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At the request of one of my patreons I will publish the prologue of this story here (I want to clarify that this story has been on "hiatus" since December of last year) I have rewritten the prologue and I hope to be able to reedit and rewrite the other chapters over time ) this story will not enter the update schedule yet, I know that 98% of you are not here for it and probably many of you are not interested, even so it is like the "first" fic I made, so I have a certain affection for it and I think having her here won't hurt anyone.

 I will not upload the 10 more chapters there are, apart from the prologue, since as I said, I am going to edit, translate and rewrite them again, once I have done that I will upload them here, in case anyone is interested after reading the prologue. but if you want to read them even knowing that they will be modified, you can find the story of almost 50k words here: forums.spacebattles.com/threads/grimm-slayer-fist-rwby-opm.1120321/

or here: questionablequesting.com/threads/grimm-slayer-fist-rwby-opm.24173/#post-7458281

Having said that, I'll leave you with it and if anyone wants to read it, they're welcome.

1: flow (rewritten 04/25/2024)

What is strength? What is power?

Jaune wondered about this for a long time when he was a child, when he dreamed of being a hero.

He was naive, a fool in many ways.

But even someone like him knew that strength was necessary to save others, that having power was the requirement he needed to fulfill his dreams.

But even if he knew that, he was still ignorant about what strength meant and how to obtain it. Of course, his father deciding to hinder his path even before it began had a lot to do with that, but in the end, that was also an excuse.

Jaune didn't deceive himself about his own flaws either.

Even if his father didn't want to train him, he should have looked for other ways, he should have tried harder, attempted more, tried other options, found his own path.

but instead, he wallowed in self-pity and false hope that if he made it to Beacon, things would change.

That there he would learn everything he should have learned since he was a child.

That the only way was to enter the best combat school in the world.

How stupid.

How arrogant.

How idiotic.

He didn't even set foot on the campus grounds.

Maybe if he had sought strength, if he had tried to learn about it before running away from home like an idiot, he might have done something more.

Something more than just dying.

His foolish dreams and hopes failed the moment the Grimm began to tear his body apart piece by piece.

Ripping off his limbs, opening his body, and pulling out his guts, he saw his organs being removed from where they should be, he felt it all slowly and painfully.

Honestly, he would have preferred to die instantly, but he supposed that would be too simple an exit; somehow his body and consciousness endured everything, every wound, every stab of burning pain, until a Grimm decided to tear his head off his body with a bite.

That memory still brings nightmares.

The phantom pain still haunts him.

But surely this should be impossible, right? How can a dead person still have nightmares?

Well, he didn't know what kind of dumb luck, divine intervention, or miraculous coincidence happened to him.

The fact was that he woke up again.

Jaune Arc died in Remnant with unfulfilled dreams and broken hopes.

And Charanko woke up in a new world with a new life.




The first years were tough.

There were no Grimm, but that didn't make his new home any safer.

Unknown creatures.

Strange life forms.


Jaune hadn't known much about Grimm in his previous life, but he certainly had basic knowledge about them.

The monsters were totally different in many aspects.

Their intelligence, strength, and cunning were unparalleled.

Whole armies faced them daily and lost.

Humanity in this world might seem more united than in his old world without kingdoms and only a unified government, but that didn't mean it was safer.

The constant threat was palpable, and if it weren't for the existence of certain extraordinary individuals, humanity would have fallen long ago; Jaune had no doubts about that.

There was no general name for them, they didn't belong to the same group, and it didn't seem like they knew each other.

They were loners in many ways, but they were the ones who protected humanity.

This world didn't have hunters, there were no places that trained warriors to protect humanity, nor was there magical dust to tip the balance.

Without the involvement of these extraordinary individuals, humanity would have fallen in this world.

And so, like a naive fool who, even if he had died, still held childish dreams within him, he decided to go after his dreams once more, to seek out one of these extraordinary people to achieve what he could never in his previous life.

It helped that the man's identity was known and his place of residence public.

But why... why did the path there have to have so many stairs?!




The elderly man clasped his hands behind his back, even if he seemed a bit hunched, his posture was still firm like an immovable pillar.

He had been watching the horizon, gazing at the setting sun in the distance when something caught his attention, his gray eyebrows raised slightly as he saw the small figure climbing the steps to his dojo almost crawling.

He noticed the dirt on his hands, how they were red from the effort, he noticed the fatigue in him, how his body seemed to want to collapse at any moment, visible tremors shaking him.

But above all else, he noticed that fiery blaze in his eyes shining with surprising determination.

The least one would expect from a child no more than 6 years old able to climb the thousands of steps.

The elder despite noticing all this didn't move to help, because that would be an insult to the effort he was witnessing before him.

Instead, he waited, watching as the child struggled to climb until he reached the last step.

