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SuperSoldier status.

Don't be alarmed, this is not a bad thing! I just wanted to let you know that the chapter release will be a little later than usual because it will be a long chapter (like two chapters in one, more or less) originally it was going to be a chapter of normal length (about 3000 words) but I realized that I would need more than that to tell everything I want and I'm not going to split it in two parts, so I appreciate the patience I'm sorry for the delay but I don't want to compromise the quality by bringing something in a hurry, I hope you understand :D

I don't want to give too exact an estimate but it should be ready before Sunday, more or less by Saturday night, but preferably I want to get it out before sunset, I will do my best to make the latter happen, again thanks for the understanding and I apologize if this bothers some people, I understand.


Benoît Valtin

ont mourra pas pour un jour de retard, par contre ont veux plus de SS PLUS

Khon Za

No problemo amigo