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24: Promise

The meeting lasted a little longer before it ended. After all, it wasn't a meeting to decide or vote on something; John was in charge and was merely getting the whole team on the same page. Everyone then went to do what they needed to do because they would soon be flying back to Europe.

SWORD's temporary base would serve as a command center in this part of the world and help communicate between the international agency and the United States. In the not-too-distant future, they would likely opt for a more ideal location and the construction of a proper headquarters.

Of course, if possible, John wanted his own helicarrier soaring through the clouds, but even with Howard and Hank by his side, that would probably take some time.

And speaking of Hank...

“This… This is incredible! Can you see it, Colonel? Her cells have formed a connection with quantum energy. High-intensity Pym particles are spontaneously generated within her at every moment!” John looked at the data Professor Pym had obtained after studying Janet's anomalous condition for several hours.

The woman was also nearby, looking at the information with interest, after all, it concerned the condition of her body.

“It’s fascinating, Professor, but the important thing is to know if this is harmful to her. Her health is the most important thing here,” John said, causing Janet to nod in agreement.

The professor stopped looking at the analysis and thought deeply before responding.

“I need more specialized equipment to give a definitive answer, but with the data obtained so far, it shouldn't be dangerous for the moment.”

“Not dangerous for the moment?” Janet quickly asked with some alarm.

“Well, although I don’t know exactly where the particles forming inside you are coming from, they show no signs of stopping so far. In fact, it seems their production is increasing. For now, it’s not harmful, but the human body isn't designed to store so much power. Sooner or later, it will fill up, and if that happens, well…”

“Her body could collapse,” John finished, with a serious expression, making Janet's face turn pale as she also understood what could happen.

“I-it’s just a possibility. Nothing like this has ever been seen before, so to say what will happen with absolute certainty could be wrong. Maybe when her body reaches the maximum possible storage point, the generation of particles will stop, and her condition will stabilize.”

Of course, this was the best-case scenario, but whether it was Janet, Hank, or John, they all understood that the chances of this actually happening were slim. Taking the risk of letting it happen to find out would only endanger Janet's life unnecessarily.

Seeing the worry on Janet’s face, John reassured her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Though the situation isn’t ideal, we’re not without options, Miss Van Dyne. Remember, you can release that energy at will, so you just need to do that until we find a better solution.” At John's words, Janet's face lit up. That’s right! She could release the energy through her hands. She had been so worried that she had momentarily forgotten that fact.

“Release the energy?” Hank asked, perplexed. John realized he hadn’t mentioned that to him. He looked at Janet and nodded toward an empty space within the improvised laboratory that had been set up for Hank, where all his equipment had been brought earlier.

Janet swallowed but still raised her hand, and a yellow light glowed, causing Hank’s eyes to widen in amazement. Then the projectile shot out, hitting the wall and causing the concrete to crack.

Of course, Janet didn’t want to cause too much damage, so she deliberately tried to control the output power—something she hadn’t thought to do before but managed with some success once she attempted it.

“Fascinating! This—what else can you do?” Hank looked at her with almost inhuman curiosity, making Janet feel a bit uncomfortable. Still, she knew this was to be expected from a scientist, and in a sense, she understood, as she herself had a great deal of curiosity.

“Well, I haven’t tried anything else,” she responded honestly.

“H-how about shrinking or growing!? Can you change your size?” Hank’s question left both John and Janet looking at him in confusion.

“The primary function of Pym particles is to alter the size and mass of matter. Although I haven’t tested it with living beings, it should be possible, and your body is full of those particles, so…” He didn’t need to say more for both of them to understand. John had an idea that this might happen, thanks to his memories, but he wasn’t entirely sure if that would be the case, as variables always existed.

Janet hadn’t thought about it since she had been too focused on the initial use she had given these… strange abilities and the possible side effects they could have on her. But now that the analyses were out and her life didn’t seem to be in immediate danger, she could not help but let the curiosity and fascination of having obtained supernatural abilities begin to get to her. Could she really change her size? It sounded too fantastical, but… looking at her hands and the light they generated, she couldn’t help but want to try it.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She wasn't sure what she was trying to do since this hadn't come with a manual, but she was smart and felt that she could figure it out; she just needed to concentrate and try.

John stepped back a bit to give her space, and Professor Pym watched with a notebook in hand, ready to take all the notes possible.

Suddenly, a faint and almost imperceptible yellow glow surrounded Janet's entire body. Then, to the naked eye, her figure began to shrink. Of course, her clothes did not, and before John could warn her, the woman's figure was lost among the garments, which fell to the floor.

Janet was astonished. Somehow, she knew she was shrinking and could feel it throughout her body, but her happiness was interrupted when she felt herself being enveloped in enormous amounts of fabric. She opened her eyes in confusion, only to find herself surrounded by the texture of the clothing.

And she was naked, something she quickly noticed, and she couldn't help but scream in panic and embarrassment.

"Relax, you're trapped in your clothes. It seems that the shrinking ability doesn't include them. Professor Pym and I will step out. Try to return to your normal size," John said as he pulled Hank out, who seemed somewhat reluctant because he wanted to witness the entire process firsthand, but a lady needed privacy.