For a moment he thought he would faint once he reached it, but with some amazement, he watched as the child stood up and walked towards him unsteadily.

"Y-you are Master Bang?"

Bang nodded slowly without speaking, both of them staring into each other's eyes without blinking.

Then suddenly the child fell to his knees and bowed deeply before him.

"Please train me!"

That day would be deeply remembered by Jaune, after all, it was the day when for the first time in his existence someone decided to believe in him.

"Of course"




Three years later.

"It's like a current, a constant flow of water moving in all directions, like that of raging tides, capable of crushing even the sturdiest rocks"

Bang's voice echoed in Jaune's ears. Today was finally the day, after three long years of training, where he had learned basic martial arts to condition his body and mind, the time had finally come.

Today he would learn his master's true martial arts.

Except, looking at the great and furious river at his feet, Jaune wasn't sure if he would enjoy this as much as he had imagined he would.

"Like this river then, that's why we came to look at it, right? So I can understand how it works, just by looking at it from here safely and trying to understand it through observation, right?" Jaune couldn't help the tremor in his voice.

"Hahaha, of course not! To truly understand it, you need to experience it firsthand" his master laughed good-naturedly, stroking his chin as if he had a beard.

"E-experience it?! Wait, Master, maybe it's too soon, I think I should practice for another two years!"

"Nonsense! If I say you're ready, you're ready. Now go, test the flow of a river!"

With a movement of his hand that Jaune couldn't perceive, he was pushed into the air, plummeting towards the raging river below.

His scream echoed throughout the area.




At the end, his master had been right as he always was, and that experience had served him well to understand the foundations of the coolest martial art that exists, and anyone who dared to say otherwise was a fool in Jaune's opinion.

Because, how could there be another martial art cooler than the one that allows you to defy any adversity, counter any attack, and return the blow with double the force?

To fight beyond your physical capabilities, surpassing your own limits, and using the strength of your opponent against them completely?

Of course, there are many martial arts that claim to have such characteristics, but none truly compare to Ryūsui Gansai-ken!: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist

It's no wonder his master is acclaimed as the strongest martial artist in the world.

Although the master says that in reality, his older brother deserves that title.

Jaune hadn't yet met his master's brother, but from all the good things his master said about him, he must be an incredible man.

Breaking from his thoughts, Jaune focused on the task at hand.

Despite everything, Jaune hadn't forgotten the reason he sought out his master, the reason he had worked so hard.

To be a hero.

To save people.

And now, that moment seemed to have arrived unexpectedly; in front of him stood the evil that plagued this world, a monster.

Honestly, Jaune didn't expect to encounter one while out buying comics.

Maybe this is another life and another world, but some things don't change; Jaune could be forgetting many things from his past, but he still retained his good tastes.

His fondness for comics being one of them; his life now centered almost entirely on his training, and if it weren't for his master constantly instilling the need to rest properly, Jaune would have missed out on the goldmine that was the comics of this world, or mangas as they called them.

Nothing is more relaxing than a good comic read!

Returning to the matter at hand, it was in the middle of his purchase that a monster decided to appear out of nowhere.

"Ku ku ku ku! Run! No matter how much you do, in the end, everyone will be my dinner!" The monster was tall, almost four meters, its skin seemed to gleam with a metallic gray color, and its face seemed like a parody of a traditional wrestling mask.

Not to mention that its body was almost completely naked, only covered by a pair of shorts too small to be legal.

It was a ridiculous sight, but that didn't make Jaune relax or underestimate his opponent.

No matter how ridiculous he looked or how foolishly he acted, in front of him was a real monster, and his master had taught him never to underestimate any opponent.

While people fled, Jaune approached, leaving his shopping bag on the ground and preparing for the fight.

Was Jaune brave?


Was Jaune reckless?


Jaune was afraid; if he were his former self, he would be trembling uncontrollably.

Even now, his body wanted to tremble, but his master had taught him better.

He had instilled enough discipline in his body so that his posture would not falter.

Instead, his body remained firm as he advanced; having endured the onslaught of raging river currents, it was impossible for him to tremble at this point.

And although he was afraid, it wasn't for himself.

He had died a horrible death, so horrible that the event still haunted him in his nightmares.

Death no longer frightened him, not when he had already experienced it firsthand.

Instead, his fear and nervousness stemmed from the people running behind him; if he failed here and now, everyone would be in danger, their lives would be at stake.

That's why he couldn't fail.

That's why he was going to win!

"Ku! A brave kid standing in front of me! Do you want to fight me? The great iron-fisted Jack!? Then prepare yourself, insolent punk, because you will witness the true strength of a professional fighter!"

The monster wrestler lunged forward, cracking the ground with just one of its steps; its enormous body moved faster than it had any right to, creating a shockwave around it that would have killed any normal person instantly.

