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Welcome to the sixth Supper Mario Broth Supper Show podcast. This is the beginning of the new schedule where the podcasts are shorter, but are released weekly. Please note that the podcasts are no longer scripted as writing a 10,000+ word script every week on top of the daily articles and the operation of my public blogs is not feasible. 

The transcript will be available a few days from now as I am prioritizing releasing the podcasts. If you wish the transcripts to always be available at the time of the podcasts' releases, please let me know, although this could slightly delay the podcasts.

Please understand that this is my first time recording anything unscripted for my audience, and as such may sound unnatural as I am in the process of accustoming myself to this type of content. I welcome all feedback regarding the content, sound quality and structure of the podcast. 

Thank you very much for your support.




Hello Broth! Thank you for the podcast. The sound quality seems fine to me, and I appreciate that you've edited out gaps to keep the episode length down (although there's a spot around the Super Mario 64 sections where there's some repeated lines). I'm looking forward to the next episode!


Thank you very much! I am very glad you like the removal of the gaps; I was concerned it would make some of the gaps too short and no longer natural. I will try to pay more attention to the repeated lines in the future! Please understand that this was all very new for me. I hope you will enjoy the future episodes!


Hey! Really fun episode. Very informative. It's almost hard to believe it wasn't scripted, because you delivered the information very professionally and concisely. Keep up the great work.


Thank you very much for your kind words! I did not have a script, but I did have several pages of notes that I looked through as I was speaking. I am very glad you found it to be of a similar quality to the scripted episodes! I hope you will find the future ones to be to your liking, as well!


Going to echo Liam’s feedback here! The script or lack thereof was totally fine, and the subject matter was engaging. 30 minutes feels reasonable, as someone who typically struggles to follow along with podcasts due to attention issues. There were a few instances of a loud crackling noise in the audio, but since no one else pointed it out, it could have been a glitch on my end. I would suggest putting a short pause between sentences where you edited out the gaps, because it feels a little unnatural/breathless as is. I’d also throw in some slightly longer pauses at points where you switch topics, or possibly even a short sound effect to indicate a new topic. All in all, I think you did a great job - keep it up!


Thank you very much for your feedback! I will attempt to add more gaps between the sentences in the future as you suggest! I apologize for the crackling, this appears to be related to the recording equipment. I will try to remove that, as well!