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Welcome to the fourth Supper Mario Broth Supper Show podcast. This is the first podcast in what should be weekly releases for the $3 level Supper Players support tier, as opposed to the old ones that were intended to be monthly, but which I unfortunately did not manage to release in a timely manner due to their scripts being immensely long, reaching 40,000 words in one case. This particular episode will be free for non-subscribers to view as an example of the podcast, however, the subsequent episodes with be for $3 or higher tier supporters only.

In this episode, I take a look at unused text found in the data of Super Mario Sunshine that tells the story of a human family of tourists having trouble on Isle Delfino. The text paints a picture of a game completely different from the finished one, resembling Paper Mario in its story focus.

If you wish to read along, you may download the script for this episode, in PDF or in text file form, found in the Attachments section below the article.

Thank you very much for your support. I welcome all feedback regarding the quality of the podcast. 




I thought this was really interesting. I will say I preferred reading it to listening to the podcast (your voice is fine! i just preferred reading in this case). If you ever do an episode heavily reliant on audio, I recommend including an easy way for readers to still hear the audio. One possibility is short links included in the text. Thanks for the great post!


Thank you very much for your kind words! I will definitely provide a way to listen to the audio samples separately in that case! I hope you will find the upcoming episodes satisfactory, as well!


I'm only 15 minutes in (I generally prefer to listen to podcasts while driving), but as someone with a working knowledge of Japanese I was curious about some of the translation choices, so I checked the original text. I'm not a native speaker, so take all this with a grain of salt, but: -The "call me Mumsy, not Mom" bit is about what you speculated, a Japanese thing that's difficult to translate. The exact words are Mommy (マミー, lit. mamii) for "Mumsy" and Okaa-san (おかあさん), a somewhat formal term for mother, for "Mom". -I checked to see if "Pianta"'s dialogue indicated a gender, and found much more. The character uses a bizarre speech style which uses katakana almost exclusively, something generally associated with robots, and also has a very repetitive and childlike speech style. From skimming some Japanese footage this doesn't seem to be any sort of "standard speech style" for Piantas (the police Piantas in the intro cutscene speak normally), but I also don't have the entire Japanese script available to me so I don't know if there are any Pianta that do speak like this in the final game. The "System" text is written in the same style, so it's likely meant to be the same speaker and just classified differently for some reason. If I notice anything else in the rest of the podcast, I'll reply to this comment with it.


Thank you so much for your detailed comment! As someone who unfortunately does not know Japanese, I am unfortunately reliant on the translations of others for my information, so please excuse any inaccuracies in my analysis that come as a result of some meaning lost or added in the translation. Perhaps, if you find more things that should be improved about the translation, you can do it on the TCRF wiki; or I can edit it on your behalf if you wish! The Piantas do not seem to speak like this in the finished game; I checked and they definitely do not only use katakana. I wonder if, due to the messages being attributed to "Pianta" but sounding like a robot, it could have been a robot Pianta? I am curious about what other comments you may have on the rest of the text, and thank you again!