For Jaune, it was like watching it in slow motion; all these years practicing with his master and the other students of the dojo had sharpened his perception beyond human, elevating all his senses to the extreme.

The attack in front of him was like that of a snail.

He easily diverted the incoming blow and, clenching his fist, made his counterattack.

His punch easily struck the monster's side, its skin as hard as steel rippled, and its ribs collapsed, breaking on the spot with a resounding crunch.

"Puaj!?" Blood spurted from the monster's mouth, and its body was sent flying dozens of meters in the next instant.

Jaune looked at his fist with childish amazement; fighting against his master or the other students of the dojo, he had never been able to land such a clean and direct blow.

Of course, he knew he could hit hard, very hard; after all, the "Rock Smashing" in martial art name wasn't just for show.

You literally had to be able to crush rocks with your fists if you wanted to start practicing it.

It was the minimum requirement and the reason why Jaune took three years to be ready.

Now, at 13 years old and having been under his master Bang's teaching for 7 years, Jaune could do more than just crush rocks.

A big smile spread across his face.

He was no longer weak; he was no longer that scrawny kid who bullies picked on and his sisters had to save.

He was no longer a disappointment.

He could be a hero.




It goes without saying that his master was not pleased with his reckless act.

"Even if you managed a good hit, monsters are very deceptive, Jaune! You can't judge their strength by their appearance!"

Jaune nodded, sweating as he maintained a horse stance and lifted a rock the size of a car over his head.

"Still, it would be hypocritical of me to continue scolding you when you used your strength for the good of others" Bang sighed.

"D-Does that mean I can rest?" the boy asked hopefully.

"No! This punishment isn't because you fought; it's because you stood there staring at your fist like an idiot after landing a good hit! Seriously, if Yoshida hadn't gone shopping with you, that monster could have caught you off guard!"

Remembering what happened after his initial success, Jaune hung his head in shame. He had let himself get carried away thinking he had won and got distracted fantasizing about being a hero.

If Yoshida, one of his fellow disciples, hadn't gone with him, then he could have suffered serious injuries when the monster counterattacked.

"You'll carry that rock until the sun sets; reflect on your mistakes"




After that, Jaune continued to face more monsters in his free time.

The number of them kept increasing as time passed, and so did his strength.

Jaune tried to protect as many people as he could.

He would rather die again than allow someone to get hurt in front of him.

Jaune didn't come out unscathed every time; the strength of the monsters and their fighting styles always varied.

Even with the coolest martial art in the world, Jaune found himself in serious trouble several times.

Still, he gained a lot of experience, helping him improve his strength by leaps and bounds.

He wasn't Bang's strongest disciple, but he was surely among the top 10, and he was the youngest, so people called him the most talented.

That changed when Garuo arrived at the dojo.




What was talent?

In his first life, Jaune hadn't been good at anything; there was no area where he excelled.

Perhaps if he had searched more, if he had tried harder.

But those were just past regrets that slowly began to fade along with his old memories. In this life, Jaune believed he had found his talent.

He thought he understood the word; maybe he got carried away by the praise from his master and the other students, but Jaune gained a certain level of pride.

It wasn't petty pride or anything like that; Jaune knew that even if he truly had talent, that wasn't what made his strength grow.

Instead, it was hard work and effort that mattered most.

But even knowing that, Jaune still felt proud, proud to be called Bang's youngest and most talented disciple.

Proud of his classmates' praises.

Proud of his strength.

Garou destroyed all of that in just one month.

Garou showed him what true talent meant.

The real meaning of the word.


Truly, Jaune was grateful to Garou; he made him come back down to earth and realize that no matter the praises, no matter what others said about him, at the end of the day, he was still that clumsy, scrawny kid who had bled sweat and tears for everything he had gained in this world.

That everything was due to his effort and not to that illusory word called talent.

That he wasn't a genius.

And that was okay.




It was a few months after Garou's arrival that the Hero Association was founded.

Some representatives had come to his master's dojo seeking their participation.

Jaune's eyes sparkled with stars at the explanation the men had given, and perhaps if he hadn't been so focused on himself, he might have seen the dark look in Garou's eyes, the darkness and hatred that seemed to flood his eyes upon hearing the word "heroes."




2: What is it to be a hero?

His Master became a hero, and Jaune didn't hesitate to follow in his footsteps.

The reality was that there was no other path to consider.

He had dreamed of being a hunter, a protector of humanity, a hero.

He had failed in his previous life, but now he had the opportunity to do it in this life.

It was simply impossible for him not to participate.

And so his heroic life began. Unlike his master, who went straight into the so-called S class, Jaune had to start from the B class.

Of course, being Bang's disciple earned him a place among the top ten in the B class from the start, but that didn't really matter.

Jaune didn't care about classes or rankings; he only cared about doing his job well.

And he did.

In addition to training, he went out patrolling every day.

