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Kickstarter Countdown: FIVE DAYS LEFT

Our Life: Now & Forever Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page

With that said, it's the 5th of the month, so that means it's time for the Question Thread!

Here you can ask me things you're wondering about for our games or company and they'll be answered at the end of the month an an audio recording (with a text transcript too). Just make sure the questions long follow the guidelines!


1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices/art assets Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing Step 1. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about a half dozen characters or wanting an entire theoretical situation described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

The thread will close after October 19th.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



Hi! First I just wanted to say I really love Our Life and I am so excited to see NF come together! My question is about OL1. Why does Baxter seem to have an easier time deciding to rekindle his friendship with the mc in Cove's wedding story than in his own Step 4? Is it because he's done something important for them by helping plan their wedding, so he feels like he "contributed" enough to deserve it?

Alyn Revilo

Okay question time! It's been quite nice seeing all these updates and seeing the kickstarter so close to opening up, thank you to the team for all the hardwork! I hope the process is as satisfying to create as it is to view from outsider's perspective. A few questions I have is: 1) What has been the most satisfying part of the gamemaking process for you across all the games you've made thus far and plan to make in the future? 2) Can we expect to see a romance develop between Yusuf and Opal? I'm so down to see that romance, I'm wingmaning in my headcanons 3) Someone asked in regards to OL1 and XOXO in the past but when you were going into the character creation of OL2, what were the planned sexualities you had in mind for the characters? We know already from OL1 that Baxter is pan and we also know Vianca is a lesbian, but I was curious about everyone else. 4) Can we expect to ever see Tamarack's parents show up in any Step of the game considering the looming threat she'll have to move away from Golden Grove? 5) Have you made sure to hydrate today?


We already know Cliff and Kyra's story about how they met and got together, but what about Pam and 'Lani's? Did you have a story in mind for them? Honestly, I've always thought they were like childhood (or maybe teenage) crushes that reunited later in life. The sapphics were always meant to be <3


Also, you've spoken before about how, when creating a story, you mostly start with a tone or theme. Are there any themes that you find yourself frequently find yourself drawn to?


Will we be able to get a part time job at the diner table


I am not sure if this question was ever asked before, but i am wondering what the MBTI types of the main characters are? Cove, Baxter, Qiu, Tamarack etc?


i just finished the newest demo for ol2 and its really good but i want to ask if you guys know when the next demo is going to come out ^-^


We know that Baxter's aesthetic is mainly black and white, but does he wear black and white socks?


Hi , I really love your work. My question is : I know that lactose intolerance is a recurring one, but will there be other medical condition like diabetes that the MC can have?


I wasn't sure, but I have to ask! Are the MC's in OL 1 + 2 neurotypical or neurodivergent? Or is that just up to the player?


Also, what does Mrs. Murray like to do in her spare time?


hi! (if something along these lines has already been asked, feel free to omit my question) I was wondering, mainly for Qiu/Tamarack/Cove/Baxter, what would their preferences be about books/reading? (like, would they really like it, be okay with it in certain settings, be indifferent, not like it, etc?) and, if they do like it, what would their favorite genres and/or types of books (novels, graphic novels, visual novels, short stories, etc) to read be? I'd love to create like a fan-fiction with them & my MC(s) centered around this lol <3


Hello! I hope you're doing well! I had two questions! First! How tall are Baxter and Derek? Second! What are their thoughts on Halloween? Love it? Hate it? ( Cove, Baxter, & Derek)


At what time did Tamarack get her glasses (between Stage 1 & 2)? Did Omi and Opa bring her to an optometrist or was it her parents during the times they came by to visit? When I went into 9th Grade, I had problems with seeing writing on the blackboard at a distance, so I had to try to get as close to it as I can to read it. It wasn't until I got my driver's licence that I learned that I needed to wear glasses because I was nearsighted. When Tamarack kept on wanting to get a closer look at people, it reminded me of my problem by the time I got my glasses. My eyesight was so poor, that I needed the glasses just to see the detail of another person's face.