Janet sighed in relief when she heard them leave, and with her amazement returning, she began to move, soon emerging from the fabric and looking at the world from an amazing new perspective.

"Wow!" she couldn't help but exclaim as she saw how everything had changed, how she had changed.

Still, being naked in a place other than her room or the bathroom felt quite wrong, so she quickly concentrated and tried to return to her normal size.

She managed to do so with more ease than she expected, and without hesitation, she began to dress again.

Soon, John and Hank returned when Janet told them she was fine.

"It really works, it can really be used on living beings." Hank was quite excited about the discovery, as it presented many possibilities, almost infinite possibilities.

"Do you feel anything wrong? Any problems with your body?" John asked, paying closer attention to Janet's condition. The woman thought about it, analyzing herself before shaking her head.

"Everything feels fine. In fact, I feel lighter. I think I used up some of those Pym particles, much more than when I released energy through my hands." Even though she was still a novice, she was already starting to familiarize herself with her changes and could say this with some certainty.

"Good, that's a more efficient way to control the amount of energy within you. Professor Pym, is there any way we can make Miss Van Dyne's clothes adapt to her size change?" John asked, pulling Hank out of his thoughts and into new ones.

"Yes? I think I can do something, though I'm not sure how effective it will be. I'll need to run more tests."

"For now, let's make that a priority. I know it's not what you want, but this happened because of the incident at the science fair, and ensuring Miss Van Dyne's health is your responsibility. I hope you understand that."

Hank frowned but nodded. In fact, it was his fault that this happened. Even if John didn't remind him, deep down, he knew he had to help Janet in some way or another.

"I'd like to help, to learn more about the Pym particles. After all, they're part of me now, aren't they?" Janet said suddenly, causing Hank to frown.

His research... this was the discovery of his life. The thought of sharing it so easily didn't sit well with him, but he also understood that she was right. The Pym particles were now part of her body, so learning everything possible about them would only benefit Janet.

"Alright, I'll teach you," he said, albeit reluctantly, causing Janet to raise a triumphant fist.

Seeing this, John smiled, glad there were no unnecessary disputes, though, of course, it was still too early to say if the two of them would work well together.

He supposed he'd find out later.




"Flame On" the neutral voice said, and in the next instant, the fire ignited. Howard's eyes widened as he looked at the android, and John, beside him, smiled.

Although John hadn't interacted with the android as much as he would have liked, he had left some instructions before parting ways with it earlier that day. One of them was that it should say the classic Human Torch motto whenever its flames ignited.

The android, of course, didn't understand why, but it obeyed without hesitation.

"And you say the man gave it to you just like that?" Howard asked as he looked at the android and the data John had brought along with the robot.

"Well, some concessions had to be made, but I managed to convince him. I wanted him to work with us, but unfortunately, he refused, and you know I won't force anyone to work with SWORD." At John's words, Howard nodded with some disappointment. He would have liked to speak with this Dr. Horton, as he seemed to have great knowledge that fascinated him.

Still, with the data John had brought, Howard was perfectly capable of conducting his own studies, and who knows, he might even continue the man's research if the opportunity arose.

"So, do you think you can repair it if it ever gets damaged?" John asked the question that had been on his mind, and Howard took a moment to respond.

"Well, it would certainly be a challenge, but I'm Howard Stark, Colonel; there's nothing in this world that I can't repair," he said with confidence, making John smile.

"Well, I'll trust you. I'll leave it in your hands for now." Then he looked at the android, but before speaking, he paused in thought.

"In fact, you don't have a name yet, and just calling you 'android' wouldn't be right. Tell me, do you have something in mind?" At the question, the android blinked. A name? It hadn't thought about that before.

Could it have one? The thought was disconcerting but also made it feel good. Yes, now it could identify that sensation. It had read several of the books John had left behind, most of them quite descriptive regarding the different feelings and sensations of human beings, and even though it wasn't human, it could still identify with much of what was described.

"Isaac, I like Isaac," it said after a moment, causing John to raise an eyebrow.

"Isaac? That's an interesting name. Where did you choose it from?"

"One of the books you brought. The author's name is Isaac. I really like his work," the android replied. So it decided to name itself after its favorite author. How interesting.

"Well, Isaac, I'd like you to follow Howard for a while, at least while he studies your design. Take his orders as mine and ensure his well-being. Do you understand?" Although John wanted to take Isaac with him immediately, he knew he shouldn't rush things. He would introduce the android to the war effort gradually.

"Understood, Colonel. I will protect Mr. Stark as required."

"A real android will have my back," Howard couldn't help but whisper with childlike amazement.




"This place seems cozy, a bit small, but well, as something temporary, I won't complain," Cassandra said as she looked around the provisional room John had given them.

"Comfort shouldn't be a priority," Charles sighed, watching his sister move around the room before turning his gaze back to an extremely detailed map of Poland.

Although his role in this war wasn't entirely clear, Charles knew that his main objective was to find Hydra's main laboratory and rescue James's brother, Victor. Initially, John wanted Charles to be just an interrogator, someone who would stay safely at the base they were going to use in Europe.