His efficiency and strength made his ascent in the classes rapid.

Reaching Class A was easy, but he didn't really seek to climb.

On the other hand, he met many incredible heroes, and his teacher introduced him to other S Class heroes.

His life began to be interesting; he began to be what he never was.

He was a hero, he was admired, he was strong, he had friends, comrades!

It was as if Jaune Arc had never existed.

That realization sent a shock through his system that made him shudder for a moment.

It was all worse when he realized he couldn't remember the faces of his sisters.

He couldn't remember his parents' faces.

Jaune was now 17 years old, the age at which he died in his first life. Seventeen years was a long time.

So long that forgetting old memories when you had nothing to remind you of them was easy, too easy.

So long that focusing on the present and the future was more important than thinking about the past.

So long that he didn't know if he was still Jaune or Charanko.

But even if he wasn't who he once was, he still had much of that person.

He began to do more things he remembered doing in the past, reading more comics, playing more video games.

Trying to remember his father's advice and his mother's words, even if he had no face or voice to put to them when he remembered those words.

But he had to live his life now, right? Was thinking about the past the right thing to do? Was forgetting the past better?

He realized he didn't have time to answer such questions.

Now that he was a hero, he had many responsibilities on his shoulders besides fighting monsters.

After all, even with monsters, humanity is still too good at destroying itself.

Fighting against dark organizations was starting to lose its magic after the sixth time.

It was definitely more annoying and less fun than the comics portrayed it.









The assigned name, thanks to the Hero Association, for threat levels based on how much damage and disaster they can bring to the world.

Wolf refers to mundane threats, simple criminals with nothing special beyond being against the law. Even the weakest hero could deal with them; usually, it's the local police who handle them, leaving heroes free to deal with more serious matters.

Tiger is more complicated. If Wolf is the bottom, then Tiger is the middle, threats that can bring ruin to dozens of lives or destroy parts of a city. Usually, most heroes deal with these threats either alone or in a group. Normally, a single Class A hero is enough, but it's almost always Class B and C heroes who take care of them.

Then there's the really tough part.

Demon, an entity or organization that could destroy an entire city in an instant. Even ten Class A heroes might not be enough to deal with such threats. And only the top 10 of Class A could expect to face demon-level threats on their own.

Jaune had achieved this with great effort. Facing a demon-level threat monster on his own had been the hardest battle of his life, but he had prevailed. With many broken bones and inches from dying again, but he had done it, and thus he entered the ranks of the top 10 of Class A when he was 17 years old.

He thought he was strong now, that he could protect people without fear and face the world's dangers with confidence.

Then he looked a dragon-level threat in the face.

Dragon, an entity capable of threatening multiple cities at once. Only the top heroes of Class S can face such threats.

Maybe it was too presumptuous of him then when he decided to confront one.

He almost died again.

It wasn't a fight at all.

If his teacher hadn't arrived in time, it would have all ended for him.

In the end, he had to be saved again by someone else.

In the end, he couldn't save anyone, and two cities with over 15 million inhabitants each ended up destroyed.

In the end, he failed.




"More strength, you say? Don't you think you're strong enough now?" At his Master's question, Jaune couldn't help but clench his fists.

"I... I failed. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't save anyone, I couldn't fight"

"Hmm, I see" Bang looked into the eyes of his favorite disciple.

To say he was the favorite might be too much favoritism, but Bang wasn't one to lie to himself.

Charanko had grown on him ever since he first saw him so many years ago. He was the youngest disciple he had accepted since he founded his dojo and the one he had been closest to.

He wasn't the most talented, but that mattered little compared to his ability to work hard.

He had worked harder than anyone else to be able to help others, to be a hero.

Remembering his own past, he couldn't help but let out a bitter smile. There was so much difference between them, but that was okay; that was what made him appreciate Charanko even more.

Someone like his disciple deserved strength more than others who would only misuse it.

Making a decision, he looked at his disciple before speaking.

"Follow me"




Gousei Kohou: Awakening Breath

"Breathe, take your body beyond all possible limits and unleash all the hidden strength within you and beyond temporarily. This comes with a great cost in exchange for using power beyond your body. Do not use this technique unless absolutely necessary. Using it too many times can bring health problems in the future if you're not careful"

Bakushin Kaihō-ken: Exploding Heart Release Fist

"I absolutely dislike this martial art. To me, it represents everything wrong from my past, all my mistakes... But even if I don't like it, its strength is undeniable. If power is what you seek, then only this martial art has the capacity to unleash incomparable destructive power." Bang sighed, looking at the scroll where one of his greatest failures was depicted.

A martial art he used incorrectly.

One that led him down the wrong path.

But now, this technique could be used for something better, in the hands of someone more suitable.

"Your training in these two techniques begins now"

Jaune nodded solemnly, his eyes shining with an unmatched flame of will.