What are Qiu and Tamarack's opinions on camping? [sorry if you already said] Camping is one of my fondest memories I had with my family. They'd even sometimes allow the older kids to bring their friends lol.

Anna Bia

Hi! First i have to thank(again) for OL games, your work is amazing and a life saver! (Can't wait for the kickstartter!) Second i wanna thank for bringing autism to your game, without making a big deal about it... i have to say, as an autistic person seeing a caracter like me made me so happy, and it really helped me be more kind to myself, so thanks for that too 😅🥰and on that note... Is Qiu neurodivergent? It kinda seems like it, specially in that little bit of step 2 (and i loved it, not gonna lie) Oh! And another question, i know is early... but is there a chance, even if small, that Opal dates Yusef? I know she is ace but she is open to romance if i remember right... And last question, what good nicknames would you pick for Qiu? I am curious about what petname or special nickname you would give them


I just quickly wanted to say, Our Life is the best visual novel i’ve played. I hold Cove really close to my heart, and the fandom is filled with such kind people. Anyway, my question is: does Tamarack keep playing the cello after Step 2? And does she end up being friends with Vianca or Serenity in step 3?


Hi! i absolutely love your work. My question is how do you make sure our names are pronounced properly once submitted for kickstarter ? my name is always getting mispronounced and I just would like to know how it works


What would be the OL 1 and 2 casts' favorite piece of fiction be? The medium doesn't matter, be it a Book, TV Show, Movie, Videogame, or whatever else it might be.


Hey Kab! Hope this month has gone okay with all the planning for the Kickstarter and everything, and that you're generally doing well. Here's my question. I realize it may be too early in development for there to be an answer, or you might not want to disclose this information yet. Either way it's totally fine, but I wanted to ask anyway. So, is there a plan for how Step 4 will be in OL2? Will Qiu and Tamarack have separate epilogues like the OL1 LI's, or will there be one epilogue for both of them? Perhaps both of these options, or something else entirely?


I love that we get the option to dress our character up in a different outfit once in a while! I was wondering if we might also be able to change our character's hairstyle during these dress-up moments, too? Specifically, I'm thinking about the hinted at formal dance Moment. It would be nice to pick a special outfit and hairstyle for that.


Totally this! Like putting your hair up for a more physical activity like Wheels, too


Hello and thanks for working on these fantastic games! I dunno if this has been asked before, but is there any chance that we're getting a pet in OL2? Pamela and Noelani were strictly against it in OL1, but I think it would be cute, especially on the smaller family of just Opal and MC2.


Now that the polyamorous option is confirmed can we get engaged to both characters in step three??


Hello! In Step 4 is Baxter still a big fan of metal music? Or did his tastes change over time? Thank you :)


How does Mrs. Murray feel about her students (in Step One ofc, since I'm aware she isn't their teacher in later steps)? Or does she not have any opinions about or on them and is just one of those 'students are all the same' teachers? Asking about Tamarack and Qiu particularly since I imagine it can vary largely with MC themselves.


Hi, thank you so much for the wonderful game you created, it's one of my favorites of all time and I would like to play it even when I'm away from home. In this regard: will there be the possibility of playing it on Nintendo Switch in the future? It would be great to take Cove and the other characters with me while I travel.


Hi! Just wanted to say thanks as always for your hard work. OLBA was a huge comfort to me in this last year, and I'm so looking forward to OLNF! The beta has been so fun. I just wanted to ask what kinds of questions are the most fun for you to answer? Hardest to answer?


Hi, I’ve got some questions about Cove: what’s his love language? How would he react if MC wanted to paint his nails(and in which step would he feel most comfortable doing that?)? And finally, how did he decide he wanted to pierce his ears? Was it something he’s always wanted to do or was it something he decided someday? Thank you for reading my questions and have a nice day! :)


Hello, This has been something thats been on my mind for a while that i want to ask just to be certain: Will there be an equal amount of hair styles for different textures of hair? Like straight, wavy and textured will have the same amount of options? I have a MC with textured hair but so far there are very few hair options for them, so i just wanted to ask for future reference.


