create and want to help more of it exist; not because I feel entitled to special additional content. Just keep making things you enjoy, and keep yourself well in the meantime.


Hey Broth. All good, focus on your health. We'll be here when you get back! Thanks for the update.


don't worry about it man. and honestly I would say you'd probably be better off doing the articles weekly at most. you don't need to burn yourself out writing an entire essay about mario every single day. you gotta pace yourself so you don't burn out


Thank you for the update, and please make sure to take care of yourself! I've been enjoying the frequency in your posting lately, but I think I speak for a vast majority of your backers when I say that it's OK to pace yourself with this kind of work. Most creators would take weeks to conduct the same amount of research and collation you do in a single day, all the while asking several times more money for it, and even THEY have a well-documented burnout problem—I empathize with the mindset that you owe your backers the content they paid for, but as someone who subscribed during this year's hiatus, the value for money of what's already here is frankly insane, so please feel free to take breaks for your own health, both physical and mental.

Will G.

We love you Supper, take care of yourself first. 🫂


You are so hard on yourself! Your dedication to quality articles and discoveries has been unflagging since you started this blog, and you are absolutely entitled to days off even if you don't feel sick! Take care of yourself. I am sure that every one of your fans is more patient with you than you are.


Thank you for keeping us informed! Please get plenty of rest. Like others said, the amount of posts you make for the Patreon is frankly impressive. Even if you posted 3 times less often, I think the Patreon value would still be incredibly high. Anyway, I wish you a prompt recovery!


Get well soon! I agree with the others, you have been putting out SO MUCH detaiked, thorough content. As far as I'm concerned you've produced months worth of quality posts in a very short time. I would have only expected the kinds of things you've been posting once a week at most.

Jim Wakelin

Please don't be afraid to take breaks when you need to! The amount of effort you put into every post is extraordinary, if you need to take time off to recover that's fine!


Thank you very much for your kind words! I am very flattered that you wish to support me for the quality of the content regardless of the quantity, but I personally believe I should strive to produce content on a consistent schedule, as well, especially to make up for the extremely long hiatus the Patreon has endured over the last two years.


Thank you very much! I will definitely keep updating my supporters in this manner regularly now regardless of what happens, since I understand how frustrating it must have been in the past to receive no updates over lengthy periods of time.


Thank you very much! I appreciate the concern, but I assure you that I am very passionate about Mario and that writing the articles is only a matter of available time and physical energy, not of motivation to write. If I do experience burnout in the future, I will of course make a post about that and discuss the best course of action with my supporters.


Thank you very much for your kind words! I believe burnout should not be a problem, as I have done this type of work for not only the 9 years of Supper Mario Broth operation, but also before that for earlier projects; however, I may run into issues with time management or efficient use of tools and programs, which may delay my work. If I do experience burnout in the future, I will definitely let my supporters know so we can figure out the best way to proceed together!


Thank you very much! I can promise that I will not make my condition worse by forcing myself to work while feeling sick; however, as soon as I feel better, I will continue!


Thank you very much for your kind words! I really appreciate the sentiment, however, the one thing I should have definitely worked harder on in the past is regularly updating my supporters about my condition/any hiatuses instead of leaving the page without updates. No matter what happens in the future, I can promise that I will post regular updates here even if I am unable to write articles or create content, though I hope this won't happen!


Thank you very much! I am very flattered if you believe the value of my articles is that high already, but I genuinely do not have a problem with writing them this often as long as I am not hindered in doing so by outside factors like health or other real-life issues.


Thank you very much! I do want to keep writing as this rate, as I do not see the amount of topics ever running out, so as soon as I am able to, I will resume writing!


Thank you very much! I will try to get back to posting as soon as I can, but if I need a few days extra time beyond what is indicated in this post, I will post another update!


Hope you're feeling better soon, sorry to hear that!! We're all incredibly grateful for your dedication and amazing content. Breaks are completely understandable, your health and safety comes first!


Broth, you work incredibly hard, and it’s amazing how much work you do. Please just focus on your health and safety, and get as much rest as you need! Thank you for all the work you do!


Feel better soon Broth! Please, take all the time you need to recover. Also, do you have an official submission box? I've noticed a few oddities that you might be interested in, but I don't want to spam your social media about stuff.


I apologize for overlooking this message; something happened that I did not receive updates from Patreon to my email address for a few days. As you can see, I have recovered, hopefully to the point where I am able to resume smooth operation of the Patreon! You can send in submissions using any of the following: Tumblr chat system, Twitter DM system, or the Patreon messaging system! And of course, if you would like me to use any other system, please let me know and I will see what I can do!