It was difficult, much more difficult than anything he had ever done before. The training he underwent in the past year surpassed any other in terms of effort and difficulty.

His bones broke, his muscles tore, and every nerve in his body seemed to scream in pain.

But he didn't stop. He didn't pause or relent even once. If he wanted strength, if he wanted power, if he wanted to be a hero again, then he needed this.

He needed to surpass any limit.

And so he did.

Looking at the corpse of the dragon-level threat monster in front of him, he couldn't help but feel blank.

He had done it. He had surpassed that barrier that even lower-ranked Class S heroes couldn't.

He had killed a dragon-level threat monster.

But even so, even having won...

He couldn't save anyone again.

The city burned, buildings had collapsed, and there was nothing left but misery.

He should have known. How foolish he was to assume that having the strength to face a dragon-level threat monster was enough to change anything.

And even if the monster was dead? What did it matter when it took an entire city with it?

What was he lacking? What was needed to achieve his goal?

Jaune couldn't find that answer even when he became a Class S hero.




"The Senpū Tetsuzan-ken is not an easy martial art to learn, young Charanko. Are you sure this is what you're looking for?" Bomb looked at the young student of his younger brother, his eyes studying every part of him attentively.

"I have studied all the martial arts my master has learned. I have mastered many others, I have combined some, but no matter what I do, I still can't find the strength I seek. I keep failing to save others. The Senpū Tetsuzan-ken is the most lethal martial art there is. If even with it I can't achieve my dream, then I don't know what else to do"

Bomb thought about it seriously. His brother's student was clearly lost in his search. It seemed he had fallen into a dark path. He supposed that as his master's brother, it was his duty to help the young man out of that darkness.

"Very well, I will teach you. But what you're looking for is something you won't find simply by gaining power"




Bomb was right; Jaune didn't find what he was looking for by learning the deadliest martial art that existed.

But Bomb managed to teach him a truth he had ignored.

You can't save everyone.

No matter how strong you are, how polished your technique is, or how much effort you put into it.

Someone will always get hurt.

You can't save everyone.

It was with this cold understanding that he began his return to his master's dojo.

He didn't like it. It wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't the truth he expected.

But it was the truth.

All his triumphs, all his successes, and his meteoric rise in the hero association had blinded him.

But now he could see again, and although he didn't like it, he managed to accept it.


Who was he kidding? Of course, he didn't accept it!

He refused to! What sense was there in being a hero if he didn't seek to help as many people as he could?

And so what if he couldn't save everyone? Then he would save as many as he could!

It was as simple as that.

He just had to keep trying. He just had to keep striving.

So, he put his faith in his comrades in the association. He couldn't save everyone, but if they worked together, then maybe they could save more people.

There's strength in numbers, right?

Perhaps he should start taking some lower-ranked heroes under his wing and help them become stronger. He had never been a leader or had a team, but he supposed he could give it a try.

Of course, that was when Garou decided to destroy Bang's dojo.






3: wayward disciple.

The sight that greeted him as he entered the dojo was one of destruction and regret. His fellow disciples were in critical condition, and the place was almost entirely destroyed. When he entered to search for the culprit, the sight that greeted him was Garou reading his master's secret scrolls.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh!" Garou turned to look at him, a wild smile spreading across his face.

"Long time no see! I was really disappointed you weren't here when I started, but this solves it! I heard about your rise to the ranks of Class S, I wanted to start with some lower-ranked rookies, but I guess starting with you makes it even better. I'll test my strength by hunting down the new Class S Hero as my first prey!"

Garou stood up, still with that smile on his face. Jaune furrowed his brows, not understanding his younger counterpart's words.

Jaune hadn't come to know Garou as well during the time he had been learning under Bang, but he had never seemed like someone capable of attacking his comrades in this manner.

"Prey? Hunting? What the hell are you talking about, Garou?!" Jaune was not in a good mood. Seeing the place he had come to call home destroyed like this didn't sit well with him at all.

Even worse, one of his brothers, one of his master's students, had done it!

"You don't need to understand it. You just need to know that today, you'll fall, hero!" Then Garou attacked.

Garou was a genius; he had talent beyond anyone Jaune had ever known.

But even a genius needs time, even a genius needs experience.

Where Garou had stayed in the dojo training, Jaune had been killing monsters since he was a child.

Where Garou had focused on polishing his master's signature technique, Jaune had already mastered it and had learned many others.

Where Garou could show the strength to defeat demon-level threats, Jaune had already killed dragon-level threats.

They might be the same age, but Jaune had been training and fighting for twelve years.

No matter how much of a genius Garou was, three simple years training in a dojo weren't enough to close a gap like that.

With a well-directed blow, Garou's body crashed forcefully onto the ground.

