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What do you think now? I still have to polish more things but I think it's taking shape, I think I have to correct some mistakes but I can probably finish this illustration in a few days, by the way Raven is also there hahaha. Tell me what you think and what you think I should correct / add / modify, as always I read all your comments, I am also working on the next update of Supersoldier but it is a bit complicated since I have been reading a lot about history for the upcoming events, I know that I said that history should not be taken as a historical reference and that the events that happen during and after the Second World War are not "faithful or realistic representations" even so I feel that I must have a certain basic historical context to be able to modify the events of appropriately and not just writing "this happened because I wanted it that way lol" so an apology for the delay.




Looks pretty good, lots of improvements. The proportions on the arms seem off somehow but idk what it is, or maybe it's the torso like other folks are commenting, I can't tell which it is. I think the only thing that's throwing me off a bit is the hair and beard linework being done in different colors so I'm just imagining blond hair and a blue beard lol.


His torso looks too skinny but other than that he looks amazing! I can really see the improvement of his face from the first drawing. Love it!