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Welcome to the third Supper Mario Broth Supper Show podcast. This one has 12468 words, or 19 pages, of information about the cross-references between Nintendo's Mario and Zelda franchises. 

You may listen to the podcast using the player above, or you can download the audio file here.

Thank you very much for your support. I welcome all feedback regarding the quality of the podcast. Episode 4 is coming later today.




Would you be able to enable the Audio RSS feature so we could get new Supper Show episodes delivered directly to a podcast app of choice? (See <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-</a> ) I'm not a huge fan of the Patreon app's built in audio player.


I have enabled that functionality, although I do not know if it will retroactively deliver the existing 3 episodes to you. I will submit the fourth episode today, so please notify me if possible if there are problems with getting the feed for that one. As for the previous episodes, all I can suggest if the RSS functionaly doesn't work is to download the .mp3 files directly using the download links (right under the name of the podcast, and within the text itself). I apologize for not enabling this sooner; I do not use podcast apps or RSS myself and this is all technically challenging for me. I hope you will still be able to listen to the audio in some manner.

Stark Maximum

I'm so excited to see this come back! This was the part of the patreon I was most excited about, was getting to listen to you talk about extended parts of Mario knowledge. Is this the third episode, tho? I distinctly remember the first one, but have I missed the second one? I may have downloaded it when it came out and then forgot to listen to it...


Thank you very much for your kind words! The second episode can be found here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/novel-length-2-23295825">https://www.patreon.com/posts/novel-length-2-23295825</a> It is the longest one yet, at 3 hours and 17 minutes! I hope you will like it, the current episode, and Episode 4 which will be released less than 24 hours from now!


The Mayoi no Mori name is actually very common in Japanese video games! It's even the original name of Forever Forest in Paper Mario. You may find this article interesting: <a href="https://legendsoflocalization.com/the-many-translations-of-the-lost-woods/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://legendsoflocalization.com/the-many-translations-of-the-lost-woods/</a> And thank you for an entertaining podcast as always!


Oh, this is rather unfortunate. The article seems to be from the end of 2018; I was going through my own posts I made on this topic to summarize them and I posted about the name in 2017, whereupon the reception of my post was generally that of mild interest and no one pointing out that the name was common. Of course, this is the risk that I run as someone who does not know Japanese and makes statements about the Japanese language. I should really stop embarrassing myself and finally dedicate time to learning the language, especially due to that opening up so many new avenues for finding out new Mario information. Thank you very much for the correction, and I hope that the rest of the podcast was to your liking.