Spitting blood, he quickly got up and launched himself backward to dodge a kick aimed at his head.

The ground sank, and the entire mountain peak shook from the impact.

'That would have killed me!' Garou looked in astonishment at the spot where he had been before.

"Surprised? You shouldn't be. You've spat on everything Master Bang taught us, you've destroyed my home, the dojo that took you in, and now you talk about hunting heroes. So, I've decided that someone like you shouldn't continue existing in this world"

Perhaps the biggest difference between Jaune and Charanko was the ease with which he could be willing to kill.

This world was much crueler than his past life's; humans were just as monstrous, if not more so, than the monsters.

He had stopped doubting a long time ago. He had no doubt that his master would have made the same decision upon learning of Garou's goals, but his master was too kind. Maybe he would have been willing to do it at first, but Jaune knew he probably wouldn't have had the will to carry it out in the end.

It was his duty as his disciple then to end this for him.

If Garou wanted to hunt heroes and deprive innocent people of the chance to be saved, then there was no mercy for him.

"Tch! Heroes, always ready to harm others without hesitation. I shouldn't have expected anything different" Garou's smile faded.

Jaune narrowed his eyes; he didn't like that look on Garou's face.

He took a stance, and the fight began again.

Certainly, Garou was a genius. As they fought more, Jaune could say without a doubt that if Garou had left the dojo earlier and had fought monsters or other opponents, his strength would undoubtedly be much greater now.

With each exchange, Garou became more skilled. He was learning from Jaune and stealing his own experience like a sponge.

Garou hadn't fully learned the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist; his master Bang hadn't taught it to him completely yet, but what he knew was enough for him to use the secret of energy currents to follow his own movements and thus increase his experience and skill.

Undoubtedly, Garou was a genius. Although Jaune knew this was possible and had used it himself to learn other martial arts to a lesser extent, he was still surprised that Garou could figure out such a thing when he hadn't fully learned the water stream yet.

What was most amazing was that he seemed to have taken it one step further and used it in a way that Jaune didn't think was possible.

This fight should have ended much earlier, but Garou managed to keep up like a sponge, absorbing knowledge and experience from Jaune with each exchange of blows.

His own level in the Water Stream technique increasing in great strides.

He couldn't go on like this. If he kept it up, Garou would soon fully learn the Water Stream because of him.

He couldn't allow Garou to keep getting stronger.

So, in an instant, Jaune stopped using the Water Stream. It was just a moment, a beat of the heart.

It was enough to catch Garou by surprise and break the flow he had been following.

Bakushin Kaihō-ken was a martial art that could display incomparable destructive power, a martial art that focused completely on offense.

Totally the opposite of the Water Stream.

And that was Garou's downfall.

Or it would have been if his master hadn't stopped his blow at the last moment.

There was a tense silence before Jaune lowered his fists and stepped back.

His master looked at Garou; Jaune couldn't see it, but a pained expression crossed his gaze.




Garou was expelled, and many of Jaune's fellow disciples left the Dojo, but some others remained.

Jaune didn't know what would become of Garou, but he wasn't willing to let him harm others following his delusions about being a monster.

If Garou truly attacked other heroes, Jaune would have to go after him.

He hoped that the talk his master had with him would make him reconsider, but he doubted it.

During the time that followed, there were no news of Garou for a while, and Jaune was forced to focus on other matters.

He had started teaching other lower-ranked heroes, and his master's Dojo had gained some more students.

The world seemed more turbulent, and more monsters began to appear.

There was another Class S hero, Genos, a cyborg.

Jaune hadn't spoken much with him, but there were good rumors about him.

Jaune kept fighting, kept saving more people, kept learning more.

The fight with Garou had given him a certain revelation, and he had begun to focus once again on the Water Stream.

The flow of energy behind the currents and the tumultuous tides.

His strength increased even more when he realized how to use the currents correctly, taking his martial art one step further by realizing that he had only scratched the surface of its true essence.

It bothered him to admit it, but without that fight with Garou, he probably wouldn't have understood the true strength behind the Water Stream despite mastering the martial art.

But now that he knew, every fight only meant that his strength grew greater, his ability and experience increasing in leaps and bounds once more.




City A was destroyed, a true alien attack! Jaune would have been even more surprised if it weren't for all the craziness he had been dealing with since he arrived in this new world.

If this were a comic, he probably would have stormed into the ship and fought against the invader.

Unfortunately, he hadn't developed the ability to fly yet, so he stayed on the ground and helped others against one of the invaders.




Garou returned, he began to hunt heroes, they hadn't explicitly said his name, but Jaune knew it must be him.

That hero hunter had to be Garou.

When Jaune had decided to go after him, his master stopped him.

"This is my fault, I let him go, and now innocent people are paying for it. As his master, it is my responsibility to stop him."

So Jaune could only leave things in Bang's hands.




