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So, I've been working on Chapter 12 of Almost Invincible, and as I was pondering the plot and future plans, I realized that there were two paths I could take with the story. You could say that this Chapter 12 is a turning point.

 I wrote about what I thought was the best path to take (at that moment, it seemed really cool in my mind), but after finishing writing and revising it dozens of times, I realized that I wasn't sure if this would be to your liking, since you support me now, I want to write things that not only appeal to me but also to those who have spent their time and money on this. Therefore, there will be an exclusive survey (you could say this is another perk of being subscribed to Patreon.)

 Chapter 12 will be released in a day or two (once I finish fine-tuning some details and translating it). After that, I'd like to hear your opinion on it, whether the path taken is the "right" one and if the plot development is interesting. Depending on your feedback and suggestions, I may rewrite the chapter completely (with the second path in mind) or simply make some changes. If most people like it, then I probably won't change anything. What do you think of this idea? Or would you prefer that I just write what I think is cool and you just read?



Sounds interesting. Hope Mark is still a hero