Asking after the KS has been fully funded along with the Wedding DLC (congratgulations)! Do Qiu and Tamarack have a preference on the surname their spouse takes or are they pretty much like the other OL LI's and are flexible? Also, do either of them prefer to play a big part in the wedding planning or are both relatively laid back like Cove? Last but not least (you'll probably have answered this question at least once before the Q&A has been done) will the DLC be available for an MC who has gone the poly route?


Was it surprising to get OL2 funded in twenty minutes and the Wedding DLC in an hour?


Hello! I had a question about the custom room decor on the ks since this'll be answered before it's over lol. It says that nothing copyrighted can be asked for which makes sense, but could we request a vague reference? Like if someone wanted a gravity falls ref they couldn't ask for the poster of the show on the walls, but could they ask for a blue pine tree keychain or something in the room? Thank you!

Anna Bia

Hey! Coming back with one more question 😅 First congratgulations! I am so happy and proud of you for how far you come and also proud of the fans for making this possible! Now, for my question... there are A LOT of Bakers that chose the reward of adding a voiced name, it will be even possible to add that many names?


Hello! First time asking a question for one of these lol. Do you think Baxter will plan the wedding in OL2 like he did in OL1? I just think that would be really fun considering Baxter was a close friend with Qiu in earlier steps. (not sure if anyone has asked this yet..)


Hello! My question is are there any plans or is there a possibility that Tamarack or Qiu could get a plushie, such as Cove? Also is there a chance any other characters could get plushies such as Derek or Baxter? Thank you for answering my question <3


Congrats on getting OL2 + the wedding DLC funded! My question is how did Akmigone end up becoming the composer for OL2. I believe you mentioned in past Q&As that you tend to seek out artists and musicians for your games yourself (though I might be misremembering that). If that's the case, where did you first find Akmigone's work?


Hey! First time asking a question here, but before that, i would like to say that i really like your games, since i started playing OR1 and OR2 i fell in love with them, i really thank you for you fantastic work you have done! Then what i wanted to ask was something about OL2, sorry if the question seems strange, but are there any plans to bring back the color thing (blue, green and yellow or anything similar to that) to better understand the mood for the dialogue options? because i recently played the OL2 demo, and i noticed this difference with the first game, not that it's a bad thing, just that for me (not being a person who speaks english as a first language) it made it easier to understand better the answer that i was giving, not that it needs to be changed or anything, it was just to know. Thank you for reading my question, i hope you have a nice day :) (p.s. Sorry if the english i have used sounds off, but as i said it's not my first leanguage so i hope it was comprehensible enought)


Congratulations on the success of the Kickstarter campaign! In OL1, it was possible to tell your cousin Lee that you had a crush on someone you know from school if you don't have a crush on any of the male leads. In OL2, if we don't plan to date either of the neighbors, will we have an opportunity to say that we are crushing on or dating someone? It would be cool to be able to type in their name, too.

rory 𖤐

hey! congratulations on reqching the 200k goal and i hope you’ve reached 250k by the time you’re answering these questions, i understand that you may not be able to answer this question right now but i was wondering, in OL1 when mc confesses to cove in step 2 they choose to not have a relationship cause their parents may not be okay with it since they’re young, would things be different in step 2 of OL2? thank you :)!


Congratulations on the Kickstarter campaign! Over 3,000 backers at the moment! I was wondering how Derek and Baxter would react to the MC telling them that something they said to them in the past changed the course of their life in a positive way? Like the MC was set on doing one thing but they took a whole different path because of something they said.

rory 𖤐

hi kab! on tumblr you said that in step 1 mrs. murray notices when qiu or tam have a crush on the mc but does mr. murray notice as well in step 2 (or maybe earlier since he probably knew that long before) and in general how obvious are their crushes on the mc? thanks !