4: God Slayer Fist

Things could worsen so quickly that Jaune could barely believe it.

Everything was a disaster—Garou, the Monster Association, the sudden large-scale attack.

Everything had gone downhill rapidly.

And now, standing in front of him with his master defeated, was Garou, transformed into a monster.

"It's you. I didn't expect us to meet again like this," Garou seemed relaxed, his posture displaying an unmatched confidence.

"But it's good that you're here. You were my first prey and my first failure. It's time to rectify that. Your defeat will mark the beginning of my absolute dominance"

Jaune didn't speak; the time for that had passed. He didn't believe he stood any chance of defeating Garou anymore.

If his master failed, what chance did he have? But even if he couldn't do it, he had to try.

The fight was one-sided at the beginning. Garou contented himself with toying with Jaune, demonstrating his superiority and boasting of his strength.

That began to change slowly but steadily.

"This feeling!?" Garou opened his eyes, recognizing a familiar sensation.

His blow was diverted and countered, which should have been impossible.

Every move that followed, every attack diverted and countered, only made that feeling of familiarity grow in Garou's chest.

He had felt this before when he and that idiot Metal Bat had faced that huge centipede together.

"Damn it!"

Jaune and Garou didn't know each other well, they hadn't spoken much, but they had practiced together a few times.

Both used the Water Stream as the central foundation on which they built their strength. This was truer for Jaune than for Garou. The Water Stream was the martial art he had grown up with, the one upon which he had relied to grow from a helpless child to a Class S hero.

He might have learned other martial arts before realizing the truth in the currents of the Water Stream, but that didn't change what the core of his martial arts was.

Garou had also taken the Water Stream as his core; it was the pillar of his strength and what led to his perfect fist.

What led him to the pinnacle of martial arts.

And for that reason, he couldn't defeat Jaune. It was like it was their first fight, the fight Garou had lost but with the roles completely reversed.

Jaune was using the Water Stream to enter Garou's energy flow and copy his technique.

Jaune wasn't a genius, but the martial art his master had created was so incredible that it allowed him to grow as quickly as a genius, even faster thanks to Garou.

Realizing this, Garou tried to do the same thing Jaune did to him, to break the flow and thus end the fight.

It was a pity for Garou that Jaune wasn't him. He knew the flow could be broken, so he didn't limit himself to the Water Stream; every time Garou changed his style, Jaune did so accordingly.

Every martial art Garou knew, Jaune had also learned.

Every style Garou had taken by force, Jaune had learned it the right way.

Even if Garou pulled out a style Jaune didn't know, he could still keep up and instantly copy that style.

Then there was resonance.

Even if there was an abysmal difference in their raw power, the extremely similar nature of that power and the flow of energy currents created resonance and exponential amplification.

Jaune began to quickly catch up to Garou.

"Impossible!?" Garou couldn't understand it or believe it.

Something of this nature was beyond even his comprehension.

For a brief moment, Garou considered stopping the fight, but at the same time, he realized that his strength was also growing.

This was an opportunity!

He didn't think it was possible, but he was actually getting stronger. He believed he had already reached the absolute peak of power, but now he knew that wasn't the case.

So the battle continued, and Garou decided to fight for real.

"Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist!"

"God Slayer Instant Attack!"

"What!?" Jaune barely managed to deflect the thousands of blows that were directed at him in an instant from what seemed like all directions. Garou's attack almost overwhelmed him completely.

"Amazed? This is the pinnacle of martial arts! The combination of all the styles I've learned brought to perfection: Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist!"

"Tch! I didn't expect you to have the naming ability of an 8-year-old... but since that's the name you've decided to give it, then I'll respect it! God Slayer Instant Attack!"

Of course, Jaune wouldn't fall behind at this moment, not when, by some miracle beyond his comprehension, he was keeping up with Garou and not losing completely. So he returned the attack. It wasn't perfect yet, but it was an almost exact copy, and that was enough to catch Garou off guard.

His fists connected, but Garou's monstrous body was harder and more resilient than anything Jaune had faced before.

"Hahahaha! Yes, that's it! Make yourself stronger! You'll only make my own strength increase! I thought my fist was perfect, but it seems there's still room for improvement. Let's perfect my martial art beyond any limit!" Garou laughed with excitement and quickly pressed forward.

"Whirlwind Calamity Cutting Fist!"

In the distance, a mountain was cut into pieces. The extremely thin and compressed air currents were more lethal than any other attack Jaune had faced, and he barely managed to dodge, but the damage was evident—deep cuts spread across his body.

"Do you like it? It's the improved version of the old man's brother's technique," Garou smiled, his sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

That smile vanished when equally sharp and cutting air currents almost blew his head off, the ocean splitting behind him to reveal the ocean floor.