But Charles had refused. There were several reasons for this, one of them being how impractical it would be to bring live prisoners to the base. Not only would it waste time, but it would also risk the prisoners with valuable information dying before reaching him, and with them, their chances of stopping Hydra before they perfected the incomplete serum.

John had said that his safety was important and that going to the battlefield would only put him at risk, but that risk was something Charles could accept. No, it was the least he could do. He wasn't going to sit back while others fought with their lives on the line; he couldn't live with that.

Perhaps it was James's memories and thoughts influencing him, but ever since he decided to join this war, Charles did so with the intention of doing so as a soldier.

His choice, of course, made John worry, but in the end, he had accepted his request, making Charles internally grateful.

On the other hand, his sister had decided that if he was going to the battlefield, she wouldn't stay behind, which, of course, was a problem. Although Charles should have seen it coming—she wasn't the type to wait patiently for things to happen, at least not when she knew what was going on.

He knew he couldn't change her mind, which frustrated him a bit. He tried to get John to prevent it, but the man had looked him seriously in the eye and said words that still lingered in his mind.

"Listen, Charles, I know you're worried about her, but your sister is her own person. Her actions and choices are hers alone, and she must be free to make them. It's not something you can prevent, but what you can do is be by her side when the time comes."

He didn't like it, not at all, but John was right—his sister wasn't someone who would sit idle for long. She was impulsive and, in a way, stubborn, and it was surprising that she had stayed at home as long as she did.

Of course, Charles knew about their father's plans, but he hadn't known how to tell his sister. Maybe it was for the best that she found out on her own, but it also ignited a spark in her that Charles knew wouldn't be easily extinguished. He knew she would leave at some point, and he wouldn't be able to stop her.

He never imagined a situation where they would leave together, but now that it had happened, he could only do his best to accompany her on this path, wherever it might lead.

"Comfort is always important, little brother," Cassandra said, but she didn't argue further. Instead, she lay down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, and asked another question.

"How many more do you think there are?" Charles looked at her, puzzled, and seeing his confusion, she clarified.

"Metahumans. How many more do you think are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? Do you think we'll encounter others in the war?"

Charles pondered this for a moment before responding.

"I don't know for sure, but it would be good if they could be on our side. I don't want to face someone who can do what you can." At that, Cassandra smirked, extending her hand to make one of the books she had brought with her float toward her.

"Don't worry, Charles. If someone like that shows up, I'll take care of them."

Yes... although Charles worried about her, the truth was that he knew she wasn't a damsel in distress. No, his sister was a real danger to others, and that was why he was concerned about letting her go to war and setting her loose in a place where she could unleash her abilities without hesitation.

He didn't know if that would be good or bad or what kind of person it might turn her into.

But John was right about one thing—he would be by her side, no matter what happened.

"It's best if you stop reading for today and get a good rest, we'll be leaving for Europe soon," Charles finally said, folding the map he had been examining and lying down on his own bed.

"Don't remind me, the excitement won't let me sleep," Cassandra replied with enthusiasm, though she did set the book aside.




John looked at Peggy, who had been unusually quiet for a long time.

"What's wrong? Are you still upset?" he asked, causing her to frown and sigh simultaneously.

It was no secret that Peggy had been strongly opposed to bringing Charles and Cassandra with them.

"They're just kids, John," she said after a moment, making John look at her.

"Maybe... but Hydra doesn't give us many options. We have to take every opportunity and advantage we have; you know that."

Peggy bit her lip. She understood. She knew they couldn't win this war relying on conventional methods, but still... Seeing her concern, John moved closer, gently stroking her back.

"Listen, I'll protect them. I won't let anything bad happen to them, I promise. And I—"

"You never break your promises," Peggy finished for him.

She sighed but finally smiled, taking his hand between her palms, feeling its warmth.

"I know I can trust you, so don't let anything bad happen to them."

Seeingher loving gaze full of affection and confidence, John almost hesitated for a moment.

Lying had never felt so wrong before.

"I will."

So he just had to make sure it wouldn't be a lie.





As I prepared to return to the war, I realized I'd left a few loose ends that I thought would be fine to happen off-screen, but on second thought, I don't want to omit things that I believe are important for future developments.

Normally, today would be a "Still Defiant" chapter, but I had some inspiration to write about "Super Soldier." I hope you like it! Please comment and leave your suggestions—what do you think would be cool to see in the upcoming chapters when the war reaches its peak?

Soon, the first superhero team will be formed, and the world will witness them. What do you think would be a cool name? I'm debating between Payback, Defenders, and The Guardians. Should I run a poll for it? If you have a better option, feel free to comment!


Sin Vergil

Love this chapter and I would like to throw my hat in for Defenders. I'm really interested what you have planned for the upcoming chapters. Off the top of my head the two big theories I have are that Mr. Sinister will be involved at some point and Sabertooth will get his massive comic body from his Compound V. Also really looking forward to what Cassandra will be like when she's in a place she can really "indulge" with her powers.


I am absolutely loving this series so far can't wait to see more