What were you up to when the Kickstarter went live! Were you just sitting there keeping an eye or did you get up for a little bit kind of take a mental break and hope for the best! How was your Kickstarter day, I’m sure it was so busy trying to get posts up everywhere.


Hey GB! My question is about how you keep the things important or in the mind with the time gaps of four years. You can have all these lovely moments in step 1, bonding and being close, crushing on each other and it’s all only in fall. We still have the other seasons and then four full years. Of course as players it feels fine we get to see the moments and live them, and they stay fresh in our memories. But do you have an idea how it works for Qiu and Tamarack? For them they would have lived those years. Maybe they’ll be bits of dialogue kind of detailing some significant events between steps perhaps.


Bit of a strange one, were the Patreon bonus moments always intended from the beginning/came up with on your own, or were they made due to popular demand for 18+ content?


Hii i have two halloween related questions: - Can Qiu, Tamarack or Renee watch horror movies or are they too afraid to watch? - We know what XOBD version of Cove would be like but what about Qiu and Tamarack? Anything going on with them?


Congratulations on meeting and exceeding so many stretch goals for OL2! I hope this gives the GB Patch team some relief and inspiration. You've got a very dedicated fanbase. Speaking of the fanbase, my question for this month is, how does it feel to see the headcanons, fanart, comments, theories, etc of the OL fanbase? Are there certain things you've seen that you've really liked/disliked, or do you tune it out so you can focus on your own ideas?


hello, happy spooky season!! the kickstarter got me thinking and i wanted to ask if the voiced names will ever be in one of the patreon beta builds? i've never actually played a beta that was supposed to have voicing in the finished version and i was curious as to how that'll work. congratulations on the successful crowdfunding campaign, y'all deserve it!!!

Anna Bia

Hi! Congratulations again for how the kickstartter is going! So i came back with another question, now that you exceeded the goal (by a lot) do you think we maaaybe can have the Renee DLC?


Hi, this is a question about OL2, so I understand if you can't answer it. My question is: In OL1 you could pick how Cove looked. I know Qiu and Tamarack have different looks that will be connected to their personalities but will you the player also have the option between steps to choose their look like we did with Cove. Either way, very excited for the game. Loved the demo.


Congrats on the successful Kickstarter! My question is, hypothetically if the leads from OL1 and OL2 swapped locations (meaning OL1 taking place in Golden Grove and OL2 taking place in Sunset Bird), what would their outdoor hobbies be? Cove is an ocean boy at heart, but if you take away the beach- what would he be interested in doing in a woodsy town? I'd also like to hear what Tamarack and Qiu would do in a beach town!

Kara Onasi

I’m so happy that the Kickstarter has been such a success! I’m looking forward to beta for OL2 from here forward! I’m still totally gone for Baxter so I have a couple of questions (if you are willing): (1) How does Baxter maintain that stage 3 hair? Does he manage re-dyeing that intricate striping himself? Does he have to have a stylist do it frequently? (2) You said that Baxter starts his one night stands a couple of years into high school. Does that end up gaining him a bad reputation?


Super happy to have the B-Man appear in Step 4 of OL2! Is there going to be a way for us to choose if he is in a relationship or not? I know our MC from OL1 won't make an appearance, but If possible I think it'd be neat if we could choose that he mentions he's in a serious relationship.


Will there be a Halloween moment in each step or only in a single step?


Seeing as how it's mentioned with Qiu pretty regularly, will we be able to choose if/how popular or MC is and/or if they tend to have lots of admirers?

Tessa Löffel

Will it be possible to change the look of Tamarack and Qui at the beginning of the Steps (for example Hairstyle etc.) just like in OL1 with Cove?


In OL1 we have the option to tell MCs Moms about what happened at Miranda's birthday with Jeremy in Step Two. I was wondering how was that handled? How did they react and what soluctions were offered? It doesn't seem to be brought up again in game so I was curious.


I've only just been able to re subscribe, so I've missed a little information so sorry if this is already answered. I think I remembering you saying that you wouldn't do a dlc romantic character so this is just theoretical but who would be the most likely dlc character for our life 2?