"Don't be arrogant. You may have copied that technique and think you've improved it, but I learned it from the true master," Although he said that, Jaune had to admit to himself that Garou's version was extremely superior, and that's why he copied it.

"Tch! You say that and yet you use it, you bastard." The fight didn't stop because they exchanged words; the speed at which they moved left residual images, creating a trail that soon turned into something akin to a star formation of lights in the sky.

Like a constellation on the rise.

Jaune pushed aside any other thoughts; his mind focused solely on defeating the enemy in front of him—every movement, every breath, every moment.

All his focus was on defeating Garou.

If this were a duel between two humans, then such a fight wouldn't have a winner or loser. Unfortunately for Jaune, he was just a human, and his enemy was already a monster.

His wounds continued to accumulate, and Garou regenerated at an impressive speed, nullifying any hint of injuries Jaune managed to inflict.

In the end, the result was decided before it began, and although Jaune knew it, he didn't give up even when his body could take no more.

"Truly, you're surprisingly persistent. It's a pity. A human can never compare to a monster like me. This is the end," Garou relaxed, looking at his opponent who staggered before him, missing an arm and with a large hole in the side of his chest.

It was truly a pity. If he could fight a little longer, if they could exchange a few more blows, Garou felt he could overcome an invisible barrier.

But it didn't matter anymore; his strength was now incomparable. No one could match him.

He walked away ready to begin his final hunt.


Jaune could no longer see; his eyes filled with blood had clouded, and his other senses were numbing.

Had he failed? Even though he knew he couldn't win, it was still bitter, really bitter. He was going to die again; he could feel it.

Although it was only slightly longer than his previous life, he really came to appreciate this new life, didn't he? He really achieved many things, didn't he? Although he failed many times, he also triumphed many more. He couldn't achieve everything he set out to do, and he left many things unfinished, but at least, in this life, he truly wasn't a disappointment.

He really came a long way, but everything has to end at some point... truly disappointing.

There was the sound of something hitting the ground, a slight tremor.

"Who are you supposed to be?" A strange but familiar voice reached Jaune's ears. Although he couldn't hear as well as before, this voice sent an unprecedented sense of relief.

A smile spread across his gaunt face, and his body finally surrendered and began to fall.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" The sound began to reach him more faintly, but he no longer cared. Now that everything was fine, so what if he failed? In the end, all he had to do was buy time.

"What am I supposed to be, you ask?"

"I'm Garou, the monster."

Garou began to rant, but Jaune no longer cared. Now that everything was in place, he let his body relax, the cold embrace of death beginning to envelop him.

He really hoped his master wouldn't be too sad. In the end, it was his choice to end like this. He wondered what would come next, what comes after death when you die for the second time?

He hoped there would still be comics and video games; it would be really boring if not.

"Everything is in your hands now, Saitama."










It was with a startle that he woke up, his eyes snapping open, and his body leaping upright in the air, landing agilely in a combat stance even before knowing what was happening. This sent a jolt of mild pain; muscles that had never been used in this way before were suddenly strained, causing Jaune to feel an improper stretch. This had never happened to him; his body had long ago become accustomed to moving in sudden bursts of speed.

Now it seemed his body wasn't ready for his movement.

"Everything okay in there, Jaune? Heard a weird noise, never mind, come down! Breakfast is almost ready." A vaguely familiar but unknown voice called out to him. Jaune blinked confusedly before noticing his surroundings.

It was a somewhat small room, posters of video games and comics adorned the place. A television was in the corner alongside what looked like a gaming console. Some books were scattered on the floor, and there were action figures on the shelves adorning the walls. A window let in the soft morning sunlight. Jaune rubbed his eyes and began to stretch properly, feeling that his body was strange, different.

Looking at himself, he seemed to have shrunk; his muscles disappeared, and he felt weak, very weak, extremely weak, like weak to the level of an insect.

Maybe that last part was an exaggeration; insect-type monsters were probably stronger than he was now.

With no small amount of confusion, Jaune searched for a reflective surface, opting for the television in the corner of the room. Upon seeing himself, he couldn't help but blink several times—blue eyes, blond hair, and a bewildered look.

"What the hell?"

"Jaune, come down already!" Another shout, and Jaune straightened up.

Jaune? That was his old name, right? How did someone else know it? He had never mentioned it to anyone.

Still, he responded; he was weak, very weak. The simple action of taking a stance quickly and having his body ache from it demonstrated this. Getting into a fight now wasn't smart.

"I'm coming!"

So he opted to be peaceful until he figured out what was going on, although judging by what he had gathered so far, he had a vague idea in his mind.

"I really can't stay dead, huh...?"




End of prologue



OK, I get it so basically he died in his original world first then he went to one punch man trained became one of the most powerful heroes died again went back to his original world to finish what he started there nice


That was AMAZING can’t wait to read more on it.🔥